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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, I'm sure every single NPC in the game isn't going to be parading around in a cloak. Nor would I imagine one's own character will be forced to don one, if the player doesn't want the look/roleplaying of one. At the moment we're not even 100% clear if they will be in the game ... only that they're working on/looking into it.
  2. That Titan Helm and chest piece is expensive on the AH ... relative to the other pieces which are cheap. That much price variation seems odd, since you'd need all of them for the whole set. Game economies can be strange. I've burnt out on combat in general. All my alts. get to lvl30 then sit in the prayer circle of the Enclave and rarely budge ... my main Rogue has gained 8+ levels (just turned 40) doing nothing but picking her nose, haha. Gotta love a MMO that lets you do that.
  3. You'll still get AD's from P. Caravan ... but not as many. Not that it was a lot to begin with. *rolleyes* Did you read that whole forum post list? Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be more than just "fixing" some profession tasks. Leadership lvl17, Deliver Metals task ... pays well and I have oodles and oodles of mining claims. Can't wait for the lvl20 one tho, with no materials needed. Tailoring at 20, the others all at 19.5, but stopped to focus more on Leadership on all alts, again. Most are 14/15 now. Alchemy - seemingly, while you can make the dye packs from lvl7 on, how many you get is based on the quality of assets, like the armor stuff. Which is stupid. Max quality, get 6. Lesser, might get 1 or 4. Also, from the screenshot thread: Have you discovered if you can get them as drops at all? I have a few, but since they're still expensive on the AH I don't want to use them until I at least have a high chance of getting the T3 result (slot). Which will be a long time from now.
  4. Does this mean that loot often feels varied/unique-ish and rewarding, with a reasonable chance of getting something decent, thus giving motivation to keep on looking for it? Because that's one area Diablo3 failed miserably, for me. And NW:Online too, for that matter (the variety aspect anyway). There's few things in an action-y loot game that I dislike more than boring or almost statistically impossible to acquire RNG loot.
  5. Doubles as a blanket or pillow or face covering when the sand is blowing or the sun is burning, and in a pinch, they can be used as a carrying bag! ....there are heavy, thick hooded cloaks/almost-ponchos for cold and rain and there are lighter, more decorative or other purpose cloaks. Weather doesn't always have anything to do with why they're worn.
  6. Just as soon as I find that missing catnip rucksack where I hid my spare rainy-day buyout funds in. My cat probably hid it somewhere ... y'know how they are.
  7. I really need to get around to trying Sacred2 someday. I liked the original Sacred for about 4 days but then stopped. Something about the perspective/combat mechanics felt really awkward at the time, tho I did like the humor/other aspects of the game. But #2 seemed like it might be an improvement in that regard. Having a Seraphim with a saber toothed tiger riding mount might be purrrrfectly awesome too.
  8. Still green shirt and pants, I see. Same here. My mailsmith is still lvl17, and even if it was 20, I don't have the blue/purple tools to give me a socketed shirt, so I'm not bothering ... yet.
  9. RCT is up for sale? For the highest amount on that list? Interesting. I loved the first game, and #2 was ok, never tried 3, wasn't interested when it went big 3D and stuff.
  10. The current guesses are a "pre-patching" of some of the stuff that's been coming up in the current test/preview shard content changes. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?365451-Patch-Notes-NW-3-20130529z-20 ...they're nerfing Protect Caravan's reward (Leadership Task) and doubling the time for the Explore Local Area task. For cryin' out loud, how important. lol
  11. It's been so farking humid the past couple of days, I can't stand it. This isn't FL ... go away. Resting in bed, chock full of Advil most of the day, to the tune of reality TV shows. When one is grumpy themselves, Gordon Ramsay's constant cussing sorta grows on a person after a while. Sorta.
  12. I don't know about US fashion today, but I sure am glad the 80's hair fads are over.
  13. I believe in the scientific method and science as a whole. I just don't believe a lot of science has enough information yet to come to a 100% true conclusion about much of anything very complex. It hasn't been long enough.
  14. I've always gone with the feeling that things like the Like button overall decreases true social back and forth, because as time goes on, more and more people just hit the Like button vs. actually responding to the post with something that may inspire more responses/conversations.
  15. I needed some cat cute, sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4fyFpLUlm8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdEXl0HMfjc
  16. Everything hurts and I'm cranky like a cat who has been staring at an empty food bowl for hours. Been listening to "Men in Black" all day, via the headphones. Something about the rhythm of the song is kinda soothing in a grooving way.
  17. Hah. I have idly wondered, considering the love/hate of the chr./Drows, whether a Foundry series based on Drizzt and his buddies would go over well. Not directly from the books, but some adventure. I could even have two versions: one where the player could kill Drizzt in the end, and one where he helps you out. Or something. Covers both bases! ...but these days I'm too lazy/unmotivated to likely even create a fast quest run like Bill's Tavern....
  18. Fried roaches, yes, that's the ticket. Crunchy protein yums! As to Soylent, like with any liquid nutritional substitute goop, I'd have to wonder if living off it entire would equal some inconvenient or embarrassing intestinal issues after a while. I think I'll pass. That said, drinking a glass as a replacement meal once or twice a day wouldn't hurt anyone without an allergy to any of the ingredients. Assuming that list of ingredients they give out is accurate. But whatever ... as long as a diet one is using is working for one's personal needs/wants, that's really all that matters. Myself, I couldn't give up the fun of ripping, tearing, and masticating my food with my teeth. Growr.
  19. Crimson Tide. Hadn't seen it in a while. It's no Das Boot, but it's still an entertaining flick. But mostly, I just miss Gene Hackman (in films..he's still alive).
  20. Every time I watch Falling Skies (which isn't often at this point), I always wonder how much work it is for the makeup artists to make sure all those arm tattoos on Pope (Colin Cunningham) are consistent episode to episode.
  21. I think it's more a factor that the increasing number of cable stations creating original content = more good roles available in series media than in film media. I read interviews all the time about how frustrated some actors are by the stupid scripts/films/roles that come their way...ones that don't let them stretch or really use their acting chops. eg, not interesting to the artist. Especially for middle-age/older actors. While it may be fun and a boost to the career to be in Star Trek or The Hobbit, those types of films aren't exactly actors roles - especially when they're often ensemble casts. Whereas a TV series may be more willing to give them lead, producing credit/creative control, etc. in order to get a bigger name for their show. I think it used to be, long time ago, sort of a "bad career move" for film star to go to TV (it was seen as a downgrade) but as that viewpoint changes, more are taking advantage of it.
  22. Happy B-day, Ros. Another year older, another year none the wiser? ...the past couple weeks I've been looking for a simple coffee pot (for hubs) that isn't super tiny or super big. You'd think this wouldn't be difficult. Apparently it is.
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