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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Another Borderlands 2 weekend w/the hubby! I bet y'all didn't see that one coming. ...one day I might actually find another game/series he'll like to play. I still can't believe how much he latched onto it.
  2. Seems you can turn them around w/the controller. Controller melee key is by pushing down on one of the movement joysticks, which is (to us) actually kind of awkward, since you're trying to push it down as well as use it to frantically move around. ...I bought some of the BL2 skin packs. Steam's page showed this Pyscho executioner-like hood, and I thought, "cool." But...what they did was cut off the top of the head/hood, so when you get in-game you realize it has this folded over, pointy top. Which isn't so cool. Oh well...I do like having a bald Maya, and some of the others.
  3. I had an orange cat named Milo. No blue cats, yet. Reservoir Dogs Yeah yeah, I know. No "Mr. Pink," "Mr. Brown," or "Mr. White," either. Mr. Grey and Mr. Black is the result of me being too lazy to think of official names anymore. In "person" I don't even call them those very often...just "hey hon, looklook, black kitty is being cute again" or "Such a beggar, kittah want some tweets? Huh? Of course you do. Tweetstweets, Furface always wants some tweets." ...what is it about animals that makes so many of us talk like that. Edit: I could call one FuzzyPants and the other FuzzyButt, but ... nah.
  4. Hubs uses the pc xbox controller, I'm not sure he can "turn" him like we can with the mouse. Can you, any idea? If not, hubs won't be playing him for long. I didn't know about that. That sounds ... extremely annoying, yes. It was only the VO lines that I thought were "cute." Heh.
  5. It's not so much about whether the melee skills are potentially fun or well designed. It's that I end up disliking the melee mechanics of the game engine and 1st person in general. With such an in-your-face melee viewpoint (all I see is the top half of a chestplate half the time, or whatever) and high speed of turning/dodging/running, I always end up feeling like all I'm doing is flailing/clicking madly around the center of the screen at random, hoping I hit what I intend to hit. Which I find ... irritating/not fun. It's highly probable I'll get a Psycho to about lvl 25-30 and then never play one again - just like I did with Brick and Zero. :D But yeah, the middle tree is where I was going to concentrate. I bulldozed him to Sanctuary. Only tried the melee skill on BoomBoom and his pals. Worked, fast, didn't die. His dual personality is kinda cute. I do have one minor "complaint" about him, however. Get out of my way, you hulking behemoth, I can't see.
  6. I had an orange cat named Milo. No blue cats, yet.
  7. I think that depends partly on what one's party make up was and what weapon/combat tactics one was eventually focused on. I had some parties that were like that (moving party members around quite a bit) and some where everyone just fired off their magical arrows and bullets and killed everything before they'd even reach the party. Well, except the big boss fights. That was in BG1 tho. What I (vaguely) remember of BG2 was a bit more scrambling, especially when a lot of angry mages with those shields showed up...
  8. In-depth historical lessons/debates can be interesting (or exasperating ), but that's more a WoT type of subject. Let's leave it out of this one...or I'm going to be pulling out the pruning shears.
  9. Zero could use to eat more skag sandwiches, or something. Also, got bored again, which meant that even tho I generally dislike melee in Borderlands/1st person, I bought the Psycho anyway. Something different to try for the weekend, maybe we'll try 2 Psycho's together. The voice sounds a bit like the Gunzerker VA minus the accent, but maybe I'm mistaken.
  10. Me: Still "blargh" and not sleeping well/enough. Cat care: Mr. Grey still will hardly eat Fancy Feast (which Mr. Black still gobbles up), and I'm tired of cooking and shredding meat. So back to hunting for varieties of canned food. I found one at a pet store that's $1.79 per 3 oz can, which would translate into about $7.50 a day. 95% chicken, no grains, no fillers, it says. Sure, whatever, still looks/stinks like pate catfood to me, but it is denser/less water and less fake color. And of course ... he ate 2oz in one sitting instead of "3 licks, walk away." Fine, maybe he's a richy rich snob cat. The true test will be if he still likes it three days from now, tho. Weeks of putting small dishes of food out for him like every 3 hours, and he's still nothing but skin and bones.
  11. Yeah...that's some nice photog and lighting skills right there. I personally think taking great pics of people is one of the hardest things to do.
  12. Ryan Gosling does nothing for me at all. At least not from watching him in movies. It's like watching a robot. Ryan Reynolds is a cutie (tho I prefer him clean-shaven ), and when he works out and shows it off, he looks pretty good to boot. That man's voice dazzles. I could be blindfolded while he just recited pages out of an encyclopedia and ... well, nvm.
  13. I prefer Patrick Stewart's pizza pic. https://twitter.com/SirPatStew/status/339786117530415104/photo/1 Clint Eastwood is definitely hot. Jason Isaac can be too. Just not in that blonde-haired Harry Potter role, ick.
