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Everything posted by Panteleimon

  1. Oh I could have sworn that this was a game for anyone who liked all the IE games (IWD included), must have misunderstood them... This is still primarily a combat game. There are other games being made for those who want to do pacifist runs and similar. Given that this game doesn't have kill XP and isn't getting it, I'd say that there are other games being made for those who want to roll around blowing everything away.
  2. - The brass section of the soundtrack is fantastic. - The character creation has enough options for me to own my character. - When the reputation system is totally fleshed out, it's going to make characters that much deeper. Throw in skills and their application in conversation, exploration and interactive sequences and it's a big, big deal. - The weapons are varied and give personality to the people who use them. - The writing is high quality and believable. - The different currencies are great. I hope there's some kind of sleuth quest where finding a certain kind of currency on the bodies of some men tells you who they're working for. Like taking a passport off them. - The game is gorgeous.
  3. Right, because loading a save can result in your party members losing armor and/or weapons.
  4. I also had this problem in the exact same location and under the same circumstances(immediately after defeating Neyfre, on the second floor of the inn, in her room). It didn't effect my main character, however, but rather the rogue. Problem was resolved by saving and then loading the game.
  5. I've had this issue when loading save games and I THINK during normal play. It's inconsistent and I can't seem to reliably recreate it. But loading a game is a likely way to cause it. It effects armor and weapons.
  6. Well, it's almost noon here in California. Naptime, I think.
  7. Dunno about you but over here, the opinion is that you're a douche if you wear a fedora, unless you're an old black guy. He's not even wearing a proper fedora. : | Almost there. At least we'll know soonish.
  8. Old Vailia is obviously at least partially inspired by the Byzantine Empire. So yes, yes it does. I assume you aren't familiar with the Saint.
  9. Panteleimon, naturally. Conveniently fits perfectly with Old Vailia.
  10. I mean, it's 0500 here in California.
  11. An Old Vailian Aristocratic Pale Elf Paladin of the Darcozzi Paladini(Varangians represent) who exclusively uses pikes and pole arms. The same as I'll play when the game comes out. A stranger in a strange land.
  12. Yes the waterfall video had moving bushes and trees. I would be incredibly disappointed if they dropped it. Someone earlier in the thread said they did, but that was what would've really set this game apart from the older graphics. It already looks way nicer while keeping the feel, but moving foliage would have been brilliant Some of the tall grass moved too. The best part was the water moving with tides, though.
  13. You might wanna check your sources mate. Far as I understand it, the only "Early Access" is through the Backer Beta (which is only available til the 22nd or so). They could go WL2 route and have backer beta before and after that early access beta with prepurchase on steam. And how much would this end up costing someone who wasn't a backer on or before 22 August? Remember -- the current backer portal is giving "discounted" prices for a digital download copy, and it's a $25 addon to get a beta key. You'd have to set the price pretty high to avoid people picking it up and expecting a completed game that just happens to be labelled "BETA".
  14. It was tongue-in-cheek. Unless you really resent 10 seconds more work to get the look you want, which I doubt.
  15. Fair enough. At least I won't have to import portraits, though.
  16. Well, that's a matter of opinion, isn't it? If you mean that because it's a ~fantasy~ game and thus they can't look like actual people(or whatever, close enough), then we're really on different pages.
  17. Now that's just a silly statement. No, no it really isn't.
  18. I'm saying they don't look like real people to me, they look like actors in cosplay being hammy. When that's 3/4 of the portraits in the game, that's an issue for me. But like I said, we just have different tastes. C'est la vie.
  19. I always thought that there were some good ones from the original game, and they have a nice lifelike quality. But most of them have a purposely goofy, tongue-in-cheek look. I mean, top left? Third from the right, top row? Not exactly the faces of vehicles for serious, thoughtful gaming. The new portraits are aesthetically pleasing and take themselves seriously without being overly broody(like a few of the IWD2 ones, yikes)while still having personality. The deliberately hand painted look with the new ones is good. I dig them. Reminds me of the "Girl With a Pearl Earring" and Dutch painting of that era in general, actually, a big favorite of mine(heck, I own a reproduction) . But there's no accounting for taste, obviously. Thus, custom portraits. I agree that the EE one is a dead fish.
  20. Well if you did say that you would have been laughed at and ridiculed. There is no difference in putting time in to a MOBA and putting time in to PoE or any other game for that matter, both is wasted time (with the exception of streamers and professional players who make money of the game). You completely missed the point and are simply determined to be antagonistic and unpleasant.
  21. The D:OS ambient voices are fkn obnoxious to me. I honestly prefer just floating text. The Witcher 2 also had some over the top ambient voices, but TW1 was fine. Can girls become witchers, too? About as much as girls can become Army Rangers. The Witcher isn't exactly working with an egalitarian fantasy world.
  22. Which racial stat bonuses? I can't find anything about them on the wiki... http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Race They're in the 'Bonuses' table.
  23. I know what his experience level is because those are the comments of a novice moba player. He stated his beliefs as facts. Because people here are spreading misinformation that leads to wrong conclusions in regards to the original topic. Anything more oh white knight of mine? Now you're throwing out assumptions with no basis other than the ~feeling~ you got off a post, because of course there's just no way that someone who's good at MOBAs will think they're twitchy and relatively mindless, right? He stated his beliefs as things he THINKS, unless you're supposed to preface every stated opinion with "I THINK"(which I don't see you doing) . Some people here are stating their opinion that MOBAs aren't fertile ground for PoE because "X". You, on the other hand, are busy taking those beliefs as personal attacks and "white knighting" MOBAs and their players, rather than discussing their inclination to play PoE. And being rude to boot.
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