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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. This is pretty much what has happened to me with the 3 Beth. games I bought after Morrowind (Oblivion, Skyrim, FO4). Often not even 20 hours. Which is not to say Morrowind was the beesknees. It was just the first one (and I was a lot younger/less jaded) so I was more open to it, and the Creation Kit was fun. ...I'd still be mildly curious re: how well (or not) I could get it to run on my aging (2080ti/9900k) system tho. I'm guessing 1080p medium with FSR might get me, oh, 50fps! The game defaulting to FSR on just makes me LOL. Also, at least early on before possible game and driver patches, AMD gpu's definitely seem to have a pretty distinct advantage for this game, perhaps not surprisingly. ...someone has already modded a DLSS function for the game, although it doesn't have built-in sharpening. Some say it's helped tho. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/196
  2. I'm soooo borrrrrreedddd... *stares at Starfield, even tho I'm totally not interested in the game* ....nonononoNO. Must resist. *looks for more freebie demo's or something...*
  3. Per usual, apologies if already posted semi-recently, I don't keep track anymore. But I can confirm when you have a lot of cats (I had nine once), this can be a nightly occurrence. Fall asleep on the living room sofa at your own risk.
  4. I was contemplating buying Immortals of Aveum, because hey, action with magic instead of guns, AND I'm a bit of a masochist where I get curious if I could even get it to be playable (without it looking like like a blobby, blurry mess). But then I realized it was EA published/account, so nah, went back to watching TV. I've been watching a lot of Chinese dramas recently. Either free ones via TencentVideo's YT channel or other streaming services. If they are more recent/modern series - past 2-3 years - with the 24-30 episode format, they've improved a lot. A little over-earnest and long to get to any "point", for me, but more easily digestible or background watchable re: pacing, dialogue and the like. So far I have seen no evidence of any trucks-o'doom, either. I still avoid the c-dramas that have 80, 100+ episodes. I don't have the patience for that. Edit: oh, hubby's back is about the same. They ruled out the common non-structural/organ stuff, and gave him a low dose round of that prednisone steroid. Plus more chiropractors, therapy on his own. I don't think any of it is an immediate help. He's looking for the magic pill right now, poor sweetie. Could try that steroid injected into his spine next.
  5. Is the 5090 out yet? I was fine with DLSS/FSR/whatever being available as a way to extend life of older gpu's/allow lower end rigs to keep playing a while, or just as one user-optimization option. I'm less fine with dev's pushing it as almost the only user-optimization, where fiddling with (other) settings more and more often does very little to increase performance, plus at least on paper listing DLSS etc. as something you need on for the "system requirements." I love me some shiny graphics at times, although I've never cared about "Ultra" at all, but could we focus more on gameplay now instead of marketing uber lighting/shadows/effects and hyper real (but still uncanny valley) faces and figures while waiting for gpu tech or dev. engine programming skills to catch up a bit?
  6. So a few days ago I clicked on a video that I thought was about one thing and turned out it was a "cancer journey" vlog. The person was charismatic and inspirational and I ended up watching the whole video. Anyway the main point is for no reason early this morning I chose turn on my other PC and check my email, something I haven't done in oh, a couple months. My brother's - who I haven't seen/talked to in over a year I think (my remaining family and I are not close etc) - plus all the extended family CC'd emails filled my digital mailbox. My niece - she's probably in her late 30's - apparently has brain cancer. They removed most of the original tumor/doing radiation etc. now but it's still progressing faster than expected/hoped for. Life is strangely coincidental - or something - at times. Edit: I can't do age maths.
  7. Trump definitely practiced in the mirror for 24 hours beforehand. Either that or he's constipated. He's also now another person that makes me immediately think of the blue eagle (or whatever he was) from Muppet Show.
  8. Every news anchor, every article: "(name) posted on X, formerly known as Twitter." "on the social media site formally known as Twitter." "the app formally known as Twitter." ^sorta reminds me of something.
  9. ^ Thanks for clarifications/correction re: car service requirements. I guess I don't remember anything beyond the emissions smog check stuff, since it's rare any issue has cropped up. I inquired of hubby and he said don't cha remember when the smog guy told you the chk engine light (or something) was on and instructed me to start/turn off/drive in some fashion to make it go off to pass, I apparently yapped about it for some time - and I was all ... "Nope, not an inkling of recollection." So many things falling into the dead zone now. ...well, at least I can still tie my own shoes.
  10. @majestic Yeah, that all makes sense. I just hadn't heard of that before I guess - or per usual these days perhaps I just can't remember I've ever heard of such - hence was curious. California (I have no clue about other states) has gotten more like that re: smog checks, but there's no required general auto check-up yet. Edit: minor corrections
  11. ^ I still like to pull out Diablo1 once in a while. Although I also tend to play it for a few hours then go back to ignoring it. Running through the early levels with the squishy Sorcerer is always fun tho. I mean, it didn't take long (some hours) before the Sorc was an OP'd, teleporting, chain lighting, fireballing powerhouse, but those early more open MP levels. Having the Skeleton King out in the open to chase you all over the place. Good times. The fact I could play the MP levels offline/solo was appealing back then. D1's quest-campaign was fun, but I liked the MP design better. Although one couldn't leave all your gold on the ground/exit the game, like in SP. Heh.
