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Everything posted by Delerius_Jedi

  1. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=639 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even if it had never been said in an interveiw I would think they would make you work for it, I mean come on they are going to make you run around for most of the first level without clothes or armor so I would think a light saber would be just as hard to find. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nothing is ever hard in Kotor. But the start is usually annoying as in all games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess thats a poor choice of wording on my part, I wasn't meaning it would be hard as in challenging but hard as in taking a long time to find. I wonder what is so speacial about the PCs lightsaber? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, what indeed? I suppose it merely doing extra damage would be sort of a tease, heh
  2. I will still say Bastila, followed by Atris. Though, as none of them are in the poll, this vote goes to Mira.
  3. I would make for great atmosphere, yes. But in terms of the locations we've seen in the first game, and the bits of the second, I think the levels would be too small for it to work. You could ride for ten seconds, and then you'd have to have code for the speeder and the NPC's/creatures/buildings' reaction with the speeder. I mean: remember the ronto and the swoop jocky in Ep IV. They would have to code behaviour like that into the game engine, which would undoubtedly take alot of time, and probably more than they'd be willing to spend for a "gimmick".
  4. Well, to drop another vague hint: Alot of times: leaks do seem to happen when developers/publishers do something that greatly upsets large groups of fans...Regardless of the specific title. Again: I am just speaking from my past experiences here.
  5. I am getting Halo2 for the multiplayer component. So this leak does not affect me, I have ordered my copy and it'll be here soon enough. Now in terms of LA being a giant. Jedi Academy was leaked around a month and a half before it's release. Granted, it was a beta version, but still. I'm not going to comment on anything specific regarding K2 leaks, other than say: If it does happen, I won't be surprised, nor will I shed any tears.
  6. Not alot of shops in the States(that I know of) ship overseas. Plus: they would all need to get their consoles modded, and that would negate the Xbox Live content for those who have Xbox Live. I know people who have modded consoles, but I know many more who don't know the first thing about it. And yes: It is a forum, but it is also a forum where the number of threads locked for hijacking/flaming and such has set a new record. and according to amazon.co.uk we may have to wait until April guess we will have to order it or "obtain" it from US <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have a strong feeling that the number of "obtained" K2 copies from the US will skyrocket in December. At any rate, I do think Zach Morris does have the right to keep this thread here without it being locked for going off topic, so could we please get back to the issue of voting now? Cast your ballots, people No more release or platform bashing, please. It never solves anything.
  7. Bastila. Terrific looks, wonderful voice and a very rewarding romance plot. If you don't believe me, check out Adria's site
  8. *sigh* And once again my hopes for a serious, constructive thread are ripped away. Since I took my Xbox with me to Europe from the States, I had it modded, so I wouldn't have to buy all my games all over again as PAL versions. I will get a friend to mail me a copy of TSL Xbox in December, and then go out and buy the PC version in February, for the extra content, and better graphics. I do believe this constitutes an "others" vote. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <_< well arn't we grumpy. I'm simply stating the fact that I will have Star Wars KOTOR 2 months and months before those who refuse to get an XBOX can ever dream of? Whats wrong with that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, there is the fact that I do know plenty of people over here who do have XBOX's. Who paid the same money, to the same company as you did, and still aren't getting it until February. Do they fall under the definition of "suckers"? I do not think so. At any rate, this is not about the date, so let's just steer back on topic, where I believe we have both made our replies?
  9. *sigh* And once again my hopes for a serious, constructive thread are ripped away. Since I took my Xbox with me to Europe from the States, I had it modded, so I wouldn't have to buy all my games all over again as PAL versions. I will get a friend to mail me a copy of TSL Xbox in December, and then go out and buy the PC version in February, for the extra content, and better graphics. I do believe this constitutes an "others" vote.
  10. I voted for option B, as I prefer having the posts in the proper context.
  11. I would like to see Jennifer Hale return. Though I'm not sure whether I would like to see Bastila return, but that's for another topic. Having heard Jennifer Hale in everything from Spider-Man to Metal Gear Solid, I am confident she could even do multiple parts in Kotor2. Kath Soucie would be nice to see, as well. David Warner is brilliant, especially for the part of the villain. I would like to. Tony Jay, who did The Transcendent One in Planescape:Torment.
  12. Thanks I mean, I spent alot of time on the swoop races so I want my efforts to be worth something <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Totally...Tatooine took me forever, but the autopront was a nice touch...you listining, Obsidian?
  13. Hmm...Yes, I would agree, rika. That would make for a completely real and original gaming experience...Let's take it a bit further...this Sith Lord has a romance plot(during which the PC is none the wiser), then when you have slain the others he/she could ask you to join them... This would be a lovely twist as the one thing we haven't seen in any SW games is the fact that a character might have been a dark sider all along, and just hiding it.
  14. Good one, Rika. I'm so with you on that one.
  15. I will probably keep away from here, even though I'll be playing K2 on my European Xbox in December, as I have mod duties on another community board, and will be spoiler watchdog there.
