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Everything posted by Odinson

  1. You can meet Revan? I didn't know that! How is it done? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not the real thing if that's what you're thinking. You meet Revan in the Shyrack caves, when you head into that tomb. Kreia instructs you there.
  2. Darth Nite. He a man who dresses up as a bat to terrify unsuspecting Jedi who sit around and do nothing while millions die.
  3. I guess they didn't know about Nihilus. He causes death in those around him as well. I guess the council forgot about their actions in the Mandaloian Wars, which is to sit around and wait. They could have joined the Exile, to defeat these Sith Lords, especially the God of Death type that Nihilus is. Jedi never attack first. They don't kill their prisoners. But they are so willing to kill the Exile to preserve themselves and the Force. The Exile doesn't want to kill all life around him. He is not a Darksider. In my opinion, the Council is making the same mistake that Revan did in the Mandaolorian Wars. They are rushing to attack rather than waiting and observing. They are going against their previous wisdom. And in betraying their own ways, they are in turn killed by a betrayer in the form of Kreia/Darth Traya. Just my opinion though.
  4. Kind of gives the feeling of unfinished business, doesn't it?
  5. Without Master Vandar, the Jedi Council has become a council of morons. <_< They break the Jedi code by trying to murder the Exile. They are so involved in trying to eradicate Exile that they don't even notice that a Sith Mistress is in the other room. They get killed by one move from Traya. They aren't smart enough to join the Exile in defeating the Sith Lords, then murder the Exile. Master Vandar would have never stood for such idiocy and duplicity. He would have looked for a solution. He would have given the Exile a chance at redemption. Long live Master Vandar! :cool:
  6. I guess she's forgotten about male Revan, and fallen for the Exile? Every other female NPC has.
  7. Excellent choices gramps! I didn't know Bao Dur had a sense of humor until that scene! And how can I forget the dancing girl outfit. The Handmaiden readily volunteered to wear it for me (and Vogga)!
  8. Whoa! Now that is something I'd LOVE to see. This game is crazy. The Handmaiden, Visas and Mira are in love with you. Now so is the Bastila hologram? Hilarious Those Obsidian guys are nutcases!
  9. HK mocking Carth and Bastila from KoTOR 1. HK's definition of love. HK calling G0T0 "fat one" T3 electrocuting HK T3 playing me the Bastila hologram Kreia/Traya getting busted by Sion and Nihilus Kreia being kind enough to answer questions before she dies.
  10. I guess with a stupid name like Freedon Nadd, he just HAD to have a stupid weapon. A yellow/orange short lightsaber. Might as well just drop the saber in favor of a banana.
  11. Rand Atton?
  12. Buy her some flowers and chocolates. Put on some Barry White music, and say "Baby, can't we work this out?" Cry while you're saying this. Sorry. I'm not funny. Your thread title was funny. Seriously, the only way to "work things out" is to beat her into submission and then not kill. Like Bastila in KoTOR 1. I'm gonna use the KSE next time I play, and max out Charisma and Wisdom. I'll see if that changes Atris' dialogue.
  13. Why did Obsidian put a short lightsaber in there? What is wrong with putting a regular lightsaber? I currently have more short lightsabers than lightsabers/dual lightsabers. They are too obsessed with the short lightsabers. Why Obsidian, why?
  14. Best Explanation Ever!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
  15. That's what "Sith" became when Exar Kun fell to the dark side. The teaching spread among various Dark Jedi, until Darth Bane created the rule of two. Sith is just the belief now. If I sound confusing, it's because I fail to understand why you hate that Sith is also an extinct people. Please explain. :cool:
  16. You killed Bastila in KOTOR 1? Did you have the glitch were she is at the awards ceremony for Revan, even though you killed her? Maybe that's why she can't die.
  17. HK-47: "Master?" Can we go to the factory where I was manufactured? Exile: Sure! After our series of mishaps I have discovered it's location HK-47: Can I also meet those HK-50's and show them what it mean to be an HK unit. Exile: Of course. The factory is located on.... Damn game cuts. <_<
  18. Good job. Anyone curious about the Sith should check it.
  19. OMG That is one hell of a bug. I hope you have prior saves.
  20. Maybe they show up only the first time we play? Because that's the only time I have seen them.
  21. You forgot Exar Kun. " He brought back the Sith after 1,000 years of lying dormant. He was the first to turn Jedi into Sith. He absorbed the spirit of Freedon Nadd. He even had a double-bladed lightsaber. He could have defeated the Jedi if Ulic Qel-Droma had obeyed him. Then he rescues Ulic while Ulic is in court. No one stopped him. He's definitely up there. As much as I love Revan, now he seems midpack at best. Nihilus destroyed life on a planet. His presence drains lifeforce. Vader defeated all the Jedi. The Emperor conquered the galaxy while aiding Vader in destroying the Jedi. No Sith had ever defeated the lightside of the force as the Emperor did. Oh yeah. Out of the choices given, I chose Nihilus. In spite of his very sorry performance against a mere three opponents, he does have the power to snuff out all life (except one apparently - Visas ) on a planet. He'd just dump all the others into space by speaking backwards or something.
  22. I guess it's just that, he is so uber powerful that everyone expected him to be a challenge. It was kind of shocking that the coverboy for TSL was so easy to beat. Quite frankly, I glad I didn't have to face a godlike Sith Lord. How do you defeat someone who can snuff out a world? Force Wave/Lightning would just tickle him. But that's just me. :D
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