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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I have steam cloud disabled. I also fully/hard exit the client when done playing. Played last night, paid attention. Started at 10pm, stopped a little before 2am. Steam counter was at that 600hr mark when I started. When I quit it was at 609.9hrs. Exited client. When I started it again just now, now it says 610.6 hrs. Dunno if it's just this game, could be. I find it funny.
  2. No Man's Sky, "hours played" Started playing this game late September. ---Steam's client UI says: 600 hrs. ---In-game menu (adding up time given for all save slots) says: about 330ish hours. Now, I assume Steam simply counts how long the .exe is on/running, doesn't care if you paused the game, fell asleep at the keyboard, etc. But I am very sure I haven't had the game exe running for avg. 10 hours every single day for two months. The 330ish seems more accurate. There were days I played 6-8hrs, especially the first few weeks, sometimes just a couple hours, days I didn't turn it on at all. >.> I usually play offline only games so Steam will say something like "you played for 1 minute or 1 hour" on 90% of my games no matter how much I played them. Does Steam do this a lot? Do all the folks talking about their 3000 hours in some Steam client game really only have half that?
  3. Wait a couple months, it'll seem tiny again soon. I still debate with myself whether a 65" OLED could be made to work/fit n my computering room. ...I also debate whether I should buy another one before the TV's end up forcing you to connecting to the internet to even make the display simply function, thus ensuring you cannot escape their ads. I have never plugged the OLED to the net (directly), since it's PC/ps4 connected, and I'd like to keep it that way.
  4. Finished Scavengers Reign. I found the ending/last episode a bit lacking in terms of resolution, or maybe a little rushed or something. And while there were brief ending epilogues re: chrs, with no super duper cliffhanger type stuff, it still screamed "2nd season". For me the first half or so of the series was slightly better than the second half. That said, I liked it a fair bit overall. Although it might have slightly benefited from having episodes that were 3-5 minutes longer.
  5. Scavengers Reign (animated series, 12 episodes, US production/English) - HBO/MAX I'm at at that half-way point. The animation is good, but the style isn't my favorite. Once I got past/used to that: ---it's sci-fi, but also ... has body horror? surreal? moments. Not scary, just creepy, like someone had a bunch of creatively useful nightmares as a kid. ---There's a plot re: (separated) stranded survivors on alien world trying to survive and eventually reach possible escape. I think the show's true focus is more on visual world building, strange as it is. A lot of ecosystem detail, some usual humans vs. points, perhaps. --- if you like surreal/dark sci-fi, with imaginative imagery/world building, might be worth a gander.
  6. After doing some non-ship hunting stuff for a while, I did more ship hunting today. And then, I finally found one I might keep! But ... IT'S ORANGE again. Oh well, it's cute. Meet Hopper Tank (the top shape makes me think of leaf hoppers). Look at those feet. I feel like it should both fly and be a ground roamer, but sadly no. Also, tried to salvage/get rid of that Living Ship. Game told me "Can't salvage a living being!" So I traded it with some random NPC pilot for his cruddy ship (and got rid of his), but since he was still standing there (vs. disappearing like usual), I found I could still hire him for my fleet squadron. So he flies the Living Ship now. You can actually observe it.
  7. Just a pic as an excuse to say: GRAVITY IS FOR CHUMPS. ...or as subtitle: "What everyone does after they go back to a forgotten base and discover terrain and features have respawned, with a giant tree or boulder sprouting in the middle of your stuff." Every single base of mine that is more than the "base registration computer" is off the ground. ...7 Days to Die with structural integrity building rules this ain't.
  8. I don't entirely agree with every one of his points but I do agree with a lot of them. That we the consumers of this digital and convenience age have a large part in the way the film industry direction seems to be moving, whether one thinks it "sucks" or thinks it's better than ever. But I'm not going to return to seeing films in the theaters. I don't even see splashy cinematic blockbusters in theaters now. Sorry. The film industry has had swings and changes more than once. New generations will like it or not, shift it or not, again with time, same as always.
