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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Are you talking about the contact system? I thought it was neat. And if anything, Oblivion copied it!
  2. Persona 1's story doesn't shiny until you get your cast of characters set... It's more about watching how varies personalities change to handle the situations they face... It gets really good. But the hole game is pretty unrefined, compared to P2.
  3. Revelation: Persona (Persona 1) was in english.... Persona 2 : Innocent Sin (j) and Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment was in engish as well... I think Hades ment he had Persona 1, but who knows, his japanese could be fantastic.
  4. You do realize I'm one of the ones who defend console games right? Especially against Darth Gabby What I mean by sucky, is it's pretty one dimensional... other than a few enemies you can just clean the board with Fusion spells.... I haven't really needed to use any real strategy so far. As a side note: this is the very first game that's made me want to rush to the end just to see how the story ends And then go back and replay it for all the unlocking, grinding goodness <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All right. I guess you have a point. Though I remember the game being difficult around the last quarter (always running out of SP with those high level Persona). Just outa curiousity, who did you pick... The man or the woman? They are both characters from Revelation: Persona btw. EDIT - Sony didn't think American's could handle Innocent Sin... Just like Soul Hacker, those bastards.
  5. Wow, honestly... I never thought I'd hear you say that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yikes, why? I'm only up to Smile Mall, so it's an opinion that can be subject to change, but so far I love this game The combat is a bit sucky, but the characters and story rock <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, a lot of people on these forums seem to think RPGs can only reach their pinacle on a PC... I thought the combat was great... Just that the encounter rate was a bit too high at some points.
  6. Wow, honestly... I never thought I'd hear you say that.
  7. How about not rushing the game by delaying the development of the DM client to meet deadlines? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know about you, but cutting out one aspect of the game just to finish another is nonsense. It's part of the NWN experience, that's it.
  8. It's on the Xbox 360, so even if it is an RPG, we can expect a much more action oriented approach...
  9. If this is true, then it really sucks. Rushing products is not the way to get things done and I honestly did not think Obsidian would consider it again after the hole KOTOR II ordeal.
  10. I played the PC version of the first Halo. It was all right, nothing I haven't seen a million times before. The thing that killed it for me though was the fact that it was a half assed port (30FPS limit, come on!).
  11. I have yet to run into a PSone game I couldn't play... But yeah, there are some issues (texture smoothing causing problems, some currupted graphics, etc).
  12. That's a shame, it's a very good series.
  13. Are you playing the game on PSone or PS2? Started playing Persona 2 again and when ever I enter the menus (playing on PS2) I get huge slow-downs for some reason (Didn't have them before when I played it on my PSone/PC)...
  14. He didn't nutralize. Naomi set it to something of a wild car effect. It could kill him at any moment. She thought it was the perfect revenge for Snake killing her father-figure (Big Boss) and Grey Fox (was her brother I believe, don't quiet remember). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not sure about the father figure but grey fox was not her biological brother... I think he was a big brother style person in her life... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, then her brother-figure. Read the little information page on MGS2 (the document that's LONG as hell) gives you a lot of insight into her motives.
  15. He didn't nutralize. Naomi set it to something of a wild car effect. It could kill him at any moment. She thought it was the perfect revenge for Snake killing her father-figure (Big Boss) and Grey Fox (was her brother I believe, don't quiet remember).
  16. http://media.ps2.ign.com/articles/705/7056...mg_3577984.html It's official. Atlus USA does NOT develop games, they simply bring them over. They wouldn't be showing P3 if it was not coming over.
  17. How is it? Thinking about buying it.
  18. course that scene actually worked considering what we knew about albedo... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, actually the original scene was a bit odd... Were the hell did he get the gun from? My point stands though... They do censor out stuff.
  19. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0603/game060319b.shtml Persona 3 goodness. E3 is a fairly good sign. I still believe they might replace the Suicide Persona summon animation however... Xenosaga Episode II had a scene were a young child blew of his own head with a gun, in the NA version they replaced it with some sort of enegy ball... I hope it doesn't happen with P3, but it could be a lot worse. Anyways I started playing Call of Cthulhu... Been a long time since I actually played a PC game. It's pretty good so far.
  20. I will totally be getting them Speaking of P3.... if a game is shown at E3 it almost always gets released over here right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's why it's a good sign. Gotta love Atlus, they just keep on trying.
  21. Both are excellent games (DDS2 being slightly better). Be prepared for more of Nocturne's unforgiving battle system and encounter rate. The games are more character driven and you don't have as much freedom as in Nocturne (very few dialogue options, all have ZERO effect on the story). The story is good. The concepts are out there too... Sadly, it's the only SMT games I've played were the Silent Protagonist angle doesn't work and it seems like it was done more for tradition's sake then anything else. (the character is simply given too much personality for it to work). Very good games though, challenging, thought provoking and should tide you over nicely until SMT: Devil Summoner, Rule of Rose (another recently annouced Atlus title that is coming over) and hopefully, Persona 3 (It's being shown at E3! Very good sign about US release!).
  22. Persona is part of the Shin Megami Tensei series (well, it's a spin-off). I've played all the english ones at least once (SMT I/II have been translated to english by a translation team... :D). It's a bummer about Innocent Sin true... People are so damn touchy. EDIT - Eternal Punishment is PERFECT by itself. In fact, not playing Persona 2 Innocent Sin makes one of the revelations even more incredible... So, don't read the Manual! (I didn't until long after I beat it).
  23. I just finished Suikoden V... If the ending had been anymore cliche, it would have ended with "... and they lived happily ever after." BUT, I loved it. Some of the ending was rather sad and a certain point a terrible thought hit me about what might happen to one of the main characters. Was truly one of the most satisfying endings I have ever seen. (I got the "true" ending... 108 Stars of Destiny. If anyone has beat a Suikoden game before , you know what an absolute task that is.) Hm... What to play now...
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