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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I think it turned to Autumn, color wise? More night scenics. imo game looks best at sunrise/sunset/night Gotta pay the respects! Yes I love cats, but this is just nightmare fuel.
  2. Got to learn about Beasts but no personal pet area yet. Got unlock 1. Puttered around. Then main quest has a sorta mechanism puzzle, and I think you're supposed trigger this thing, which gives a brief time (then it resets) that allows you to access something else - didn't take long to figure out the basics but problem is when I trigger it, character can't jump high enough to reach/land the goal spot. After trying multiple times in a few ways, then consulting a text walkthru (first time I looked one of those up), wondering what I was doing wrong (guide just says "jump to/across" but I can't?) I semi-rage quit. Edit: I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious but grrr. All the "puzzles" so far were really easy to do/figure out. EditEdit: I'm level 24 now and leveling is slowing down by a lot even w/quests. This isn't significant outside of the talent points.
  3. --Couldn't stand Hogwart's mega game-fog anymore, it's like a white haze/20 year old dirty window, makes my eyes strain. I'll live without the foggy moor atmosphere. --There was another small patch today. I don't see a difference, but the tweaks I did made most of my issues go away already, with generally fluid 40-60ish. --I also finally realized (so I'm blind as well as a fool) that in Normal/Hard mode, while the giant "press this button" and huge colored head-rings went away, it instead puts very narrow/small colored halos around your head. So all I had to do was memorize what color = which button to push (block, dodge, etc) and Normal was now Story mode too. >.> But I don't want the longer spongier fights of Hard so eh, it's fine. Combat isn't why one plays this game anyway. --Gameplay-wise, this is much more adventure game than an RPG, in my definition at least. --dialogue choices seem to make zero difference so far --the outfits/skins are fun, but gear is not interesting. Legendary does not mean Unique, just highest stats and the most enchant slots I think? - you get enough of them (and they repeat at high lvls) where anything else is meaningless. eg, ithe systems are not deep or very engaging. Which is absolutely fine, I'm just saying if you want that, it's not here. --sneak killing everything you can is satisfying when you can do it. Which you can most of the time.
  4. Hey now, I put Field of Dreams in my "fave KC lead-role films" list a page or so back. ...occasionally I think about how most of my late-teens-20's faves are old enough now that some 20-somethings probably view them like I viewed 50's/60's movies growing up, if their parents didn't expose them to them. Supposed to be good/a "classic" but they haven't gotten around to it yet. Or have never heard of it at all. Time marches on.
  5. Well, I am an old fool. I thought I bumped it up to Normal but must've mis-clicked and it was still on Easy. >.> On Normal/Hard all those block etc. prompts I was seeing go away. That makes more sense. So you have to get good with recognizing/noticing all enemy tells to avoid being hit too often, where the often tight FoV makes it hard see them if it's larger groups. I might use a few potions now and then now. Still not difficult on Normal, but Hard ramps it up a bit and is a little more work/focus then I want for casual nose-picking exploring adventure. I feel like those prompts should only be on Story mode for those who truly wish to ignore combat, since they mean there's two Story modes, basically. >.>
  6. I personally found Bull Durham dull but it was very popular at the time. Not saying it's not a decent flick in its way, just wasn't my taste. Should also reemphasize that I don't dislike Costner. After the success of Dances w/Wolves he (and others) kept pushing him towards epic hero chr. status which doesn't fit him well. In terms of media/public opinion I think he first became a punchline during Waterworld and Postman, there was lots of negative publicity for various reasons (justified or not, who knows, not me). His later years I think he's kept to less showy roles and imo he's better off for it. I forgot to mention Thirteen Days. One of my fave political thrillers, despite all the poetic license the film takes with history (especially Costner's chr). But again, it's more because of the other actors/script vs. Costner. He didn't feel like a lead in that film at all despite efforts to pump up his role.
  7. I have my broom, I have my Room of Requirement, they keep sending me to learn ever more spells or broom upgrades or whatever else - when do I get to have Beasts ?? I keep seeing them in the wild, they run away (I don't have ability to catch/tame them I guess?) or ones in at camps in cages with locks. For that matter, who teaches lockpicking? lol Maybe the next one....
