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Everything posted by Odinson

  1. Han Solo: No reward is worth this. Grand Moff Tarkin: Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?!
  2. Like we start off as a powerless Sith, who can redeem himself to the light or rejoin his Sith brethren.
  3. How did we get so off-topic?
  4. Yep but we have the north sea to thank for that as much as the Russians do for the harsh winter. The Battle of Britain is our Kursk, albeit with much better tactics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And a resilient people. Both sides. You gotta be to endure those winters. The Russians have those winters. The Brits have that space between them and Europe. The U.S. had the advantage of being so far away from the war. But it's the people that are most important. They ones who want to keep fighting and never sureender. The ones who march off to death for their homelands. It's people who win wars, not environments. The victors are those who make best with what they are given. The U.S., Russia, and the U.K. were able to stop the "unstoppable" Nazi war machine using what advantages their environment gave them against the Germans will and technology.
  5. No one has forgeotten the English. They took a pounding but did not surrender. Unlike their neighbors to the south. :D
  6. No one is saying that WW II would've been won without the US. I mean the English were just getting bombed. So they needed help. I was taught in World history(God I love history :D ) that the Russians had stopped the German advance. This was told to me by an American teacher. I'm American myself. O.K. USA! This is in college and it's the first time I heard that. It was also in the textbook " . There is no doubt the English needed help. But the Russians needed less. Their country is massive, their people numerous, and they have oil, steel and infrastructure. They were facing the Germans alone. No one was sending reinforcements. On the west, those who fought Germany *cough*France*cough* had fallen, with the exception of England. WW II history is more than the story of one victor though. In a war with many victors, there will be many histories.
  7. I don't want to sound gay or anything, but unicorns kick ass, I mean come on Clash of the Titans <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pegasus wasn't a unicorn. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its a quote form the movie Orgasmo, by the guys who make south park <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Damn I'm unhip. Never seen Orgazmo, even though I'm a big South Park fan.
  8. Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing. Emperor: You will pay the price for your lack of vision Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap! Han Solo: I got a bad feeling about this.
  9. A never ending stream of Assassins seems normal before you go to Iziz (1st time), after that it shouldn't happen. Was a bit surprised there were suddenly 5 Assassins there when all Mandalorians were saying: "We killed all Sith, all clear now, hope there come more" Wasn't able to retrigger these 5 appearing again <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, but the neverending stream of "super assassins" happened only once. That's why I thought it was a glitch. It is the more logical way, instead of the mysterious five assassins that suddenly infront of Mandalore's HQ when the mission is over. But this game runs out of logic at times. The way it works for me, is I kill the two assasins by the hangars and then I leave on the Basilisk. It sucks this way.
  10. ^^^ Happens to me all the time. I didn't know it was a glitch. In fact there was a time, before returning to Iziz, where those assassins just wouldn't stop coming. I had to run throughout the Mandalorian compound to kill all of them, before I could get the cutscene to leave. And even weirder, the assassins appearing where too damn tough. Tougher to kill than all the bosses. It was funny watching 20 Mandalorians and 2 Jedi attacking one near invincible assassin. Only stasis or fear slowed down those assassins for the others to kill them.
  11. They are not better, they were simply written first and did not (at the time) clashed with other previous written material. Its not a question of what is better, its a question of being done first and not clashing with previous written material. No because Darth Bane was create for the sole purpose to explain the diferences of the Dark Horse comics that deal with the Sith and the prequels. Darth only became a title because Lucas decided to make it a title in EP I with Darth Maul and Darth Sidious, same reason with the "rule-of-two" that simply did not existed in the comics. EU continuity have to adapt to Lucas alterations because only Lucas says what is canon and EU continuity have to not clash with canon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is the name of the comic/book wherein Bane creates the title of "Darth". Good point about EU having to adapt to Lucas' vision.
