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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. That is what I feel as well. It sucks having to manage your skills just to get those +5s at level up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well you dont really need those +5 skill ups. But I agree that having to manage your levels is not a good thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Try building a stealth character or something that isn't as combat focused.... Hell, just get to level 50 and tell me those +5 aren't needed...
  2. That is what I feel as well. It sucks having to manage your skills just to get those +5s at level up.
  3. It's fairly easy to hit level 50 with the current system. If you can't take on the enemies at level 50 with all maxed out stats, what are the chances a normal level 50 character who specialized in a certain areas have a chance.
  4. I want you to try this. Use console commands to get all your attributes to 100 and skills to 100 and level up to 50. You are officially kind of oblivion, everything maxed out, nothing should be able to stop you. Now, find a Goblin Warlord and tell me he isn't kicking your butt? That is not balanced. If you make a non-combat character, or even a stealth character, you will be in trouble later in the game. EDIT - I like the game, I really do (and I hated Morrowind) but the level system and scaling is just awful. In order to get all the attribute bonuses to keep up with monsters at later levels you have to managa what skills you use so you can get the +5 at level up.... That certainly isn't role-playing and it certainly isn't fun.
  5. This is wrong. At level 50 monsters are insanely strong. I've even messed around with the console command... At level 50, with all stats maxed at 100 and skills at 100 as well even the Goblin Warlords could own me rather easily (they are common as hell too).
  6. PC for western RPGs and shooters. PS1/2 for Japanese RPGs and other console type games.
  7. http://fuzionmedia.com/oblivion/ For those who hate the level up system, a MOD that might interest you.
  8. In name only? Final Fantasy has always had very bold changes from game to game. Final Fantasy XII is just another one. Though I agree, it's the biggest change to come along in some time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, i only played FFV and FFVII and combat wise they were very similar <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm... So you missed the very big changes in the way you learned skills... FFV had the job change system, FFVI had the Esper system... That's a mighty big change.
  9. It's not a bad idea in theory, but like SP pointed out, if you are not 100% focused on some sort of combat, you are screwed, plain and simple. The thing is, you level up far too fast in Oblivion, so fast that it only takes a few skill-ups from your major skills to level up. A few skills-up and a level won't put you in the same rank as some of the later, normal encounter enemies. I imagine the level scaling system works a bit like this... Your character goes up to level 30 after getting X amount of major skill-ups... Let's say that puts his Blade skill at 70 (since he also leveled up getting skill-ups on other skills). Now a Goblin Blade fighter would level up too... But since his levels aren't determined by major skills, he just gets his blade skill up to 80. If you level up every time you are told you can, you might have problems later in the game if you did not focus on some type of combat (even then, it can be tough for rangers).
  10. I wanted to recommend this game too... But I don't know. How would you feel about sitting down and watching a game play itself.
  11. In name only? Final Fantasy has always had very bold changes from game to game. Final Fantasy XII is just another one. Though I agree, it's the biggest change to come along in some time.
  12. Have fun playing your old CRPGs until you die Gab. @ Topic I suggest Shin Megami Tensei : Digital Devil Saga I, II and Nocturne if you want some incredibly interesting storylines and difficult (sometime down right unfair) gameplay.
  13. Some Oblivion screenshots. I needed the Fur Armor more then her. Fireball VS bones. Gotta love that next-generation AI, he won't attack me because he is too stupid to walk around the fire. Back to more corpse looting... Oblivion doesn't have an interesting story or well developed characters... But it's just fun...
  14. Yeah, but a month ago you were saying it would be crap no matter what. Now you are hoping it's good, sounds like you've changed... atleast a bit.
  15. Really! Find some writiers who know how to writie! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm more suprised by the fact that Hades has accepted the possibility of Fallout 3 and at the very least is hoping for something decent.
  16. No I don't... I have a PC though, which does all the same things except better.
  17. I'll post what I think about the game in the "Impressions" thread a little later... All I will say for now is that I feels too damn much like Morrowind. The game is beautiful and runs extremely well (better then Morrowind does on the same rig if you can believe it). It's a huge open-ended world... But without a solid plot or cast of characters it's really hard to give a damn about anything... Maybe I should try Role-playing a character who couldn't care less about what happens?
  18. I'm trying out Oblivion before I buy it... Not really impressed so far (for all the same reasons I hated Morrowind)... Why not try an older game with a few mods? Since that seems to be one of the major reasons you PC purist rave about your games.
  19. I bought the game awhile ago... Having a hard time getting into the game because the plot is starting up very slowly. Not to mention how the protagonist talks way too much and I really dislike him. I'll keep trying, the game has a lot of offer from what I've seen.
  20. I thought very highly of the PSP when it first came out... All the feature are pretty darn amazing. Once I got over that, I just realized they are all mashed together into one mediocre experience. Emulation is also pretty neat, but why would I buy a $250 piece of hardware to play the same old' games for the 10th time (missing newer games because of it as well). I think I'll hold out for a DS Lite.
  21. I need a break from RPGs, so I'll be playing Red Orchestra and Guild Wars for a while.
  22. PC has everything the Xbox does and with much higher quality...
  23. DDO is not a MMORPG... I'm suprised your giving it a shot Hades, I played the beta and I felt the game lacked too much on it's MMORPG side.
  24. Good read, I especially like the last question.
  25. Unless all those devs stop making games for the PC, I am simply not interested (Obsidian anyways). The 100% backwards compatible thing is a big plus (though I don't believe it will be 100%). Since I'm still playing PS1 games and I know I will be playing PS2 games for a very long time. I also hear Sony will be adding better graphic filters and such for olders games. BUT, I want to know a price... A rough estimate... Anything regarding the price!
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