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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Above Snakes: finished the straight-forward quest-story a couple times, spent a lot of hours map fiddling already. It is indeed pretty short quest/story if you do just the minimum to get them done. But to me that's fine because that's when the sandbox mode starts. The variety of items and the biome transition tiles isn't all that large (and forget about base-farming aspect, it's not effective) but enough to keep me in an undo/redo loop even if there isn't any game goal for it. Or to repeat wholesale to see how fast/efficient one can do the quests/unlocks. Map grid is 47x47 and I'm gonna pointlessly fill every corner, at some point, darn it. The dev is/was good at patching/fixing some issues very quickly, and made some quick changes based on feedback. So good on them. As much as I personally like messing around with it, I do think the average Steam user would likely think the price should be lower for what it is, however. Like, $13-16 maybe. It's not enough survival-difficulty, nor enough farming/base-deco sim. Good ideas, limited execution etc.
  2. 1:25-2:10 - "Tricked? I just wanted some Kool-Aid."
  3. Because my MGM sub. had it - Top Gun2. --About what I expected, didn't dislike, didn't like. The flying scenes I'm sure were great on a big screen. FFWD thru all the romance scenes, didn't care. Anyway, it was mostly watchable, made me smile a few times, that's about it. Because my MGB sub. had it - Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves --Also what I expected (from reviews) but I enjoyed this one a ton more. Action was good, comedy was good, most of the actors were on point considering their roles. Not a masterpiece or something, often silly (but in a "good" way, imo), just fun entertainment. The whole long sequence with that actor from Bridgerton (Rege-Jean Page) was hilarious and awesome.
  4. Above Snakes: purchased. Used my demo save - eventually I'll do a full restart but I wanted to see what the progression would be first. So far I'm still liking it. There are some things re: quests or functions that aren't very clear but one can figure them out before long. I did one quest and now seem to have a wolf puppy following me everywhere. I can't tell it to "stay" or anything, am not sure if it will remain forever (it stays on save reload) or if it can be killed etc. But it's cute I guess. I'm not sure if many here would like the game or not. It's not strategic or complicated. The combat - at least with a controller - is pretty clunky, but it's minimal. There's a story of sorts to the quests (many of the upgrades and biome-tiles are tied to completing them), but "rpg" it's not. It's not fast paced or thrilling. Mostly it's a casual at-your-own-pace design/redesign the map tiles/size with chill resource grinding to make/build different consumables, tools, stations, building materials. Supposedly about 20 hrs worth of short quests but someone like me might spend 100-200 hours just goofing off with the map tile mechanics. That sort of thing. Anyhoo, for myself, I like it/worth the $22.50 I paid.
  5. BL3 did improve the mechanics of shooting/gunplay and some QoL stuff, it's true. At least if you like frantic, frenetic. If you want more cover-sniping and/or a less frantic pacing, stick to BL1 or BL2. My main criticism of BL3 (besides the "story") is still the area/map/quest design. Much of it doesn't feel fun to run through and is an actual slog in some places. I found it a mental struggle to even get thru the campaign (to reach the "end game") with all four classes (eg, I didn't), just to check them all out, and since Mayhem mode exists, TVHM is even redundant. You can now also random-re-roll most Anointment bonuses on gear, too. So if you found the perfect shotgun but it has the "wrong" anointment, you can change it at Earl's. Although there are still some that you can't get by re-rolling. Edit: I have now purchased my missing two DLC for $12. Flak's robot pet ... yeah, I can see why some think he's the best one, in terms of damage. With the right gear you can stand around while he kills everything, including bosses. Kinda dull tho, lol. And Moze's Iron Cub instead of crawling into a mech suit - I like that much better. I might actually play her now.
  6. Can relate to BL burnout - I overplayed both BL1 and BL2 a lot myself. Without hubby I probably would've waited a year to try BL3. Hubby, btw, also thinks BL3 is mediocre vs. the previous. He just doesn't game often enough to 100% burn out, so they're still something he can pick up once or twice a year for 2-4 weeks and then he goes back to being a total not-gamer for months again. At least they made the "town/shared by all chrs stash" 500 items big. No "mailing" items to other chrs or mules 4 at a time or whatever. I think that's the best thing about it! Hahaha...
  7. Above Snakes: Prologue was patched again. Seems to have fixed a few bugs I had, changed a few mechanics a bit. Added Playstation icon prompt option, although a few of them show up wrong. >.> At any rate, only a few more days and I can get the full game. Hopefully it'll stay fairly chill like I was liking and won't become terrible half way through or something. Also: Borderlands 3 current sale. The only thing I/we don't have and might buy is the DLC that gives 4th skill trees. It is not on sale by itself, but if you buy the two remaining DLC packs together, it's $18 instead of $30. But then, oddly, if I chose the current "Ultimate BL3 Bundle" instead, because I already have ssn pass 1/base game, apparently I'd also get both remaining DLC packs for ... $12. Just put the individual DLC's on sale for $5-$6 or something, then, will ya?
