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Everything posted by Redmen

  1. Well im in the Telos academy and im trying to get to the artifacts is there any way to get them? I talked to one off the Hanmaidens (not the NPC) and i got in the dialog to an option "That is why i wish to see the teachings of the jedi. Ihave much to learn.. and much to reflect on" after i click on this im thrown out of the dialog screen. Why,was something cut?
  2. 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? I guess its a bug or if you use your security skils to open it you get XP but if you bash it you get insted of XP broken items. But i dont remember any locked empty crates. 9. Why have repeated the same dialogue options with both Wisdom and Awareness? Does the answer change if the question is asked out of Wisdom instead of Awareness? No its the same 13. Why doesn't the character portrait in the load menu change to reflect alignment like it did in KotOR? Yes it does for you and your NPCs 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? Which enamy i never could be stealthy against the Sith assasins 18. Why are there 2 mining laser types; a 1-7 and a 1-8 version? ...Same with the 1-11 and 1-12 advanced mining lasers. Yeah i saw that too i got the 1-11 advanced laser from the HK 50 unit, dont know why ther is no difference bettwen the two other than that. 22. Why was Mandalore so concerned about the Republic vessels detecting their proton cores on the Ravager? "..the proton cores do not emit a signature the Republic ships can detect. If they do pick up the signal, they will assume it to be emanating from the ship's missile bays." So what? Why would the Ravager's proton cores be more tolerable for the Republic? Yeah i thought about that one why was he affraid the Republic ships would detect the proton cores, the first time i played the game i thought he is planing to blow the Sith and the Republic vessels to dust. The last great act by the Mandalorians. 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? No he was hijacking the fuel from Vogga the Hutt. 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? Maybe he has got more than just an mechanical arm remember she cant read a mind of a droid 40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? They were controlled by GOTO (most of the droids on Nar Shadaa are controlled by GOTO)
  3. 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? Well the Bith discovered the signals send by droids in Voggas warehaus to GOTO
  4. Well as far as i know the only advantiage of being GS (grey side) is that you can wear Jole Bindos robe which is the only item restricted to grey
  5. Well whats the deal with the sith in kotor 2 the only sith you meet up to Malachor are Assasins and some troopers i would be nice if Sion and Nihilus would have different "special" sith units and not just the assasins... Well a guy said that Bush is a Naci (well he is probably not) but isnt the idea of the "sith" based on the nacis? Darth Hitler vs. Jedi master Roosevelt and his padawan Eisenhower
  6. Id say Dxun and Onderon for the final battle (against the queen or Vaklu)
  7. Well i went Exile LS/male Revan LS/male, then Exile DS/male Revan DS/male not much difference Then i went female LS, LS and DS,DS Its been a KOTOR filled month If i were you i d go female/female DS/DS or LS
  8. You will find him in a cave on Dantoine, look around a bit and you should find the enterance....
  9. HK with the pacifist upgrade :D
  10. Nope i did overload the computer after meeting with disciple but he still lives i would go with GOTO
  11. Hoped it would be out on easter (An LA gift for easter) but no patch
  12. Oi can you use the 4.11 opengl driver with the Kotor1 coz i just installed the game after half a year and on dantoine i have the same problems as in kotor2 (had in kotor2)
  13. Well is there a fix for this the only way i can play on Dantoine (normaly) is that i use force sight and only then the game runs smoothe... I have a Ati 9600xt
  14. Why does Kreia want to kill Mira and at the end kreia talks about Mira she says something about her father (it sounds he was a bad ass) but i never did get an option with mira on her father all she says is that she was a inslaved by the mandalorians and some stuff about her and hannhar (my influence with her is high enough to turn her into a jedi)
  15. Kill off the two gangs in the refuge sector, and then you get a visit by the slavers and then you should get a call by visquas (or what ever). allso try destroing the droid in the swoop garage (just talk to the Twilek female standing near the twilek on the floor) or try running off the Rodian male that wants you to kill the female... Ohh and the bug on nar shadaa when Mira and hanhar just stand there its funny when i had it even when Mira was in my party there would be two Miras the one standing near the Ebon hawk and the one in my parti
  16. That would be lame if they would just change the endings and not add the planet the hk factory. What kinde of content patch is that that only 2mins of the game would be different ive played the game 6 times through and if nothing in the game changes (no new stuff) i aint gona play from the start to see the different ends
  17. Well for me its great that you can chose which gender you want and that the storys arent the same (more time to play the game) to bad no Aliens can be chosen. Ive played both male DS/LS and female DS/LS when with a male i went with strengh and constitution when female wisdom and charisma
  18. Bao the best GOTO the lamest
  19. I would go with Sion but i dont get it what happened to his body. but Kreia vs Malak i would go with Kreia she is so different malak is just like every other sith lord. But is Kreia even a sith lord
  20. Bao is the best i take him everywhere with me to bad you only have a human jedi main character :ph34r:
  21. The main Q is if the patch will just fix the graphic bugs or if it will add any of the cut material at least the hk factory and the "lost" planet
  22. Any news on the patch what its gona fix (graphic bugs or even add the two major cut things Hk factory and the lost planet) if thers a official thread somewhere just past a like tnx :ph34r:
  23. Well i hope for a complite body change if let say you have big strenth and constitution you should be bigger but if you are strong in wisdom or charisma you should be smaller less muscels. As i understand Kreia at the end both the jedi and the sith will help Revan in the battle against the true Sith empire wright.
  24. Gameplay is great maybe the story is not upto the original kotor but hell ive played this game six times through so it was worth the money
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