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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. Ba haha hahaha ha! A Sith Lord with a social conscience! If the other Sith Lords make fun of you because of it, just tell them you saved the children cuz they'll be a much greater challenge to kill when they're grown up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL Obi! Hey I admit I make a terrible Sith Lord :PPPP Its actually kinda weird, when I first started playing D&D (P&P) I was drawn to evils, when I started playing MMORPGs 14 years ago I just couldnt be evil as I knew there was a real person on other end of computer (but that didnt stop my in off line games). But over last few years even feel guilty in off line games. heh, I always used excuse of games designing evils as just mindless, blood thirsty, Drooling morons but KotOR series ruined that excuse! (damn yas anyways).
  2. I said Mira. Its strange to because I used Handmaiden a ton in my games and Mira definately has a Wis issue. But that dex made her kick ass for hand to hand (I actually never used her as range after she switchs to jedi). She just rarely got actually hit. Guess its really comes down to what you like, Mira was great along with Visas or Handmaiden for my groups. Some times Id use Mandalore (set on ranged) as well.
  3. Id have to say Revan has the most interesting back story just because he was the main character in part one and a player in part two. After him Id say the Exile has 2nd most interesting story to be honest. But really Revan and Exile should be void of descussion because they better be the most interesting as stories revolve around them. Far as NPC Party members (from both games) go, Thats a tough one. I prefered, in general, Part 2 characters and how most of them had something to do with actual storyline, like Bastila did from part 1. I guess I would go with Visas as she was interesting, there was a reason for her to be there, and she was by far my favorite of all the NPCs. After that would seriously be a tie of Bastilla, Mira, Handmaiden, and Atton. My least favorate however are easy:(includes least favorite storyline and actual character) GoTo (total waste of time) Carth (whiny pilot, who cares) Both Wookies Disciple I would be a happy camper if characters in least favorite list NEVER got mentioned ever again in any following KotOR games.
  4. Totally agree Sith. With as popular as KotOR series is, its best if they make it in private with out public pressure. Course down side to that is for the next how ever long we going to have to keep reading false reports from private websites passing their veiws and guess's off as fact and insider info (already happening). Far as what I want (as there will be a part 3, anyone with any bussiness sence knows that!), I want a continuation of part 2 that encorperates Revan from part 1 Thats my only want, long as the game stays like it currently is and expands off the story lines im a happy camper What I dont want is for them to decide they need to do sweeping changes to the style and feel of the game. Id rather have the old engine then a new one that ruins the feel and flow of the game.
  5. because Jag, s/he asked for a games that didn't involve jedi not good games " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ROFL, Stargate on the money there! SWG tries to PUNISH you for becoming a jedi (thats the main reason I closed my 2 accounts there). Hell, if you go look at their boards you will see the player base (the limited player base that actually posts, huge minority but the only ones vocal) want the Jedi to be even less apart of the game. If your looking for a Star wars game that doesnt have jedi, SWG the way to go (even tho its now one of the worst SW games on the market). How bad SWG is does however hilite how IMPORTANT Jedi's are to a SW game. SWG has almost no Star Wars feel to it what so ever. Rant on/ PS: For those speaking about engine and how a fan site COULD get and release the information before LA or Obsidian (assuming they make Knight 3 that is). THINK PEOPLE THINK! Seriously, who is more likely to know and do a press release om the changing of the engine for a HUGE MONEY MAKER like KotOR series. Lucas Arts or Joes_im_a_star_wars_nerd.com. Come on folks, think about it. ANY changes to any part of KotOR series will be huge news that could in fact impact the financial success of such a money making venture as KotOR series will be put out AND SPUN FAVORABLY by Lucas Arts. Simple as that. ANY news coming from "other sources" is made up BS to increase (or keep active at current level) hits to a privately owned website with NO real news to report. Simple as that. Hits = income, hense false news that promotes more hits is a good thing over short term. People beliving the fake news over the long term = even greater income! The BEST a privately ran website can do is get on a bussiness related newsletter from these corperations and report news 12-24 hours AFTER the corps main site has reported it. I know this for fact, having attempted to run a fan site in the past. Rumors, assumptions, guess's are exactly that, they have no REAL factual basis regarding the topic. While they might make for interesting conversation they are FALSE until verified by the Corp (LA in this intance). People who run fan sites making up news is nothing new for the internet. Point is, unless you read it on LucasArts.com or Obsidian.com its FALSE! Plain and simple. Anyone tells you otherwise is just lieing to you. Also, if they REALLY was a leak that was leaking info, how long do you really think it would take LA to track it down. They have been burnt in the past from leaks, they take them very seriously. Point is, go ahead and read fan sites for entertainment (some have really good content on them), but if you read something NOT supported by the main players FIRST, then there is a 99% its false and/or made up. The best place for KotOR3 news is (gasp) LA website followed by Obsidian website (again assuming Obsidian is doing part 3 as well). There is NO third, fourth, fifth, ect. places Rant off/
  6. ummm folks, You all do realize that its not official until you read it on LA and/or Obsidian (if they are the creator again) Web Sites. Think about it, who would know and announce first for the initial press, LA and Obsidian or some fan site not associated or apart of LA/Obsidian? Talking about the possiblitity of a KotOR3 is great and entertaining but dont take announcements from Fan Sites as anything more then wishful thinking. Thats why they are called fan sites and not legit news sites. Just thought Id mention the obvious in case anyone is getting their hopes up really high. I personally want a KotOR3 as badly as anyone else and everything does point towards there being a KotOR3 (and 4,5,6), but until you hear it from Lucas Arts or Obsidian, its just not valid or real. That goes 100000x more when speaking about possible release dates.
