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  1. Definitely would be some welcomed changes. Although POE did balance classes better than dnd , the casters still end up with so much power. I do like nerf ideas. Also i know this probably wouldn't be included but for me the other reason Priest are top tier class is they counter all enemy CC/debuff. I know there are a few abilities from other classes that counter stuff but there is not enough. I also know that Lore/Scrolls also are viable for countering CC. It would nice if the counters to CC were spread out more in actual abilities. Basically add or modify other classes to have prayer like abilities. Small example would be ranger Heal Companion. maybe it could suppress or just remove status affects and also heal. Its hard to compare to POE2 but they added a buff along with the heal. Or maybe it could remove a certain set of CC like a prayer. Also its funny how Druid is S tier which I agree it is (i still remember the great Druid/Rogue who can do more melee dps posts lol, poor rogue , couldnt out dps a caster class in melee rip) but there are no nerfs proposed. There are small nerfs i can think about for wizards like Chill Fog , which seems to strong for level 1 spell. It needs to either be longer duration between ticks , or a higher tier spell, or a different status than Blinded. I just started a new run so i will have to get back into the swing of things to think about other stuff.
  2. @Ben No.4 i still direct new people here from other places when they have questions this guide can answer
  3. Dont know if its really interesting but i did a Scout Stalker/Rogue two weapon build. pretty fun i did a lot of stealth stuff and avoided tons of fights so cant say its was uber strong but had lot of fun. during fights i played kinds flanking rogue with my wolf.
  4. I kinda accidentally did the stealth stuff on my first Deadfire run and i love that it paid off compared to POE 1. i thought it was nice that the level design supported this (it was one of the things i liked about POE 2 vs 1) and i enjoyed puzzling out how to get my entire party stealthed through whole areas lol. i really appriciated that i was able to for the most part get away with this and the dig site was the first example. I remember coming on these forums and everyone saying the beginning was so hard and they mention the dig site and i was confused but then realized i had skipped all the animal fights at the dig site lol. and then they leave once you finish with the pillar. Looking back i definitely skipped so much fighting in whole areas
  5. Welp looks like the most unique build was saved for last also dont forget what we win if this is confirmed
  6. hmm not sure i never had an issue with this quest. i remember walking with durance toward the end game area and he just talked stop and talk with me for his last bit of dialogue. not sure that is where you are though in the quest line
  7. I just skip swift aim and chug potions of Potion of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion + two weapon style + a low thin armor + durganized = more than enough for 0 recovery. with calculator you can even just use potion of power and still have enough for vulnerable attack. i know that takes some time so swift aim is for if you are trying to get it early on but i just like being able to choose a different talent
  8. Ye in the late game my animal WOLF would do about 70-80 on hit and over 100 damage on crit which if your a ranger with flanking + stunning shots (ranger ability) + all animal companion talents and abilities Boeroer mentioned, should happen pretty often. And i did a drawn in spring ranger for a run. It was fun i would use my ranger / animal to flank and take out squishies casters and ranged guyes when i could. i dont really remember all the abilities i used before i got drawn in spring . i prob used other abilities and spells from others to trigger predators sense like boeroer mentioned. If you go two handed build you can get a wounding weapon faster with Tidefall Greatsword. Rangers can definitely dish out the damage plus they are the only class to get skill of Stun on Hit which is really powerful for a weapon on hit affect. i mean not wizard powerful but really good for just and auto attack debuff affect. Rangers arent weak but they are more of an auto attack class and they are a high micro class with maneuvering your animal and ranger around. I liked that about them but some dont. Also in the base game without mods your animal damage doesnt show up as part of ranger damage totals so its hard for some to see what the actual damage a ranger can do.
  9. I dont think 10-8 dex is a huge difference, it is only 6% speed difference. So if you like that i would go for it. I dont think it will hurt that much and you get benefits in other places. There are lots of ways to increase your accuracy throughout the game though. it probably one of the easier stats to increase (not perception but accuracy).
  10. i would definitely start on at least normal you can always change it to hard or easy while you are playing. the beginning can be harder in certain areas for someone that is new. Check out the build board below. you dont have to do the exact same thing especially with the attributes. so if you want a guide just find something interesting , set the stats the way you want an play. the attributes are not as important mechanically as dnd. but can be nice to role play the way you want. i generally played on hard and never min maxed stats. Also i would recommend to just play without a guide at all. This game was setup for you to role play the way you want and take skills that seems interesting to you and the game will support that. there really are not trap builds or skills. it really open ended for you to try to RP. Paladins are pretty beefy also especially with some early skills so you can build like you if you want to go in with 2H it will be fun or if you want to be even more tanky take 1h + shield and can provide nice party tank. Paladins are good classes and have nice buff and counter debuff / cc skills so they make a nice all around class. There is no reason to respec Companions their stats are fine. it more about learning the mechanics and strategies around CC/ debuffs and protecting yourself from CC/debuffs. once you learn how to attack the weakness of one of the enemy defenses and learn to protect yourself it will be fine. On lower levels Hiravias will prob be more fun since you will feel the impact more from druid but if you need more tank or off tank Chanters make nice role for that and if you want less micro Kana is easier to play. I would actually switch characters out periodically to play around with different classes and to complete their quests Priest are one of the strongest classes in game. They are the answer for any CC/debuffs the enemy can throw at you while also buffing your party to high heaven. Being new to game it would be easier to play with Priest in party. they are more support in nature but can be build to DPS but being new i would explore their support capability. however they are not necessary to a party. you can basically make up any party composition of classes and win. This games classes are more balanced than dnd so nothing is necessary but their are still tiers where it will be easier or more intuitive than others. You should be able to queue actions by holding shift but you can see them in some kinda queue and personally ive never done it. there is some simple AI settings you can set per character for them to do their own actions if you want.
  11. would this help: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/The_Sealed_Missive
  12. this is interesting. in my main run i let the dragon stay but this seems like a cool option if it was working.
  13. interesting speculation about the timeframe for game
  14. wonder if its a tactics game or historical or both he seems to be into those types of games or talks about wanted to make games like that but i do remember him somewhere saying he was working on game with no combat. not sure if it was somethingawful forums on twitter but i feel like i heard that somewhere from josh about what he was working on so game could be a surprise.
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