  14. Depends what is meant by hot. For me it's more about facial expression than visible skin, or something about a pose. I do find forearms/arms extra sexy, so those Avenger posters of Hawkeye were nice. Also, not too "buffed" and needz to look at least close to 30. Not into the "really young" look. lol...Cillian Murphy. Yeah, he's an odd duck - often "creepy" but on the other hand, kinda hot on-screen, because of the intense gaze. I don't net-surf for random "handsome dudes" at all, and I'm not going to start now, so all I'd have is famous people references. But...
  15. The thing about the IE games is that even when themes of romance/roleplay are in there, they're usually dialogue and quest related, not "Sim-like" related. So you'd get that aspect of roleplay via dialogue choices and a quest path/tree ... hence when you're actually moving about/exploring in the world (vs. sitting in your stronghold or standing in some tavern having a dialogue), it largely did feel like 95% of what you were doing, action-wise, was combat. I find that true of most cRPG's, really. Just my opinion tho. And while I do like strongholds, collecting fashion items/items in general, and (when the option was there) stacking pillows into the sky, or building castles, I do tend to like a bit more separation of sim and action-oriented games. eg, if I want to build castles, I'll get a castle sim or strategy game. I don't see the harm in having more interactive party mechanics, tho ... doesn't sound like the suggestions are ones where such would be mandatory or get in the way, really. Course, there's always the time/resources aspect, which as always could be an issue for P.E. in terms of whether such are likely to be implemented.
  16. When hubs is out in the sun a lot, he turn red (not sunburned). His forearms can get dark and almost brownish, but yeah...mostly either lily-white or bright red.
  17. Better. I don't like stylized/moussed hair, tho. I do often like varied/non-idealistically handsome actors, but that's a combo of liking looks + their onscreen charisma/character portrayal. I like classy dressed dudes, or shirtless and jeans, or just their face. Not really into most "hot dudes" type pics. They're usually too artificial.
  18. So far, my week has been going something like this: blarghdyblarghityblah. Hubs has some new Samsung smartphone that his client wanted him to check out. It's big, screensize wise - bigger than my small hands would want to idly carry around as a phone. And apparently it's default-plugged into the Amber Alert system, whereby hubs was all frantically trying to figure out how to turn it off when it wouldn't stop klaxon-horn sounding last night. Amber Alert in the middle of a VoD movie we were watching, too. I think that's the first time I've been doing something to see/have seen one of those the moment they send it out.
  19. The guy in the 4th pic has nice "bedroom" eyes...other than that ... meh. Just kinda average.
  20. Couple more Ray Donovan episodes ... Jon Voight is rather creepy, and they keep implying how "bad" he is, and yet at times he still seems kinda sympathetic. Emphasis on kinda. It's a good role for him, and the show is definitely the best (imo) when it focuses on Ray and his father's activities. The crippled boxer brother is good too. As usual, the wife character has little to do (so far) but be the nagging thorn in the husband's side. The actress does well with the role, however.
  21. Maybe, like cats, horses don't exist in Fallout. Good eatin'.
  22. Orcs Must Die 2 has no offline LAN co-op. I am bummed, thought it might be something hubs and I could try...oh well. Just for myself, I'll wait till I notice it's on super sale. We're still playing BL2. Gotta get to lvl61, of course. There will be another patch to bring it to lvl72 later, too - and that one will be free. I don't know how it'll work if you didn't get the first paid one ... I assume you'd only go up 11 lvls then, to 61.
  23. Last night tried the Showtime series: Ray Donovan. First episode is the chr. and situation set up (lots of chrs, lots of situations, one big conflict setup). Second episode gets more focused. Not a bright happy show. Occasionally darkly humorous. I can easily see this being a fave/one I keep up with regularly. Good main and recurring cast helps. Looking forward to seeing more.
  24. Hubs and I reached lvl 58 in BL2. Fell asleep at 1am, woke up at 4am. Drat. Surfed Amazon for various things ... window shopping, moved to the internet. I see it's still hard to find an adjustable arm height deskchair that I'd find comfortable (can't stand the curvy, molded/butt shaped, angled/tilted seat surfaces). Currently sitting around, a little bored, TV/gaming not on my agenda this hour ... maybe I should go wake the spouse.
  25. Heh, I get frustrated with that too ... I mean, I could upload giant uncompressed photos but I'm still old fashioned enough to worry about annoying people with loading them, and most people still don't like clicking links vs. embedding. That "visitor" (cricket?) has an adorable face! ...the robber fly...ick. Makes me think of the Alien using its inner mouth to punch a hole in people's faces. Nice capture, tho.
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