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Everything posted by wolfstriked

  1. I must play the game for awhile to form a judgement and so I will resist trying to give my opinions about engagement for now.I am wondering if engagement may just be a personal thing in the end. In this video the young halfling lady decides to kick it and just run with her last two remaining characters while one is very hurt and is engaged.Its at 3:15.
  2. Very new to the fights in POE but I am starting to like engagement from the videos I have watched.To me it adds a realism aspect as you would not wanna just turn and run away while in a melee fight,plus there are some talents you can acquire later in game to allow you to disengage.Also fighters are built around engagement and removing this kinda makes them a real bland class as they lose there ability to engage multiple enemies.Plus,since fighters are usually the ones that get engaged you could use their knockdown to then move away. Maybe a way to ease this hatred of engagement is to make it so that the enemy that gets the engagement attack has a normal recovery period?
  3. Funny 3 hour long first impressions of PoE with heavy drinking involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuVE8f-wIgU
  4. The only "review" I've seen is mmrpg first impressions of which were favorable. Actual review will be out later this week. Does this one contain any spoilers? Same question goes for the other ones. If any brave souls can say it when a videos do not have any spoilers. EDIT>>>>>>Sorry I never seen that video so I don't know if it does.
  5. Great video though it has a damage bug at 23:40 Pronounce jalepeno for me..... I still have a hard time with the Aumaua. You mean jalapeno? (hal a peen yo) You say hal a peen yo and I say hal a pen yo?Now say Aumaua...aww maw
  6. Great video though it has a damage bug at 23:40 Pronounce jalepeno for me..... I still have a hard time with the Aumaua.
  7. Arguing is the human way to solve conflicts.All the bad talking is excused after they bicker it all out.Carry on!
  8. I think it will work though but just have empty spaces on either end,or at least I have hope.
  9. Screw Obsidian! Did I just write that? Sorry luv!
  10. Great stuff Sensuki! Please get into game development!
  11. Fighters can be DPS as well, not a problem and afaik they are the only ones who can get weapon masteries. Sounds interesting,thanks.
  12. My oh my fighter just doesn't sound right for a character that is just a tank and not good at dealing damage.Lineman sounds better to me and that took 5 seconds.Guards,shields etc,something better than fighter can give a better feel to what they actually do.
  13. kiting still being present is for noobs to be able to beat any enemy they want if they get stuck...
  14. Running a mouse pointer all over a 2D screen waiting for something to highlight never felt to me like I was searching a room but rather pixel hunting.I also object to item highlight keys though.Maybe have a highly perceptive character actually need to walk into corners of room wherein stuff at a close proximity highlights?
  15. Such a simple thing that neither PoE or WL2 get.What I mean by these devs just not getting it......in WL2 they give you option to walk inside of options screen.So you set to walk and then find that you want the characters to run in certain areas which means you must go back into options.Does it really take that much extra dev time to make this ability to toggle in game?
  16. IMO the grass cut to at ankle height would remove alot of its ugliness.No grass just wouldn't look that great.
  17. Was thinking today that it would be of benefit to play these videos at the Obsidian headquarters.At my job we have a motivational LCD that plays 24 hours a day and situated right next to the time clock.When people pool up waiting for their punch in time it really fills you in with relevant stuff and has actually caused me to get better benefits that I would of missed otherwise.Now while I have only watched the first video so far I instantly feel that it would fit perfectly in an elevator at Obsidian HQ due to the "elevator" type music.Even though I feel that the time clock is the perfect place for a motivational instructive video it does interfere with a large company being able to punch in on time.Many people still complain of the video and hence the crowding actually causing them to punch in later than scheduled. Wide screen LCD to loop it on would be perfect and should not be too big.This one from Bestbuy is perfect with great reviews and decent price to allow a few to be purchased. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-19-class-18-1-2-diag--led-720p-60hz-hdtv/7844042.p?id=1218861115647&skuId=7844042&ref=06&loc=01&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=7844042&extensionType=pla:g&s_kwcid=PTC!pla!!!78893789591!g!!49373347271&kpid=7844042&k_clickid=51cd58a6-0ddd-95e9-237e-0000322b23ff&kpid=7844042&gclid=CK7QtZmjtMECFeRj7AoduzIA_g I will watch the rest and give you my ideas for which videos to go where if you like.We only need a few LCD's to place so one for the breakroom,bathroom and maybe Sawyer's office.
  18. Gotta say that after seeing many people agreeing that disappearing bodies and loot bags is not great and then seeing new styles of loot bags in the most recent video left me a little puzzled.
  19. Thanks and I wasn't asking for POE to become turn based or rather full on turn based.I find turn based very strategic but also kinda boring as you watch each character go one at a time.Its never been done before though where turn based is done but one side at a time executes their moves.Your team goes and executes their moves and then the enemy goes and they all execute their moves.It could work but I think you guys know better and that its too late into development.
  20. Would this game work where it was turn based for each side instead of turn based for each character in the battle seperately? So battle begins and the game auto pauses wherein you then click on each of your characters and instruct them what their next round actions are.You then press unpause and your team executes these orders at which point the enemies then all get to take their turns.It would look more fluid IMO and maybe fix some issues of not knowing what is going on in a battle.So basically you tell your team what to do and they execute and then the enemy team executes their moves and game pauses again.
  21. Why are fighters not the highest damage dealers?Weird that they are mainly tanks while the outside squad are the heavy hitters.Always found that weird.Give me a weak rogue who I pump with high dex and I use mainly as a weaker combatant from a far distance anyday.But when you need stuff done like scouting ahead,trap finding,lock picking etc they are super important. As for magic I feel that D&D made it too powerful.All this talk of them needing to add in resting to balance out the magic users could of been easily fixed by just making magic users less powerful. Of course we need super high power magic users and this is where I felt that stuff like becoming a lich would work for higher levels but at the idea that you sell your soul so to speak.
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