  12. You must deadline-fix it? To re-certify to the state/gov/insurance/whatever that your brakes are even working or some such?
  13. Maui fire. I remember that big Banyan tree. W. Canada is on fire? Hurricane/Tropical Storm Hillary (insert political joke here) heading for Baja/S. California? Solar storm could happen "soon" that could knock out internet and stuff? Xan - "We're allll doooomed." Me: But at least I learned my lesson, and if the world "ends", I have plenty of toilet paper.
  14. It was free, and I can like hidden-object challenges, so I tried it. It was cute, but it took me like six minutes, no hints used. Not even remotely a challenge, and only one picture/level. Once completed you can try to "speed run" it, but not much point to that imo. It looks like it wants to be a series, with others being a dollar. But seemingly same format, with each being one image. Maybe if it was 15-20 images and difficulty upped a bit, such might be worth a dollar. >.> Just my view, ofc. The art and meows when you find/click on a cat was cute tho. Edit: actually, I'd probably like the series more as a pencil coloring book.
  15. ^ Yeah, I generally still prefer written reviews/charts when I'm researching. Easier to compare, refer to. ...we live more and more in the age of "just go watch the (30+ minute) video". I wonder if 500 years from now, humanity will have developed a society that only uses writing for brief things like traffic signs. Your DiY assemble desk will come with a 3D virtual video explaining how to put it together.
  16. Cocaine Bear via "included w/Prime" - tried to watch it because I heard it was stupid, but stupid-funny. I got the stupid, but not the funny, and turned it off half way through.
  17. Still farting around with 7 Days. I hear they've updated A21 again - I don't feel like changing so I'm sticking to the first stable branch. As both a solo and sandboxer, I find the Monty Hall of resource looting to be way overboard, but since I am also a mega hoarder for no logical reason, sometimes I stare at the 9,330 brass, 450 duct tape, 500 glue, 54 motor engines, 643 mushrooms (and other similar amounts of many other foodstuffs), 17,475 cobblestone, 2600 plastic parts, 12,000 concrete mix, 3000+ iron and steel bars, 279, 543 "small stones" and similar raw iron, etc and chuckle in a weirdly satisfied way. Ok, the stones/iron are more from mining than looting, but still. ...although I did get fed up with having hundreds of storage chest so I gave in and made most stack sizes ginormous. Problem solved.
  18. I read this and thought it was actually a puppy. Then I read the other comments and was like ... wut? ... oh! ... Congrats. Also, cute footprint blankie and headscarf.
  19. I would not know of either if it wasn't for videos posted in forums like these. At this point if I'm interested in cpu/gpu charts I might YouTube-fu GamersNexus. When it comes to tech stuff I prefer a drier and more bulleted points type of presentation (vs. too much idle/padding chatter) easier to sift thru and find specific points I'm looking for. Oh, and I like Steve's flowing locks. I was not around for Linus' "geek in garage" (or so I hear) early phase, but what I've seen him the past few years, he's more like the HGTV guy for kewl-tech nerd-gasms. Didn't he do videos showing off his gazillionzare house and doing silly projects within it? I saw a few vids of his that were at least amusing to watch but I wouldn't go to his channels for serious research. eg, I don't know enough to know/judge if anyone is being "proper and correct" in their methods etc. It all reminds of every other "drama" by "huge" YouTubers, whatever the genre/business they're in.
  20. Not playing, more like ... should I buy? Should I not buy? I hear "story"/campaign isn't long at all/is super short, but it does have the D3/PoE sort of endgame grinding. Mostly, it sounds like the simpler play I'd like vs. modern arpg's. Edit: and the short campaign may be great for replaying/new chrs. Hm.
  21. Going through the 4159th "grumpy/bored/woeisme/what is even the point" phase. So it's time for another meme cat pic: ...can't even snack properly. I tried, recently. Got sick. Lesson/limits relearned.
  22. Since it's now on "free" Prime, watched Knock at the Cabin. ...it starts off ok, but the late middle-ending felt unsatisfying. A little too otp at times and too predictable with nothing that shifted it away from that, even momentarily. Still, wasn't the worst from M. Night. ...I did like the films take on the concept of
  23. I was skimming some of that Path of Exile dev. showcase yesterday, when I noticed that gold now drops as loot. So now there will be gold coins as one of the many currencies? I wonder what you will end up using it for. As well as why they felt it was necessary when POE-1 never had a need for it/I never missed that it didn't exist. I'm not against it or anything - I'm not likely to even play PoE2 - but I am just curious.
  24. Gameplay? Who cares about gameplay. Can I decorate appropriately? In A21, yes, I can. Still not enough cat portraits tho. I like the normal mood lighting better aesthetically, but harder to see in screenies. There are these new (not craftable) hedge blocks in the game, too. I should cheat them in and make a hedge maze..
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