  8. He had blue eyes. He's just one of those where a single role caught the attention of people (Silveravdo) and then nearly everything after that, before Wyatt Earp and then Waterworld, was a critical and/or box office hit, or at least films that were talked about a ton (JFK comes to mind). He and his agent and whoever else in his team were just really good, for a while, at picking movies that would appeal to mass audiences.
  9. I'm guessing you haven't seen it (and I'm not recommending it), but his Robin Hood is similar in the sense that all most people remember is Alan Rickman's Sheriff, or maybe Morgan Freeman. His lack of strong dramatic on-screen charisma or facial expression usually makes him rather invisible or not especially memorable. Don't get me wrong, he's from my theater era so I have fond memories here and there, but I think the best I'd call him is...reliable. You know what you're going to get. I sometimes wonder if he's like Cruise, and should maybe be playing villains most of the time instead of the hero protagonist.
  10. Like, ones that go from some rock on the ground to whatever skybox limit flying has? That would be odd to be stopped in mid-air, but I suppose it won't be much different than the flying car in FFXV which was like that too. I was looking forward to flying around but even with that ini tweak largely fixing frame pacing issues for me, I picture it tanking again while flying and then CTD on top. I expect some things need to be accessed while flying but overall I enjoy hoofing it (it doesn't feel slow) enough I'm not sure I care too much at this point.
  11. Hogwarts: --they did a good job with not making me feel like there are (silly) invisible walls everywhere. Either it's fairly linear dungeon/rooms where you don't expect a lot of freedom, or in the wide open, if it looks like you can maybe get up, there's probably a way. I did find the map edge (shimmering) once via climbing a cliff face - but see, I was surprised they let me climb way up there in the first place. --I did bump up combat difficulty to Normal. I'm sure there's a few tougher bosses later, but so far enemies have been cakewalks with Basic attack and one or two spells and barely trying, since it gives you all the block etc. prompts (maybe you can turn those off, haven't looked). The talent/skill system, I feel like I'll barely need any of them. I haven't used a single potion and I already can't pick any more up. --That said, I don't consider easy combat a negative here. it's still pretty fun and there's more moves and spells to learn for more combos for variety. It's an adventure light-rpg, not a constant action/mega-hard game, and that's fine with me/what I want. --some of the later Main Quests become more involved/longer. Improvement. --Dinner time, then maybe I'll finally get my broom.
  12. ^ Was that in Cyberpunk? I don't remember that at all, but I didn't play it very far and my memory is pffft. But yeah, all games with a large focus on tons of outfit looks should do it, imo.
  13. Ok, I think this worked for me: https://gamerant.com/hogwarts-legacy-pc-stuttering-fix/ gpu shader cache was already on, but I did for some reason have hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling Off at some point (probably for another game, haha!), turned it on. In the Engine.ini, since I have 11GB v-ram instead of 8gb, I put the -r.Streaming.PoolSize- to 6144 (raise in increments of 1024 is the advice). Not sure that makes much difference over 5120 except totally maxing out vram, I might drop it back down. I'm back to the native/no-dlss settings I largely had before and while the outdoor/fps dips are about the same, the difference is the massive frame pacing stutter/lag at that FPS is mostly gone. GPU utilization went from 30% or so to 85%, if that means anything. So it now plays like I expect sub-60, even sub-40, to play. For those who think even one fps under 60 is totally unplayable it still won't be great but for an old fart like me, it's very tolerable vs. the resolution/settings I want. Edit: I have not tested yet whether DLSS still seems to cause constant CTD with FT for me, or not, with these changes.
  14. I'll see your new threads and raise you... ...also found a leather version of a wizard hat somewhere. I like the "transmog" concept in this game. Tiny gear inventory but everything you buy/pickup for even an instant becomes a skin you can apply to anything you actually wear. Or make the gear slot invisible. So I just sell EVERYTHING but what current best-stat I'm wearing. I've been occasonally buying stuff I like just for the skin, then immediately sell it again.