  7. not scream but are scared Plooby. Play it through and you will see what I mean by that, kinda depressing. Click on the 2 kids before you exit Onderon the first time. So once again "REAL" answer would be yes! Not No.
  8. Much as Id like to beleive it, I wont until its announced by Obsidian OR Lucas Arts. Fan sites are exactly that, fan sites. They are not real news sites. Im as much a fan of KotOR series as anyone but people, calm down and wait for a responce or announcement from a legit site that can give official word. Otherwise your going to be chasing false hopes and made up dreams.
  9. *points at the spoiler forum* All your exchange questions answer there (might have to look back a few pages tho)
  10. LOL, I have same problem Obi. On Onderon I was playing my Evil character and didnt use 2nd open visa for the family in need, when I saw the children running about all scared I had to reload and use the 2nd visa there regardless of alignment (course Visas chewed me out good for doing so). Just cant get into the darkside of things, really only play it to see what I missed after playing LS completely! PS, ROFL, np Plooby!
  11. Kreia herself pretty much answers this question to be honest. The Star Forge and its machines were not the real sith or anything to do with Revans real power. As impressive as it was (storywise) the Star Forge was only a machine to be used by those strong enough. It really didnt effect the force in any other way.
  12. I left it at 10 to be honest. I found Cha, Wis, and Int to be the most important, but I could see someone making a valid arguement in favor of Dex as well
  13. hehe welp I for one am really happy to see a mod here and cleaning up this thread Did a great job and hope you clean up other threads that were also hijacked with senceless trolling Good Job Phosphor
  14. by stealth belt they mean the stealth generator, not one of those random +stealth belts you find out there also.
  15. what I got was a message from Bastilla regarding where Revan went (kinda) and how other sith trying to take his place and failing and Bastila will not follow these new sith wanna be leaders. Also how it seems only Revan and Malak were strong enough to control the Star Forge. Nice bonus add in regarding the first game but pretty much a throw away bonus for Part 2 over all storyline. Definately not needed to understand or complete part 2's storyline.
  16. Plooby is dead on the money Sara, Trying more options really does make the story fall into place. My first play through was as a Male Lightside and that honestly was the clearest (for me) regarding the storyline of all the options The Handmaiden, Visas, and Kreia were the 3 characters that really brought the story into the light for me. Honestly, I can understand females sorta going "huh" as the handmaiden is apart of the atris storyline and atris is important for the over all story. Still dont understand the folks saying DS is the way to go. As I said in other threads, DS just leaves to many holes in the story that dont add up. Anyways, to each their own Sara play through again as a lightside male and put ALOT of attention to getting to know alll our party NPCs and your questions shall be answered
  17. While he didnt come out and say there will be a KotOR3. Its a pretty safe bet that the "FRANCHISE" word was intended. Look for more KotOR product news in the coming year. No one refers to any product as a franchise after only 2 offline games
  18. your answering her questions wrong. Basically the ending your getting is you are honoring her oath to atris so as long as shes bound by that you will not train her. Get acouple more influence gains with her BEFORE triggering that specific conversation and you will have no problem turning her to jedi.
  19. Quest is completed when you speak to the Hutt, read his answer carefully and you will see WHY the quest ends at him. Dont need to go back to Telos. Its all completely explained. Or go check the other mu ltiple threads in this forum about topic
  20. Ive gotten the confrontation between Visas and Handmaiden alot but I honestly cant tell you specifically how to get it. Someone (in a different thread) suggested if you pay more attention to Visas then the handmaiden is what triggers it. That makes sence as I dont remember having the confrontation in my last game played (I left both handmaiden and Visas on Ebon Hawk for majority of game and tried to raise other characters influence instead). Before that I usually had Visas and someone else with me. So I guess if you take Visas but not Handmaiden out with you that triggers it according to that theory. Best I can offer you tho regarding that senario.
  21. On Telos you used the computer terminals to rapid transit between modules On Nar Shadaar you had to fix the Air Bike to have rapid transit between the different zones On Dunx you had rapid transit to your ship from the Mandalorian camp because of the guide assigned to you. There was no rapid transit on Dant or Onderon
  22. Spoiler Atton has a connection to the force that he didnt know about. After the Mandalorian Wars he was trained as a assassin in a elite group by Revan to hunt down and capture Jedis that had not choosen to follow Revan during the Jedi civil War. One of his targets was a female Jedi who opened Attons eyes to the force and breifly let him touch the force. Atton killed this Jedi but then ran away and hid so he to was not taken to one of Revans Jedi torture camps. Atton had been hideing from his past all this time until he met the exile. Jest of story plays out in game. Thats the condensed version of it, was done really well!
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