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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Still farting around with 7 Days. I hear they've updated A21 again - I don't feel like changing so I'm sticking to the first stable branch. As both a solo and sandboxer, I find the Monty Hall of resource looting to be way overboard, but since I am also a mega hoarder for no logical reason, sometimes I stare at the 9,330 brass, 450 duct tape, 500 glue, 54 motor engines, 643 mushrooms (and other similar amounts of many other foodstuffs), 17,475 cobblestone, 2600 plastic parts, 12,000 concrete mix, 3000+ iron and steel bars, 279, 543 "small stones" and similar raw iron, etc and chuckle in a weirdly satisfied way. Ok, the stones/iron are more from mining than looting, but still. ...although I did get fed up with having hundreds of storage chest so I gave in and made most stack sizes ginormous. Problem solved.
  2. I read this and thought it was actually a puppy. Then I read the other comments and was like ... wut? ... oh! ... Congrats. Also, cute footprint blankie and headscarf.
  3. I would not know of either if it wasn't for videos posted in forums like these. At this point if I'm interested in cpu/gpu charts I might YouTube-fu GamersNexus. When it comes to tech stuff I prefer a drier and more bulleted points type of presentation (vs. too much idle/padding chatter) easier to sift thru and find specific points I'm looking for. Oh, and I like Steve's flowing locks. I was not around for Linus' "geek in garage" (or so I hear) early phase, but what I've seen him the past few years, he's more like the HGTV guy for kewl-tech nerd-gasms. Didn't he do videos showing off his gazillionzare house and doing silly projects within it? I saw a few vids of his that were at least amusing to watch but I wouldn't go to his channels for serious research. eg, I don't know enough to know/judge if anyone is being "proper and correct" in their methods etc. It all reminds of every other "drama" by "huge" YouTubers, whatever the genre/business they're in.
  4. Not playing, more like ... should I buy? Should I not buy? I hear "story"/campaign isn't long at all/is super short, but it does have the D3/PoE sort of endgame grinding. Mostly, it sounds like the simpler play I'd like vs. modern arpg's. Edit: and the short campaign may be great for replaying/new chrs. Hm.
  5. Going through the 4159th "grumpy/bored/woeisme/what is even the point" phase. So it's time for another meme cat pic: ...can't even snack properly. I tried, recently. Got sick. Lesson/limits relearned.
  6. Since it's now on "free" Prime, watched Knock at the Cabin. ...it starts off ok, but the late middle-ending felt unsatisfying. A little too otp at times and too predictable with nothing that shifted it away from that, even momentarily. Still, wasn't the worst from M. Night. ...I did like the films take on the concept of
  7. I was skimming some of that Path of Exile dev. showcase yesterday, when I noticed that gold now drops as loot. So now there will be gold coins as one of the many currencies? I wonder what you will end up using it for. As well as why they felt it was necessary when POE-1 never had a need for it/I never missed that it didn't exist. I'm not against it or anything - I'm not likely to even play PoE2 - but I am just curious.
  8. Gameplay? Who cares about gameplay. Can I decorate appropriately? In A21, yes, I can. Still not enough cat portraits tho. I like the normal mood lighting better aesthetically, but harder to see in screenies. There are these new (not craftable) hedge blocks in the game, too. I should cheat them in and make a hedge maze..
  9. I have been watching a kdrama called "Numbers." It's on Kowaca (which you can get thru Prime now) or Viki-Plus. It's all about the cutthroat, drama-filled and exciting world of accounting! The power of spreedsheet and reports is fire! ...the usual "powerful ppl do the little people a wrong and main chr. is bent on righting those and future wrongs by fighting from within". ...I had no idea accountants had to deal with dangerous car chases while trying to deliver papers. ...there are relationship tangents but not a romance drama - the focus is on how thrilling and/or soulbreaking being an accountant can be! ...The older supporting leads are great, the younger main cast is "ok"/eh. But it's all so absurd in an over-serious way that I am quite entertained. Although, to be honest, I enjoy the amusing recap write-ups of the show on dramabeans website even more.
  10. As that old saying goes, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  11. That was not my intention. I just acknowledge not everyone likes their pop/brand and thus may not pay attention or care re: instrument/musicianship. Like my long suffering older brother. I stopped paying attention during/after Seven and the Ragged Tiger 'cause that was when I started dating and stopped paying attention to much of anything outside of that, haha. Plus I didn't really like that album much. Then years later I heard Ordinary World being played while in a mall and thought "that voice is familiar." I still don't pay much attention to them in current times but it's nice to know they're still around. I think they were put in the hall of fame a while back too. Duran Duran and Rio are still the fave albums of theirs, although I do like the singles Ordinary World/Come Undone a lot. Simon Le Bon is one of those odd singers for me where when I listen to him I feel like he doesn't really have a great singing style - it's weirdly (to me) like he is always almost on the verge of going out of tune yet he doesn't quite - yet it works for the band/music they create. Heh.
