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Everything posted by Odinson

  1. After destroying the Exchange, go talk to the Czerka representative. She'll get a shuttle ready for you. If not, your game is severely bugged. Start a new game and see if the problem repeats.
  2. Also the Selkath on Manaan who collects exotic pets? He ate them. The rest of them just hopped into the Red Rakata's electrical fields. Stupid things. I killed so many, yet they kept wanting to play with me. I killed your mom, dad, brother, sister, aunty and uncle! FEAR ME!!! I'M THE DARK LORD! EVEN MANDALORIANS RUN WHEN THEY SEE ME! RUN AWAY!!
  3. They kept jumping into mines. Poor critters never had a chance.
  4. A spelling bee winner.
  5. Don't bother becoming a Jedi. Use the force for your own benefit. Don't mess with the Hutts or the exchange, or bounty hunters. Just live a happy life using the force to "help" you along life's difficult path.
  6. cewekeds, I bow down before your Trek wisdom. :D
  7. Yes, but every aspiring Ninja must have their ninja theme playing in the backround: ♫ Ninja, Ninja, RAP! Ninja, Ninja, RAP! GO GO GO Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO! Go Ninja, Go Ninja. GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO! GO GO GO GO ♫ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are killing my 90's style. Vanilla Ice? Aaaarrrggh!!!
  8. How you gonna put it on? You won't have any arms!
  9. Handmaiden's barber. That's right, I said "barber" not stylist. :D
  10. Yep. That was psychadelic. He made an Ewok intimidating. A Jedi Ewok. I wish I could do that. Pay attention to details like that.
  11. Incredible work isn't it. After I saw his stuff, I had to try to draw what I attached earlier. It's nothing compared to his. I was honestly astounded. I hope he can help. I had signed his guestbook and told him I recommeded hi to a poster.
  12. That's her name. Phoq's guide is the one I was looking for. Thanks witchzenka! And also thank you for the comments. :"> I think I'd need to learn to ink, as well as use shadows. I'm "learning" by look at other sketches.
  13. Sweetness Kyla. Good luck in your business. Oh and I just joined theforce.net ans saw you there. I was like "wow".
  14. I am dangerous only when bored. The trick is that I am bored all the time, last time. But what's the meaning of life when I have to wait over 3 damned months to get next novel of Kevin Anderson Scattered Suns and fill the nothingness within me... don't get me wrongo its not that I'm going to shoot you, I am just bored and becouse of that overly interested in EU, schrinks can't do nothing with that. Heh, heh. And the advice with weed is interesting <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aight Nur. Coolness has been achieved.
  15. Full rip. You should see what we do when we're REALLY angry. We beat the now armless cheaters with their own arms. We need to set an example in the galaxy: "Let the wookie win."
  16. I'll check up on it. I think deviantart had a giude. Thanks for the comments DF.
  17. I have no idea how to color. That there is the best I know to do. Wish I had learned when I was younger. 25 is just too old to learn.
  18. Ho ho ho. My chest hurt after laughing at this dude.
  19. Agreed. Forgot about Dooku. "
  20. Aren't they more like the Mafia. Don Corleone = Jabba the Hutt.
  21. At almost 900 years old, Yoda still OWNZ all!
  22. Here's my try at lightsaber, hood and body. Also trying an "action" shot, so to speak. "
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