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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. It's only the best JRPG ever made... My opinion : Xenogears has so many flaws... Half the battles are so damn repetitive, exploration can be extremely tedious, there isn't much in the character customization department, menus suck, controls and camera angles suck... HOWEVER. The music is absolutely beautiful (same guy who composed the Chrono Trigger/Cross soundtrack). The characters are so well done and the story is really something incredible. If you can take mediocre gameplay in exchange for a well told story, you might like it...
  2. Koudelka had voice acting. All the way through. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But was it any good?
  3. I'd rather have no voice acting then in JRPGs sometimes... Since english voice acting isn't handled very well for most games. EDIT - Also, I don't think any PSone RPG had voice acting... Some had partial, but that's about it.
  4. <3 music <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, music is great but it's sad that there is no voice acting. Still, it's a great game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pfft... What's wrong with no voice acting? I'm glad you like it btw.
  5. I've read that something happens that compromises Krato's position... He is up against the three sisters of fate this time too. If you managed to beat GoW in God mode and watched all the extra content, you know about the other players involved. I'm really looking forward to the game. It's one of those rare games that has everything. Great story, voice acting, gameplay that isn't completely mindless (some of those puzzles had me thinking, atleast for a second). I was kind of hoping they would create a new hero... But I knew they weren't.
  6. Tell me, how the hell would you play Oblivion in a non-combat oriented way? Are there plenty of quest that don't involve fighting? Can you make a purely diplomatic character and still survive the main quest? Oblivion is a dungeon hack, plain and simple.
  7. I would wait as well. And yes, the PS2 does look like it has a lot of life left in it (despite being an ancient, obsolete machine).
  8. Since I can't seem to get into the any of the RPGs I have at the moment, I've decided to take a break from the genre all together... Playing through Castlevania : Curse of Darkness and God of War.
  9. Planescape Torment for me. I have a few of those on the list, but PST is the only one I could finish.
  10. Decent. Nice visuals, some nice exploration, plot is delivered nicely, nice music.... Horrible console style combat.
  11. Like we all don't know the answer to that...
  12. Speaking of DQVIII... Doesn't the main character seem underpowered compared to your the other team members? I compared all their stats and the MC simply falls short in almost all attributes...
  13. Quicksaving is lame. It's cheating, plain and simple.
  14. Only because Nintendo allowed it to <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And there was me thinking it was because Chuck inhaled. Since becoming a DS owner I've grown very fond of Nintendo's "vision" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, Nintendo isn't being as stupid as it once was... I'll be a proud DS owner in may.
  15. Funny I saw it as a compliment Pokemon is about more than recruiting pokemon. You have to admit they have a lot in common. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They have some things in common. Yeah, I'll agree to that. Gameplay wise yes, battles are even fought in a similar fashion. Story, character and content wise? Nope, not even close. ALSO! Digital Devil Story (the original SMT game) came out way before Pokemon... Already using demon recruiting, fusion and transforming... ALSO! Yet another game NA didn't get because of fricken Nintendo! Argh!
  16. I don't think they will be in... And KOTOR robes sucked so bad... They didn't even look like robes, just skin tight clothing... Looked rather bad, obvios signs of the Xbox holding the PC version back.
  17. Anyways! <_< Great article. One of my friends is seriously rethinking the Revolution and Nintendo all together because of it. It was because of Nintendo's crap that the SNES never saw SMT game (NA anyways), I hate them!
  18. Pokemon for grown ups. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Come on SP, don't say silly things like that. Pokemon is fine for grown ups too. Anyways... SMT is about far more then recruiting demons. @ Topic Great read.
  19. Oh, you want a Christian video game? " Play one of the Shin Megami Tensei games... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All Christians love SMT games. Also, I'm an idiot. Just bought Suikoden V... Here is to another game to add to my list... Curse the person who created online shopping!
  20. I never claimed TRL did anything new or better from the old games. Never played those. Just pointing out that the way the movement worked, TRL could have been a real fun shoot'em up May Payne esque game.
  21. Oblivion might have a lot going for it in the action department. But anyone know has even for a second done the main quest knows there is something rather important missing...
  22. I played the retail PC version for a bit. Other then the controls (I'd say it's necessary to play it with a gamepad) and the auto-aim (I would have kept it installed if it played the same way Max Payne games did)... It looks like a really good port. FPS were fantastic with all the details maxed out and AA/AF x4 and the game doesn't look a bit PS2'ish. I had a few audio problems, but nothing major. Good visuals, good sounds, interesting level design... If it weren't for the actual shooting system... I might have bought it.
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