  9. Hubby is still into 3d printers. Not in the sense of actually wanting to print anything - well, except maybe for small tech parts/gears - but in the geek sense of always trying to improve build designs/workings, The printer itself. So long story short he's watched/been mostly a lurker of similar minded home 3d-printer nerds, and this month he finally contributed a build improvement thing. Don't ask me what, I understand none of it. But that community picked it up and featured it in some of their YT vids, and group forum posts, and one is using it in their own design now.... hubby seems quite pleased. lol. He's so cute.
  10. Meet Dirty Snowball. ....I swear I do more in this game than collect ships. Really. ....actually started some semi-challenge games, like starter-planet only (can't ever leave that first planet, can't buy ships only find them, can't do this or that), stuff like that. Gives a reason to scour a planet vs. bounce in and bounce off. My nomadic tendencies kick in eventually tho.
  11. I keep meaning to zoom thru Ghostwire Tokyo, just for the art if nothing else etc. But then every day I just turn No Man's Sky back on for a couple hours instead. Firefly's "Definitive Edition" of original Stronghold (not Crusader) has released - but apparently it doesn't include Skirmish mode, which doesn't sound very "Definitive" to me. >.> (Edit: correction, I guess Skirmish was Crusader originally, so perhaps that's justified then). I also have the original (from GoG) that can be played at higher resolutions, which looks great, so I'm not sure what the benefit of the new version is. Slightly polished sprite graphics - doesn't look all that different - and Steam service MP/matching I guess?
  12. I have no idea where to post some stuff these days, too many mega-threads. Anyway, they were table-topping and a discussion came up (they show it briefly at beginning) and hence this parody song was made. Their skits are great, but I missed their songs (they said ages ago that they just didn't get the views), nice to see one again. Good stuff.
  13. I need to stop hunting for interceptors, I won't be able to decide what to get rid of. Still haven't found the "perfect" one tho.
  14. At an hour, I did "background" it off and on, but overall and the concept, I thought it was pretty neat. Liked the scrolling animation - the music varied, some of it I liked, some I didn't. While it is limited and brief, I almost wish there had been no narration at all, just a visual/music thing. Must've taken a while to finish.
  15. Finally, last quest step and I could save-scum to get a Living Ship! So I did. Lots and lots of solar system spawns tried. They're largely egg-shaped with a fish/crustacean influence or something. Example of rejected ones: I asked around, and apparently there cannot be a "tiny" version. They're all sorta that size, not many possible "parts", but with some variation in front shape and appendages, maybe a few more unique colors, stuff like that. So I just picked the first one that didn't make me go "ugh." They have no large advantage, not my style, so not sure I'll keep it. Altho they do look kinda cool from side/behind if 3rd-person flying, but I never do that. Also I was wrong and there is a way to farm more but not worth the steps/cost/bother (unless one really really likes them, ofc).
  16. Sadly no. But you can recolor some wall panels, and ofc your outfit. Although even there the choices are very very limited. Like 4-8 color/accent combos limited. It's purely RNG what a planet/system/space station generates, based on some seed. Re: interceptors, once you know what a system/planet spawns, every single one on that planet will be of the exact same look/design, just the class tier may vary. So if you like it, you can keep doing the routine/looking for their sites to get an "S" class version. if you don't like it, you leave and try RNG of another system. There's probably exceptions but generally. Anyway, I've seen vids of Mini-Cylon in blue and green. There's also a few other mini or at least smaller, interceptor designs, I think the one I found might be the most common. I might try to find a different one, but the more I look the harder it is to stick to 5 total ships. And I still haven't found a Squid Exotic. Edit: should say the ship/freighter maybe other seed RNG is pre-determined across the entire bazillion planets. Or "sticks" somehow. Thus if you find something kewl there's a way to share a solar system address with other players so they can try to find it there too. I haven't used that method yet tho.