  8. This has been an issue for years. Especially as someone who has a shorter profile car amid all the higher suv's so many have now. If adaptive headlights are already a thing, please get off your butt and get on that, US. Or just stop using "blue" lights, or don't make them as bright, or whatever.
  9. Hubby's has taken or had some days off but yeah we haven't gone on a planned vacation type thing in a long while. We're planning on doing something this year tho, probably in the fall. Nothing major, just rent a place on a lake or something like that, unplug, stare at scenery and chipmunks, that sort of thing. From isolation in the suburb to isolation ... somewhere else?
  10. A recent comedy/sitcom/reality tv show on FreeVee/Prime, called Jury Duty. It's eight 30 minute episodes. Premise: everyone during a "trial", from judge, lawyers, other jurors is an actor playing a role, except one juror named Roland. He's told someone is making a documentary, to explain the cameras and interviews. Scripted but I'm sure lots of improv while reacting to the one juror's responses. There's one famous person involved (James Marsden playing a douche version of himself). Shades of Truman Show maybe. One even starts to wonder how Roland didn't catch on, and/or is really another actor, but a quick google seems to say he isn't/wasn't. Anyway, it's very silly, lightweight entertainment, but I liked it.
  11. I think it's more likely they don't often get offered great or varied film roles. Sure it may be changing these days (especially in TV series) but if you are a "minority" and also female, well, (USA) movie wise, probably not tons of consistent opportunity for meaty roles or A-list making turns to hone or show off abilities (vs. disappear in an ensemble/supporting/hey look it's the wife). From that list I mostly know of Angela Bassett and Alfre Woodward ("You broke your little ships" in STNG film, among other roles ) and I thought Danai Gurira was great in Walking Dead, although being an ensemble show she didn't get tons of screen time.
  12. Hm. On the one hand, it feels like I've seen bits of the plot before in multiple other movies.....on the other hand, that's true of almost anything by now, and if it's done well/actually good, or has an unexpected surprise or two, I like those sorts of sci-fi plots. At least it's an original IP, in that it's not a sequel, based on, or a re-interpreting/reboot, far as I can tell. Side note: is 2+ minutes really a "teaser"? Is the full trailer going to be 4 minutes? I think I'll avoid any more trailers for it. >.>
  13. Newer/current Firefox: I noticed when you play media pages (like YouTube), there is now this extra text line of "AutoplayBlocked" or "Playing" etc that appears/disappears below the tab title, making the tab headers bounce up and down in height. Visually annoying. So I had to go back into that AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\#####.default-release\chrome folder that I created (to get rid of the bookmark menu spacing) and add the below script bit to the userChrome.css file https://github.com/MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks/blob/master/chrome/inline_tab_audio_icons.css Seems to work perfectly. Petty annoyance averted, thanks internet.
  14. Hubby and I played some Borderlands 3. He has a somewhat better PC to run the game smoother on now, so he's recently been mucking about in it again and wanted to play. I haven't played in ages so I was finally willing, haha. We did some side quests (never did all) and other grind to reach max lvl 72. I still find the game mediocre and not very engaging long-term/end game, vs. the first two BL games, but ofc playing with hubby makes it better, so still a fun weekend. It did make me wonder yet again if Borderlands 4 will even be worth buying. Or, even if it ends up pretty good, I'm sure Gearbox will want $250 for the entire full "contents package" spread out over a year. Or maybe they'll finally go the Borderlands semi-MMO route...
  15. I watched Black Knight. At least it's not a long series - 6 episodes. It is...ok...in parts but overall pretty much the expected "nothing to write home about". Follows the more modern trend of more flash/visual and music then chr./world building with too frequent scene/chr-change edits. It may make you want even just a little bit more background how chrs. became the chrs. they are so you can feel more invested, but you never get it. That sort of thing. Maybe it was a bit more Mad Max then The Postman. Anyway, not the worst, but you're not missing anything, either.
  16. ^ Mine largely looks similar except I enable/keep the File/Edit/View text bar above. When I first start FF or if I hit the Home button it goes to duckduckgo and new tabs open to a blank page etc. Along with a few other about:config tweaks I also created a Policies key in regedit to turn off Firefox's auto updating and nagging, once they started to do that. So it says "updates disabled by administrator" everywhere. >.>
  17. I skimmed thru the 1st episode of Cleopatra. This is not a "review." Around the 12-15 minute mark they talk about the color/race "can't be sure"/personalized identification debate a bit and then largely leave it. The format is a panel of historians talking about her life, with actor segments. The actors have dialogue so it's not just visual emphasis in that sense, there is more docu-drama then anything else. I dunno...it felt more like some historians indulging in fan mode then anything else, panel credentials or not. But again, didn't watch all of it, not interested enough in the topic, and I don't know enough to point out numbers of any inaccuracies.
