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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ^ I'll just watch/skim Asmongold's 6 hour Necro video, then I don't have to play the game. I found a cheatengine thing for RE4-M, so I played a little longer. It's not the sort of game where it's still fun even if cheating, since it's basically all combat/confront moments but at least I could see more of it within 2 hrs to judge whether I'd like it enough to gitgud. I do kind of like the game, the two chrs. I've met so far, but I don't think I'd want to spend the time to figure out how to not die 10 times per fight. Not the fault of the game, just my skillz/mentality. It definitely looks great, has a nice horror feel (lots o' gore kills if you don't turn it off), little things/goals to do between confrontation areas. Very linear but has a minimal exploration feel. But I'm too lazy, so I'll probably refund it. It's cinematic enough, maybe I'll watch MKIceandFire story walkthru of it. ...in another 10-15 years I'll probably always just sit in my recliner and watch videos like that vs. actually playing anything. Hahah.
  2. RE4-Remake: Reach the first village. Try to "fight off" a dozen and more of baddies. Run out of ammo, can't figure out melee fast enough. Die, die, die. Try to avoid/semi-stealth baddies. Die. Wait are they respawning?? Die. Try to kill some baddie with a chainsaw who pops up at some point. Die. Finally manage to defeat chainsaw-thing. Run around the place looting. Oh look, a cute pig! It attacks me. Die. Exit Game? Yes. ...I know it's 99% that I simply suck at l2play stages iof this sort of game, but first PC game where the microseconds between seeing a (controller) prompt, pushing the button, and game reacting to pushing the button feels very sluggish/off. That is not helping. Also, everything is a bullet sponge, even direct shots to the face. ...I do like that there's a minor crafting element (I think that is new to this remake?) so there is more to pick up/collect then just ammo/weapons.
  3. From the original game, much visual improvement/definitely looks "modern" far as I can tell. The remake is already on PS5 etc tho and from what I can see it likely won't look tons better on PC - the usual extra lighting/shadow type improvement. So you could just look at videos from PS5 to get a general idea.
  4. RE4-Remake. I was bored. Installed. Set settings. Start new game. Two cutscenes, then standing somewhere. Take four steps. Crash, with my TV screen turning two-toned blue with any windows on it being squished (like a resolution/scaling/display error), which goes away if I turn on/off/on the TV. Repeat 20 times as I fiddle. Verify game integrity, seemed to reinstall something, no more crash. Ok, whatever. Per usual since I want to run in 4k, I don't have RT on, mostly High settings, mostly 50-60fps. Never played the original so don't know how it compares visually but it looks pretty good here. TV screen still turns that two-tone blue when I exit the game however. No clue. The game? I dunno, I investigated then "escaped" the first grimy hut, found a save typewriter, and that's it. The crash stuff wore me out.
  5. ...that is one scowly, grumpy-guss face.
  6. Even if we have already done our mourning process, it doesn't mean there aren't/can't be echoes of it at times, especially maybe in this case. So condolences, hugs, have a good drink and sifting through all the memories, and rest well. Cheers.
  7. ^ actually reads thread ...I remember reading the warnings re: my statins, when they gave them to me (I don't take them now), and thinking it seemed weird that it was grapefruit juice specifically mentioned vs. just juice in general. Didn't think about it too much at the time since juice/fruit has too much sugar in it anyway. But I guess now I know why. ...i just pop C vitamins every other day, plus cabbage/broccoli and other non-fruit sources.
  8. So...I'm guessing Asmongold has never played a Diablo summon Necro before. ...they always feel broken...until you reach that boss/enemy that curbstombs your army in 5 seconds and there are no corpses. Or Blizz nerfs them to death, like they do with all classes eventually. ...D3's necro was fairly broken for a long time tho. I needed no meta/gear to make the summoned mages kill near everything Edit: video language warning.
  9. Some people who go on low carb/sugar diets for long periods, whatever the reason: "I can no longer stomach candy/cake/whatever, it's all way too sweet/rich" etc. ...I am not one of those people.
  10. Oh. I do have the Dark Arts stuff but I guess for some stupid reason my brain was often mixing up Dungeon icons as being Arenas so I had it in my head there were a lot more. >.>
  11. I feel like D4 is this weird crossroads where what they want is to create a mega live-service profit juggernaut but are still afraid to tick off too many players/long time fans, and this is their way of getting more people to slowly accept transitional changes. Baby steps. Which I have no problem with in a business or Diablo-should be pure sense. I just lament the continuing loss of single-player/offline option/gaming, whether in Diablo or anything else.
  12. Tried to find last 2 missing Conjurations in Hogwart's. Butterly walkthru's - nope, got those, all map icons say I got them, ran thru dungeons 2nd times to be sure etc. Finally went and double checked all the Vivariums - apparently I missed two in those. >.> Then couldn't figure out what 2 "exploration" outfits were. Looked it up. Got those. During getting those outfits, the Achievement for "defeat enemies in all battle Arena's" popped, even tho I'd only done two of them. Is that supposed to happen? Whatever, they were boring so glad I didn't have to do the other four or six or whatever there is. Good enough - not doing that last one re: A. magic on all enemies. Just wanted one save with all the outfits/ and personal room deco/conjurations. Y'know, the important stuff.
  13. I feel like hubby and I are in end of winter doldrums, slouching around the darkened house like silent zombies. I think the past 2-3 years events have kinda worn us down, not in a bad way, but man do we need some mental battery recharging, before we turn into permanent furniture.