  16. I consider myself a PC gamer, as this is the platform I have used since the DOS days. Now, I do own a Gamecube and an Xbox(not that it'll do me anygood, I'm European). And interms of games: it really depends on how well the games are handled on the various platforms that determine which version I'll get. For instance: Halo is enjoyable enough on the Xbox, but utterly horrible on the PC. With the original KOTOR, I went for the PC version as it had better graphics, and LA made us Europeans wait for the Xbox version anyway. And I'm happy with Kotor on PC. If I decide to get Kotor II(at a shop) it would most likely be on PC, as getting the Xbox version would grant me no advantage and the PC version is bound to have more content which you won't need an Xbox Live account to obtain. I have five Gamecube games and four Xbox games, whereas on the PC I have games all the way back from 1994...well over a hundred titles. Plus the fact that for multiplayer, the PC really is the superiour platform due to online gaming being much simpler compared to the Xbox where you have to get an expensive subscription to Xbox Live and all. With PC online gaming: you just buy the game and go online...no fuss. I will be sticking with the PC for pretty much every multiplatform title, and focus my console gaming efforts on the exclusive titles like Halo2 for the Xbox and Metroid Prime 2 for the GameCube.
  17. I'm also of the view that the romances were really one of the best aspects of Kotor. They added dimension, were well scripted for the most part, and really made me feel empathy towards the characters. The way Bastila softened during the romance, and you found out that her cold facade was just that: a facade. That she was really a kind, caring person who had been handed way too much responsibility, and that it made her afraid of failing. Now: I won't deny it, the highlight of the original Kotor for me was on the Star Forge, where my character finally got to tell her he loves her. And she him. Just wonderful, I found it more rewarding than the final fight against Darth Malak. Plus: The voice acting skills of both Jennifer Hale and Raphael Sbarge for Bastila and Carth, respectively really added to the romance plots as well, every line was perfectly delivered. I would hope that Obsidian do equally enthralling romances in Kotor2, plots that advance, and helps the characters grow on multiple levels. And that they have managed to get actors capable of really engrossing the player in these plots.
  18. Thank you very much for that comment, Mr Urqheart. It's nice to see that you care about your consumers. And I suppose that: All things considered I am grateful that you were able to deny MS a Kotor2 Xbox exclusive period internationally. This too, helps us PC gamers. Well said, Sirius. I couldn't agree more. I will be reconsidering my plans regarding Kotor2.
  19. Which is why ranting over the release date should stop because it's not constructive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why I "jumped into the fray" was to show that alot of people had the wrong idea about why the release date was delayed (and it was DELAYED). People were saying that Obsidian didn't have it ready on time.....etc...which is wrong. It's all about LA making money and big companies happy, despite giving their word. I think any doubt about what I was saying was erased by what Feargus said. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pardon me for asking this but I have been away for the past days. What did he say?
  20. Very nice. This was really missing from the original KOTOR. Now, I hope there will be a bonus track or two for us patient PC-gamers?
  21. First, nothing will change that. X-box sales alone should mak ethe game a success Ok, lets run through senerios: 1. You pirate the game - This obviosuly hurts LA, but it hurts Obsidian (who worked thier asses off to get the game out by Dec, only to have LA **** it up for them). Basically you would be saying "**** you" to your best friend and worst enemy in this matter. Also, since piracy may be a reason in the PC delay, it can only hurt us in the future. 2. You buy the X-box version - just about the worst think you could do 3. You wait for the bargin bin - Just like #1 this hurts both Obsidian and LA, just less so than #1 4. You trade in games to get a used copy from Gamestop or you buy a used copy - This more or less the same as #1 to these guys. The sales numbers don't go up, and niether party sees a dime. 5. You wait for the PC game. Both Obsidian and LA profit just like the X-box version, but the difference is that they profit through PC sales. 6. Pirate and send Obsidian money - I guess Obsidian gets money and LA doesn't (assuming Obsidian doesn't send LA their cut), but still it looks bad for Obsidian as it cuts into sales. Plus, as I said before, since piracy may be a reason in the PC delay, it can only hurt us in the future. It's pretty much a no win for somebody that doesn't deserve it, or a win for someone who doesn't deserve it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It should be said that pirating an Xbox game is not particularly difficult in this day and age. I feel pretty confident that plenty of European Xbox gamers will be playing this game in December, despite LucasArts' intentions. This will cause a dent in the International Xbox sales, a rather huge one I think, so the piracy issue can't be the deciding factor, I think. And regarding piracy: The titles usually pirated are the ones where the public feels betrayed or poorly treated by the people behind the game. So I believe that this decision by LucasArts will increase piracy of KOTOR2 on all platforms and regions , The dilemma I find myself in is this: I've played Planescape: Torment, so I have confidence in Obsidian's ability to make a quality game. However, after having been directly lied to by LucasArts I have no desire to support them financially. The one thing I do regret is all the bad publicity Obsidian will get from this, despite the fact that it isn't their fault. This is their first game, and I'm fearful that this bad publicity may haunt them forever. I would hope that they make sure to sign contracts where they have a say in the release dates in the future, and that they would decline to do a KOTOR3, should LucasArts ask, given that they gave Obsidian the impression that Kotor2 would be released simultaniously, no matter which version was finished first. I will be thinking hard about this, but right now: the urge to refuse to pay to play this product is the dominant feeling for me.
  22. I care very much about them. I too had Revan save the Galaxy and have Bastila fall in love with him, and I would not like to see any of those characters arbitrarilly swept away in Kotor2
  23. What are your sources? I fail to see a LA or OE tag under your avatar picture ... First the Xbox version is not ready, when it is ready the "gone gold" is anounced and we are TWO months from the supposed release date of the North America XBox release date. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Adria knows these things. If she says this is true, then believe it is. And adds another reason why Obsidian should be leaning on LucasArts for them to make a public apology.
  24. Indeed, a very valid point Craftsman. It would go along way towards soothing bad tempers. But a simple apology from LucasArts would help with that, as well.
  25. Which makes this matter even sadder. They must not be very happy with their LucasArts "partners" at this moment, I would imagine.
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