  17. Most alien interceptor ships have a variation of this kind of look/size: (their game appeal is they can true-hover, so good surface explorers) Meet Mini-Cylon: (needs a better name) Current three main ships. If I can get a small Living Ship I'll replace the larger interceptor. I try to stick to 5 total owned. Also: freighter npc's (they're largely deco) have thoughts. Which is kinda funny sometimes.
  18. What? Who? *looks* Oh ... that seems to be a 90's remake/new version of the series, not the '59-'63 series. Never saw that. Actually, I didn't know it existed. Not that it's surprising, given the now popular story/history period. Outside of Robert Stack's series all I knew of was that Costner/Connery movie.
  19. I found a YT channel that has all the seasons of Unsolved Mysteries. Nostalgic to see a few episodes. Robert Stack was perfect as a host of such a program. I used to love In Search Of (Nimoy host) too. Maybe I can find those. Seeing Mr. Stack makes me want to watch Untouchables (old TV series). I haven't seen that in forever, and don't think I ever saw all of it. Might be fun to revisit.
  20. Opened Steam. "Tales of Arise"-Update Required. Hm. So, a new large DLC/expansion, two years later? Ok, I had a mostly great time with it back then. $30 and stand alone gameplay, not a continue from your finished save? So like a quarter or half sized new game with the same characters? Mmm...I'll wait for a sale. This is a case where too much time = not a large drive to have it right away. Interesting that they made such after so long tho. No Man's Sky: ---obsessed for a while re: finding a small Interceptor ship (RNG stuff). Most of them are large-ish. Finally found one. Yay. It's not very pretty, but I like tiny ships. I must have all the tiny ship versions. I even have a "Hauler" that has no tail and no wings, it's like a chunky misshapen blue potato. ---now working on getting a "living ship." A questline that has several steps. Each step has a few tasks that take maybe 10-15 minutes, but then also has a waiting stage of ... 15-20 hours or so. Each step. Like, wait for something to hatch/grow. It's a bit of a silly time padder. Better be a really kewl ship. I hear one may be able to use a reload trick to make sure you like the one you get, because you only get one shot per character/save I think. I want a tiny one. >.> ---other than that, still just flying around/messing around in the giant sandbox. It never ends, and I don't want it to.
  21. YT threw a video on this topic up for me, and I went "oh no, no more Zero/Extra Punctuation?" Then the video mentioned the new channel. I immediately bookmarked it. I do agree with Wormerine that Zero P. series hasn't been as good lately (but Extra was still interesting) but still, I like his snark in those. And yeah, his stuff is the only reason I knew Escapist existed. >.> It's nice to hear of the solidarity of their team tho. I wish them luck.
  22. I like it when zombies somehow never managed to lose their hats off their head when they died, or in all the days/months they've been lurching around as a zombie. Or maybe zombies covet hats as reminders of better days and go around picking them up, moaning "braiiiinnnnsss, braiiiinsss ... haaaaaaaat!" It's even better if the game lets you loot/take their hat to wear yourself. Not that they typically allow that, but just saying.
  23. Hubby's back is worse again so kinda tough there. My niece is nearing hospice territory. It also crossed my mind that my sister will be 70 before too long. Buncha other "mortality" reminders this week. I saw this, and thought "what a maudlin, kinda boring song," but by the time it ended I was bawling (both the sentiment and that the Beatles music was a big part of my kid life because of siblings - I remember where I was when the news of Lennon's death aired).
  24. Interesting. I might give it a shot. I've considered getting one of those "really old fart" not-smart/no-screen/giant numbers mobile phones and the cheapest mobile plan to go with it possible and use that as a registering number, tossing the phone in a box in the garage. But eh. Sidenote: I remember how much I loved it when I bought one of those super long curly landline phone handset cords. 12 feet or more, I think it was. I could walk around my whole room while on the phone for hours with my friends, instead of being stuck by the wall/on a chair. it was amazing!
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