  14. I have TOS, animated TOS, the 2nd half of STTNG and all the movies on DVD which is mostly what I care about in that regard. I've tried to rewatch fave old series from the 80's/90's (sitcoms and dramas) when HBO-M or Netflix has them etc. and I usually can't get into them for very long. Just certain few episodes. Rewatching in general isn't something I tend to do anymore. I miss the days when I could rewatch something once a year for years etc.
  15. Two episodes of a series called The English (on Netflix), starring Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer. Beautiful camera work. The two leads are great together and the dialogue writing is pretty good. But the pacing is slower than molasses - punctuated with brief and rather violent Western type action - and the plot/story threads meanders quite a lot. I assume it all ties together at some point. It's interesting...going to try to stick it out to see where it goes.
  16. Besides maybe wanting to torture oneself with Nu Star Trek series, is there much reason to sub to Paramount+? A quick look made it just seem like a bunch of old to slightly newer shows/films I've either seen before or didn't care about, and NuTrek. After missing the UHD/4k option on Prime - even on new/popular things - for a while now (thru the PS4 apps), it's back again. Guess the covid-bandwidth panic is over. Kewlbeans. Still not as good as netflix's "4k" video but much better than its been for a while.
  17. I think I am finally largely tired of my meal-soup that I've been eating all winter long. Time to figure out some new meal that I can constantly job-lot and be motivated to eat for the next 4-6 months...and then get bored of. I'm still pretty sick of raw salads...won't be that.
  18. I'm waiting for the Necro beta let's plays...I think that's the next one. I have a feeling Necro is the only class I'd care for much, just like D3. At any rate, if I eventually cave and get/try it, it'll be at least a few months from now. I remember D3 release server madness - not going through that again. Plus as much as Acti-Blizz will patch, add to, and re-balance the game over time, waiting 3-6 months may be better (for me) anyway.
  19. ^ I wrote all that, walked away for minute or so and realized I should've just said: "My impression from watching some streams is that the story campaign can be played entirely solo but there may be other non-campaign reasons to wander the "world map" areas where players may compete for crafting resource nodes/enemies or whatever may be needed for, say, seasonal or other goals, but not sure." Brevity, they name is not LC.
  20. You're asking the person who doesn't own the game. But no, it's not true MMO style. You may see people in towns (I find this acceptable, aka PoE), in the overworld maybe pass them as you're going place to place (or you may never see anyone depending on when you play, or waypoints maybe, not sure etc). And ofc if you join Events or the World Boss or whatever that is. Dungeons seem to be instances, so you can be totally alone or with just your friends, and a lot of the story stuff/missions seems like it's going to be in those. (edit - I've seen a few people stream for an hour or three and never saw another player, but they did no Events). I've seen some say they felt like they ran into people constantly and others saying they got to lvl 25/finished the Act (max level in the beta) and never saw/talked to anyone. So the answer is ... it depends on what you're doing, I guess. What I was hoping for was - people in towns but otherwise not unless you specifically joined an Event. Sounds like you could see other ppl more often than that, but could also largely avoid. No one knows about end-game tho - that isn't part of the beta.
  21. lol that's too bad tho...if I was bored enough I could probably at least put up with reinstalling the bnet client/online etc. But if I'm playing solo, it's because I don't want to see/interact with other players ... ever. Even on accident.
  22. Oh yeah, I totally get such wouldn't be for music artists/professional mixers etc. But we're talking game streaming/playing. I think for just talking to other players, even a decent clip on would work as long as one is mindful re: arm/hand movement around it. One doesn't have to go even close to semi-audiophile for that purpose. The thing about the Yeti specifically even for that purpose tho, imo, is it is far too large/heavy (or plain not compatible) for most cheap mic stands/arms and didn't have much support of its own. So it's not very flexible in that regard, which streamers are likely to want because of myraids of desktop setups and room/couch configurations. I would not have bought it if I'd realized/noticed it was that large/heavy. >.>
  23. Most starter streamers use USB mics, like at one time things like Blue Yeti or cheaper/smaller (Yeti is not a very small mic, I have an older one and it's heavy) alternatives. They're fine/good for voice. But then you usually need mic stands or over-the-head swing bars or whatever or they get in the way of, or pick up too much noise from, your keyboard. Which isn't a problem if you're a stream-reactor/chatter, but gamer with a mechanical KB say...haha. I'm not sure about headphones and directional sound tho. I very rarely use headphones cause I don't need to + I hate wearing them, and when I do I just use these cheap Koss hook behind the ear things that sound pretty decent but are probably only a slight step above earbuds. Edit: to be honest, half the game streamers I see are just using earbuds + USB mic - maybe they're expensive/fancy earbuds dunno. Most of the other half use those headphones+mouth mic attached combos. It's usually only the ones with huge audience/pro set ups that have anything more fancy.
  24. Problem with many open worlds imo these days is they end up being collection games because Achievements. I personally think this idea that most games need Achievements has altered the way games are designed. I usually ignore them - if I get a lot of them it's just cause of game/easy trophy design or because I like goofing off in the game long enough. I doubt I'll ever bother getting those last three. Hogwart's world really isn't that large - but it would have been more interesting if the collecting had more purpose outside of trophies and the only way to level up. If they're going to make it action-rpg in a way, do more with it for replay value. Imagine Diablos with almost zero loot variety or "builds". No one would play it for long. Can you turn off the other-player aspect of the Events or just turn Events off? Or is the only way to not see/interact with other players to ignore Events etc. entirely?
  25. LOL Well, they wanted those saying that they 100% the game, to truly mean it. But yeah, I have those two and the battle areas (so, 3) left. I think the Collections one is worse because when you're missing one or three it can be hard to figure out how to get them. It's probably Butterflies one missed, something like that. Or a chest/counter bug.
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