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Everything posted by Odinson

  1. No problem. Just wanted to give it a try.
  2. At least you guys get to be force sensitive. Von Manstein depowered me into a scoundrel. Deathscepter, what is it? 10 times now? You must be getting sick of me. You are Lord Satasn's daddy.
  3. This is a sketch. I don't know how to color. It's been two years. I forgot how to draw. So please forgive me if I screwed up your specs.
  4. Oh Darth Mole. Set yourself up. :D You are Malak's missing jaw. :D
  5. Oh, in what way? Do you substitute for someone's dead husband? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope. Women command me. Someday I shall run away, only to return. And I'll say to myself, "Someone please shoot me."
  6. Or better, a planet of honey. And female NPC's will role around in the honey in a effort to get the male PC's attention. (w00t)
  7. Whoa! You sir, are Carth Onasi's goatee. :D And I have come to shave you off! "
  8. Neve noticed those were fishnet stocking before.
  9. "I got you sucka!" "Who's the MASTER!" "Keep the change, you filthy animal."
  10. The line is translated variously, but the most common version goes: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." N. was very concerned with what happens when you yank away the moral perogative of religion. He believed that the Judeo-Christian notion of God had functioned as a cement binding society together, and that losing the cement might bring the whole building down. A particularly poignant quote: In other words, if we're going to abandon all conventions, what's left? Aren't we lost? Aren't we like little kids who've been abandoned by their parents? We're living this out in my home country right now. Science and rationalism make religion more and more of an option, a lifestyle choice, if you will. We don't need it to explain why it rains, why the sky is blue, why thunder sounds like a big boom. We now know that the thunder doesn't come from Thor striking his giant anvil in the sky. But this advance of rationalism and empiricism is coming with a price. People of faith feel like they're under constant assault, and they're striking back, trying to regain control of a society that feels increasingly hostile to them. How can they not feel under assault? Unless they can reconcile science and religion, they're going to be angry, angry, angry. For those who can accept nothing but a literal reading of their scripture, these must be very trying times. It's all a bit like the Taliban, trying to enforce a "pure" version of Islam on a country that doesn't much give a d@mn. Every day I see evidence of the Talibanization of my country. Films that mention evolution can't be shown in Red states because of a fear of fundamentalist backlash. Link. Some states are requiring that faith-based science be taught alongside real biology. Link. National leaders declare that "the jury is out" on evolution, which must be a hell of a surprise to virologists and drug companies. Link. None of this would be happening if science and rationalism hadn't taken such a strong hold in our society. Nietzsche saw this coming, saw that losing God would leave a God-shaped hole in peoples' lives. His answer was that we would evolve past the need for a supernatural daddy-figure, and so become "supermen." I suspect the reality will be much more complicated. (Yes, I know, it's obvious I've read way too much on this subject.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On the contrary. You have provided an interesting insight on religion and science. Why does religion feel threated by evolution? I'll think on this.
  11. I'd pick whoever's winning and claim i was supporting them all along.
  12. You gotta make sure that you're not neutral or close to neutral. Speak to Kriea at level 15 or above. You have to be firmly LS or DS. That is the only way you get a choice. The above poster said it best.
  13. I'm a B man myself.
  14. Coruscant. It's about damn time we see this planet. Deralia. Out of curiousity. HK plant. Come on. Let the bad bot find his roots. Endor. I wanna see an Ewok. I wanna see an Ewok! I also wanna kill an Ewok. Alderaan. To protect the Organa family.
  15. I shall establish peace.
  16. Ah, deathscepter. How many times have I had the honor of labelling you. :D You are the first Ewok Sith Lord.
  17. Do you think Lucas should change that on his next DVD Original Trilogy release?
  18. After killing a wookie, I would say: "That's the way the wookie crumbles!"
  19. Good. I would lose. The real intention of my post was to tell you that I liked Revan not for power, but for the villain becomes a hero plot.
  20. He can do more things. Are we gonna have a debate over who's more powerful? I don't want to. :ph34r:
  21. No, I don't think it's because Revan is our character. I think it's because Revan is an almighty, unstoppable behemoth of destruction (among other things), and that my friend, is a great ego booster. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well the Exile is way more powerful. I'm attached to Revan becuse of the whole "bad guy who redeemed himself while rescuing the damsel in distress" thing. I tend to favor bad guys who show some humanity in movies, TV, or video games.
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