  12. A brief history of a Floof Wizard.
  13. Is this a joke or are they actually doing something like that? I like Chewie as a chr, but the scenes from Revenge of the Sith, plus ofc that ancient SW TV special (haha) made me realize I have no desire to see anything more of wookies. Re: "Nobody" - I'd watch a sequel, not because of any expectations, but like how I used to watch silly movies just because of Nick Cage and Liam Neeson - although with the latter two I finally lost interest quite a while ago. If it's a Wick crossover tho - unsure. I lost interest in Wick fast after the first film, kinda like The Matrix.
  14. Well, as an 80's nerd, I found this a fun watch. John Taylor (along with Sting/Police era) are the main reasons I tried to learn how to play bass as a kid, mom buying me an electric bass/amp/lessons and all of that. Not that that teen phase lasted long. But always loved bass tracks (and drums) more then screeching guitar solos. DD may have been a pop/dance band but John's bass riffs were pretty awesome. But this is still my fave Duran Duran track, a slower paced one. They still perform it live if on tour/sound great.
  15. I liked Rogue One in a casual adventure sort of way. I think it was helped in that the main chrs. were unknown to me and thus I had no stakes and just went along for the ride. Donnie Yen was funny and I always like Mads even if the role was small. Every time that robot was on screen I kept thinking of KOTOR. But SW to me is kinda like ST - they're both long dead (as story "universes") but the owners of the IP's keep resurrecting them like necromancer minions, because, money. Sometimes it works at least as light/action/cgi entertainment or for new generations tho. Different strokes. -------- I finally watched that final Avengers: Endgame movie. I'd seen the first one and just never bothered with the finale. But I'm interested in Guardians 3, which made me wonder if it would reference Endgame so I felt I should watch it just in case. I found Endgame to be fitfully amusing in spots but otherwise kind of a snore. Maybe if they'd cut out 30 minutes. But I have seen it now.
  16. Don't remember if I or someone posted the teaser trailer a while back, but the full "official" trailer is out now. It still looks potentially interesting. Original IP, not an over-inflated mega budget production ("only" 86 million! heh). Kinda rooting for it.
  17. 7 Days to Die, current save: for food, I just made "bacon and eggs" and "yucca drink". That is more than sufficient and I never need more for survival/day to day (as a solo player at least). But I finally had enough magazines and ingredients to cook some of the higher end foods, which I haven't done in A21 yet. Holy, WTF. Around 53 (real life) minutes? I will tell you right now, the foods are nothing that special, they don't make you fly or give you massive uber buffs or anything. Just more "hunger" points mostly. That is ridiculous. I also have 2 perks that make cooking times 40% faster. Uh huh. I will stick with bacon and eggs. Oh sure, if you cook 24 of those at once it might be 8-12 minutes, but that is a far cry from nearly an hour. >.> Edit: I know, you're supposed to go loot or dig while waiting, but that's not the point. If for some reason I really like those "foods" I would mod their cooking times to 1/4 of default. Just silly. A21 has done stuff like that with many things, time to craft anything has skyrocketed. Not everyone plays in 6 hours sessions, ok.
  18. If you haven't seen it before, maybe you should. And if you have seen it before, maybe it's worth watching again. Am not a drum expert in any way but to my ears the kid (he was 19 when he did this?) seems pretty great - keeping that Buddy Rich level alive. If he's really lucky, maybe in 20-30 years he'll have that kind of rep (if he cares about such). Regardless, fun to watch.
  19. Told my hubby not to die before me, but on the off chance he does, I guess the bright side is that I could finally move somewhere cool and rainy. He's still no better. No worse overall, but no better. Still, could be a lot worse. Just an "old man" with a very bad back, now. Trying to find a new chair or recliner or both that is more comfortable for him so he can at least sit for 2 hours without issue, and bought a new remote adjustable TV-monitor holder so it can go up and down with the stand/sit desk table. (55" TV's don't fit on that thing).
  20. Apparently, even the rabbits are aware you can find water in toilets. Anything works in an apocalypse, right. ...but sorry, Mr. Bunny, my hunger trumps your thirst. It was a strange game day where I kept finding those bunnies in places you usually never see them in the game, like hardware stores, under shopping carts, inside cargo trailers on top of boxes, etc.
  21. I don't care about the movie at all but Hugh Grant as the Oompa Loompa made me LOL. (very end of trailer)
  22. ^ Pretty cool, pretty cool, Raithe. As to my morning: --gets groceries: puts car keys in the fridge --does laundry: tosses four folded pairs of socks in the garbage can instead of the clothes basket before realizing --"where are my main glasses? Screw it I'll just use the older pair, here." ... an hour later..."Where are either of my pairs of glasses? Honey? Seen my glasses?" (one on the back edge of the couch, one on the floor by a to-recycle paper bin) One of those days.
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