  18. Yeah, that's the one I was on before updating, I think. It was 88, at least. So far version 112.0.2 isn't doing anything to really annoy me (no more than changing to 88 did anyway), outside of that double spacing bookmark thing. I mean, there's slight stylistic differences like always but nothing major. The rest of my previous settings remained during the update process. I did get rid of some "Firefox View" taskbar button/tab option. Anyway, if anyone cares/might care later, the bookmark spacing I went into appdata/roaming/mozilla and under the newest profile folder, created a folder called "chrome" then create a userChrome.css file with this in it: You can make the 1px number whatever you want. Restart firefox. It was also suggested that to make that work - make Firefox check for the css file - one had to do the below, which I did, but maybe it would work without, didn't try/don't know.
  19. Y'know, just to be contrary, I don't recall asking for a "solution" in the first place, outside of maybe suggestions for other things to try besides the ones I mentioned. I also don't really understand why you (even if it's rare) even bother to reply to anything I post, since you almost always seem to find a reason to dislike what I reply back, or my stylings, or whatever it is. If you know or believe that's likely to occur, why bother. Just ignore me entirely, 100% of the time. *shrug* right back.
  20. I used to watch Company Man a lot, which analyzes larger well known stores/franchises rises and then maybe falls (in not too long videos). But as time went on I was less familiar with companies he focused on, thus was less interested. I still check up on his channel now and again tho. I liked the nostalgia and his style mostly, I guess.
  21. Sigh. My dear Gromnir, a solution that works for some is not a solution that always works for all.Whether the reasons are physical, financial, emotional, whatever, the point is that rarely is a solution universal. I do appreciate the suggestion, and I acknowledge it's a sound and reasonable suggestion on a purely Spock like logical level. But giving you a long winded unnecessary explanation you don't want to hear, our freezer is typically chock full with bulk frozen raw and cooked meat and veggies, as well as hubby's many bags of sandwich bread rolls, and other things, and we do not even have ice cube trays in the freezer. So then one can say ... "just get another freezer." Which I've thought of in past years, but we haven't done yet and at the moment our garage is so floor-space filled with hubby's moving process stuff that it's going to take me a couple years to hem and haw him into unpacking and organizing, and ... well, you don't want to hear it anyway. So, good suggestion, and I may use it one day, but at the moment, it's not a solution, just for regular consumption of watermelon flavored water ... for me.
  22. Who the heck at Mozilla thought that putting more than a double-space of empty space between bookmark text lines was a good idea? *finds a css script to change it back* ...Viki is the only site I use that tends to rapidly tell me I need to upgrade my browser version to use it. So I mostly use it via the tablet instead. Decided to update Firefox today to use Viki for some movies on the TV. Blargh, the visual and UI design choices "app" makers - even for desktops - make now. *grump* Edit: I also hate the word "app" being applied to everything, now
  23. I generally don't like mint. Or coffee, or tea. I do love watermelon/melons but for myself who has to avoid carbs it's too much vs spoilage. Although sometimes you can buy cut sections vs. a whole one, or those small tubs of precut cubes or something. I remember when I got out of the hospital,and immediately on release we went to the store to buy diet-appropriate stuff. My still-addled brain was full of nurse talk of "fresh fruit and veggies" and the store had whole watermelons outside. I go "fresh fruit!" and grabbed two and hubby was all like "wut? u sure?" Yeah, I learned quickly anything but very small amounts of most fruit did not help blood sugar levels, at least in my case.
  24. Ah, ok, I think I mostly understand. The orders sound a little bit like the Caesar's orders in that series, kinda. Simple enough. Hm. In theory I might like it...would then just depend on whether I like the city building mechanics/designing and concepts etc.
  25. I am happy that Kim Woo-Bin (Uncontrollably Fond, Heirs, Master, Twenty) has seemingly beaten his nasopharynx (throat/nasal areas) cancer after a few years and is back to filming. I already watched Alienoid (movie) - he was good, the film had a decent premise but was "eh." Now it's this series. Sadly the trailer, for me, doesn't build any hype. It looks like a cross between The Postman, Death Stranding, and k-drama dystopian conglomerate espionage. The overdone dramatic/grim music in the trailer isn't helping. Maybe it'll be decent. I'm just glad he's still around to keep taking new projects.
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