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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. About all I could find... http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/persona2-ep/art.html common stuff, that you've probably found already. It's hard to come by... Persona series doesn't have that big of a following. Maya and co. need to get out in the sun more. ^^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, wow, awesome :D I hadn't come across that Thank you I found a big book of art on the three series (Megami Tensei, Persona and Devil Summoner....supposedly) for about 60 bucks... I'm almost tempted to get it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What's the name? Might want to add it to my SMT collection.
  2. Shigenori Soejima has an incredible art style... Though I can see why some people would not like it.
  3. About all I could find... http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/persona2-ep/art.html common stuff, that you've probably found already. It's hard to come by... Persona series doesn't have that big of a following. Maya and co. need to get out in the sun more. ^^
  4. You should try to get your hands on Revelation : Persona. It's very unrefined in comparison to EP, but it honestly make you appreciate some of the characters a lot more (Nate, Ellen, Yuki... Mary, especially Mary!). http://yoridori.org/oracle/ the translated script for Innocent Sin, which adds even more depth to everything (stupid Sony!). I can't wait until P3.
  5. Argh... Could you please explain what you are talking about? Microsoft hasn't made any errors in it's console department? Nintendo and Sony are both screw ups?
  6. Looks graphics looks pretty nice. Long time ago I played one of the older PC ones. I instantly hated it. It was the fantasy setting in it's purest form, weilding all the cliches I had come to hate. I've looked down on the series ever since. Let me know how it is, I might give it a chance someday. ^-^
  7. The lower requirements are almost the same as Oblivion... That's scary. Hopefully since this is PC only, optimization will receive more attention.
  8. Don't bother with x700/6600 cards, they are on the brink of being low-end cards.
  9. I thought the X800XL was the 6800 equivalent? I have one. Very solid card. It's showing age though...
  10. I never had major problems with KOTOR I/II. Played the first after all the official patches and I managed to play KOTOR II all the way through without any problems before the official patch. Only noticed some very strange performance issues in KOTOR II.
  11. EDIT - All those things I listed had to be patched (Dunno about Legeds sound stuff, I uninstalled the game already and lost interest). They are far more common in PC games as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are missing the point: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. My idea of working is simply different from yours. I don't find things like sound, crashing, stuttering issues acceptable. I'm not trying to say that all PC games are broken, I have plenty of games that are working. Quiet a few tooks official patches however. Anyways, you said that a superior PC setup would give you a better gaming experience over a console player with the same game. That's is not necessarily true.
  12. EDIT - All those things I listed had to be patched (Dunno about Legeds sound stuff, I uninstalled the game already and lost interest). They are far more common in PC games as well.
  13. This is simply not true. For example, no matter which computer you played the unpatched Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on, it would crash on you. The script bug in one of the missions was gamebreaking and totally independent on your system.
  14. That's a sweet game. I still have my original Tales of Destiny II box.
  15. I'm just saying you aren't guaranteed to play a crossplatform game better on a PC simply because of superior hardware. It's certainly very possible, but there are other things to consider...
  16. Not really. Quality of the gaming experience should include such factors as work needed to play game, ability to play game at the advertised level (witness the anger over Oblivion's graphics, for example, when players found out that at the lower graphics settings the game was flat-out ugly), reliability (should not experience crashes or memory-leaks), and code as free from bugs as possible (MoO, VtM: Masquerade, numerous others were bug-filled crap-fests), amongst others. When these factors are included (and, keep in mind, many of the factors that I listed above are independent of the PC the game is played on, and are, in fact, on the developers'/publishers' end of the deal), PC gaming's quality is reduced significantly. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're making a mountain out of a molehill. If you purchase a QUALITY GAMING RIG, you will not have a bad gaming experience. Period. You might not have good value-for-money, but you will play the game BETTER than a console gamer. Guaranteed. (A pair of CrossFire X1900XTs can draw resolutions of capable of powering the Dell 30" LCD panel at 2560 x 1600, that's WQXGA, baby! The Xbox 360 can't do better than 720p, which is 1280
  17. I'm sure the focus will go back to games eventually...
  18. Cool. I've been working on one of those for around 5 years. Started on PSone RPG Maker, I keep updating every time a new engine is released. In the process of recreating everything on RPG Maker XP now... Should take a while. :/
  19. Is that a game made with RPG Maker?
  20. I'll agree with that, if publishers I liked moved... Hell, even I would buy the 360.
  21. Guess I will save that $29.99 for something else. I am not really into FPS but thought I would give it a try. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a good choice. Typical sci-fi crap... Seems to have a lengthy story, but I never played any Quake games before, so it was all rubbish to me.
  22. That's one beefy memory module.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :"> 1MB. " Really enjoying the second (Greco-Roman) level (starting with St Francis' Folly). Just took possession of: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can't get enough of those generic shooters eh?
  23. Funny. I still place my bets on the PS3. ... and why not, with my PC + PS2 I managed to play every game I wanted to last generation (well, I had to borrow my Buddies Gamecube to play Wind Waker and Resident Evil 4). As long as PC gaming is a viable platform, I will never need to touch an M$ console.
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