  12. He is indeed the Chosen One. Bear in mind he doesn't just equalise the numbers - he destroys the old, fossilised Jedi Order entirely, and he kills the Emperor too - in the process, killing himself, leaving both Jedi and Sith non-existant. He gives Force-users in the galaxy a chance to start again, afresh, allowing Luke to rebuild the Jedi tradition free of both the shadow of the Dark Side and the strictures of the stagnant Jedi Order. That is the 'Balance' that is referred to. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was an excellent explanation dude. You sold it, and I bought it.
  13. ^^^ That's some glitch.
  14. Although we did a bang up job in the battle of britain taking on the British was nothing more than sticking a division or two in france. Britain was in no position to invade and it was only after the US joined that changed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But the foolishness of it all is that Hitler was trying to defeat both the British and the Russians. THey are two battle hardened peoples. The Brits really took a pounding with the bombings, without surrendering. And the Russians can claim ancestry from the Vikings, one of histories most notorious warrior cultures. Fighting is in their blood. And of course it was the Brits who finally defeated the Vikings. Why not just concentrate on one of them? But whatever. They world was saved from the assdom that would've been the Nazi Empire.
  15. When Kreia or Visas has the Cyan crystal, everytime on the Ebon Hawk when the meditate, the have an ignited lightsaber on their laps. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, they like living on the edge. But Bao-Dur is the craziest of them all. Give him a Cyan saber and he'll go on about the ship and make his repairs with the lightsaber ignited, only inches from his face. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or Atton operating the Ebon Hawk controls with an ignited saber. I bet this is how KoTOR 3 start. Lightsaber damage at the Hawk's controls. Atton's a fool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And maimed characters getting treatment in a Kolto Tank <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yet, somehow T3 will survive. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not after he experiments with a upgrade for his Core based on the Windows Source Code. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You win. :D I can't top that. Whew those are alot of quotes.
  16. When Kreia or Visas has the Cyan crystal, everytime on the Ebon Hawk when the meditate, the have an ignited lightsaber on their laps. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, they like living on the edge. But Bao-Dur is the craziest of them all. Give him a Cyan saber and he'll go on about the ship and make his repairs with the lightsaber ignited, only inches from his face. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or Atton operating the Ebon Hawk controls with an ignited saber. I bet this is how KoTOR 3 start. Lightsaber damage at the Hawk's controls. Atton's a fool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And maimed characters getting treatment in a Kolto Tank <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yet, somehow T3 will survive. "
  17. When Kreia or Visas has the Cyan crystal, everytime on the Ebon Hawk when the meditate, the have an ignited lightsaber on their laps. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, they like living on the edge. But Bao-Dur is the craziest of them all. Give him a Cyan saber and he'll go on about the ship and make his repairs with the lightsaber ignited, only inches from his face. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or Atton operating the Ebon Hawk controls with an ignited saber. I bet this is how KoTOR 3 start. Lightsaber damage at the Hawk's controls. Atton's a fool.
  18. If KoTOR were to contain the end of Revan's story, I wonder if the dev would make us choose between saving Bastila or the galaxy? Of course there's the option for both. Or you could let the Exile save the galaxy. But it would be a huge test for a Jedi.
  19. For Revan, I chose scarface. For Exile, the buzzcut dude.
  20. When Kreia or Visas has the Cyan crystal, everytime on the Ebon Hawk when the meditate, the have an ignited lightsaber on their laps.
  21. Knowing how devious the Jedi council is, I'd say it was made up.
  22. Where is the entry for Ki Adi Mundi? <_<
  23. Before the U.S. entered the war, the Russians had already began to push the Germans out. I mean, really, taking on the British AND the Russians at the same time. Not smart. No wonder the "superior race" got beaten badly. SO much for superior thinking.
  24. Revan Skywalker?
  25. I don't want to sound gay or anything, but unicorns kick ass, I mean come on Clash of the Titans <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pegasus wasn't a unicorn. :ph34r:
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