  15. Well, I've decided for myself, DLSS causes CTD's during fast travel (and random other times) far far more often. I played for hours, no DLSS, no CTD's with FT. Had DLSS on and suddenly CTD almost every single FT. Turned it off again, haven't CTD'd at FT yet. I've downloaded DLSS version 2.5 and 3.1.1 that you can stick in the Hogwarts Steam folder cause supposedly it's outdated, but haven't tried it yet. Just went back to playing native at Medium/High (View distance is always on Ultra) and outdoor drops to 38. Haven't tried capping to 30. btw there's also a bug of the game not recognizing your saves/chr. exist anymore. There's a complicated process fix for it that may work in most cases and I think it's quite rare to happen, but ... eh. The game on Steam actually ran a little better (fps and CTD's) before release day and that 300MB supposed DLC "patch." Still liking the game overall a lot (I'm lvl 18 and I think I'm getting close to having my broom), but getting a little fed up. >.>
  16. To be fair, not sure if it's actually assigning spells. I open that menu, change a spell, it CTD's. I close menu after changing spell and take one step, it CTD's. That sort of thing. Anyway, I went into nvidia, made a profile for Hogwart's and set that performance mode setting to Prefer Maximum vs. Adaptive. So far haven't had another CTD, but as always, could be random coincidence lol. I gave up and put DLSS/Quality/mostly Ultra on. While everything in the castle was 50-60 (at mostly Medium/native res), there were more and more forest spots where fps dropped below 40 and in this game, that is often motion "laggy" enough where even I care. I'll just sit back another foot.
  17. Hogwart's - I am not particularly enjoying all the very tutorial-feeling main quest missions that seem to comprise how you get any new abilities/game mechanics. They go on and on and on. Maybe this is because I'm not a Potter-world-lore fan and don't get anything from all this teacher and classroom stuff, when all I want to do is progress to say, flying broom, trait unlocking, potion making, flying mount, etc and then go back to exploring more freely, but meh. Some of the early side quests are more interesting/fun.
  18. The Last of Us, episode 5: ...that was the best one yet. Had everything. The pacing of this show, episode to episode, is on point. The supporting actors are (mostly) fantastic. Thumbs way up.
  19. ^ I was going to say I still had had only that one CTD, but I just had another. No day1 patch yet either. It did have me download a 300MB something that claims it was DLC, but nothing new. Like it re-downloaded the pre-order stuff I already had. Or updated it. I dunno. Regardless, yeah the best thing so far for me is the exploration factor. Game makes you want to explore and figure out what "things" are for. Resources seem to respawn (eventually). You can definitely wander-encounter enemies much higher level then you but on the other hand I think there's some level scaling in the sense that maybe you won't ever have enemies lower then you. not 100% on that.
  20. Hogwart's: Open file: \Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini At bottom, paste in: Make the file read-only if you want/if it seems to reset on game start. Before: (this is night, btw) https://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/131/Hogwarts-00006.jpg https://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/131/Hogwarts-00009.jpg After: https://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/131/Hogwarts-00007.jpg https://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/131/Hogwarts-00008.jpg ...the no-bloom I like a lot. Definitely keeping that. ...the no-fog I'm conflicted. I like the less white/green/brown haze, but on the OLED tv, it's almost too dark/contrast-y even if you turn game brightness up (note: less of an issue on non-OLED monitor). Plus very distant low quality stuff can be more eye-catching/distracting without the fog-haze. Outdoors mood feels more generic at times or something too, less "highland hills" or whatever. ...The no-fog applies to indoors as well, so the castle rooms looks more vibrant with colors that pop a bit more. I wish the fog had a half-strength option, that would probably be perfect. Why do dev's always seem to go overboard with "volumetric" anything. Oh well.
  21. Oh, one more tech note re: Hogwart's - if you do get a CTD and then find the game won't load/crashes during the pre-shade screen when you try to play again, you can try going into the appdata/Local for the game. In the Saved folder (not saved games) there's a Config folder. I deleted that - the game just creates a new one - and it fired up perfectly again. You just have to redo all your video etc. settings again. So far only had the one CTD, over 8-10 hours game on. To get consistent fps outdoors as well as indoors (again, 4k) I had to lower a few more settings but outside of lighting looking slightly more flat sometimes, I don't feel the "look" of the game changes that much. At High/Ultra view distance I haven't noticed any distant pop-in, either. Maybe that doesn't show up until low or medium view distance, not sure.
  22. Hogwart's Legacy - this is going to be one of those games where I wander all over by myself, ignoring the main quest most of the time. I had to force myself to stop going farther and farther away from the castle and go back cause I don't even have the mounts or room yet (and I figure some quests will send me hither and yonder anyway), but then I explored the castle even more and ... ...btw if you like less hand-holding, you can turn a lot of HUD elements off individually, including the mini-map. I have as much of it off as possible and only turn on the mini-map if I'm running in circles too long or something.
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