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Everything posted by Reent

  1. the first part is something i didnt forget, i just didnt mention it because we speak about DPS - okay, i had it in one of my versions of my post (wrote it while doing the math - deleted everything after i was done with my math^^, i thought 7 nights would be better even against low DR, but it looses out too hard for me... the 2nd part: i am playing (solo) expert, i dont use the spell much, so i dont wanna learn the exact angle - and for every double hit you can miss one... and in my fights everyone moves all the time and my chants come with 3-4 secs delay (thx to -50% plate and 3 dex) hmmm, maybe i should use the spell a bit in my solo run, try it out - with talents for more damage maybe some fights get easier... will write if it does (however my char died and the new one died against the spiders in chaed nua, since i was too greedy - ironman can suck^^) so i may need a bit before i will try it in fights^^ @summons... i dont find them that usefull... the damage isnt nearly as good as a damage spell - you hit 10 enemys or so for a combined 700 damage or something with one spell... sure, if you need bodys... but who needs bodys after such a long time? You need bodys as first strike - Figurines do that.
  2. hmmm, after some math, i wouldnt think so - one dragon chant deals just too much damage, against 20 DR with 20 might its only about 64 (4 damage ticks) - 7 nights is about 45-60 base, with +30% its almost 50 average - 7 nights should be affected by talents etc, so you should be able to get it up to dragon chant damage level... however every wind is only about 9 damage or something (dunno if it even deals that much...), 2 winds makes one dragon chant, so you loose out on 46 damage... if you can cast for free - not loosing any time for your chants (i loose about 1 dragon chant for every spell i use - since both deal about the same damage, not worth it for me), you trade 62 damage to deal 50 extra damage... not worth it^^ (i count the damage lost from 3 winds (1.5 dragon chants) vs 1 7 nights, so its not true, its even worse) 20 DR enemys, 20 might - its not worth it, even with zero cast recovery, the higher the DR the better your constellation becomes (however pure wind+7 nights should win out before your constellation does - since wind doesnt use DR and 7 nights is better vs high DR) the higher your might, the better dragon chant gets (i have about 30 might in fights 38 in group with champions boon - the enemy would have >>40 DR to make 7 nights worth it - or he has to have immunity to part or all of it)
  3. the ogre matron? Man, that was so funny - i got quite low in solo runs against some ogre groups, so i resolved the ogre matron without a fight - only to not see the steal symbol over the chest and aggro the group with theft i paused the game for 20 secs thinking "oh **** i am ****ed" - only to stomp them very fast without loosing endurance (my heals were too high, lost a bit health) dont know, but if a max might chanter with 40-60 deflection starts a fight in the middle of the pack and they aggro the figurines... the game is too easy, why no AI... X_x
  4. jeah... but its anti fun, since the damage of the dragon chant is so high i dont want to use anything else - you use a spell? You loose out on about one dragon chant - most damage spells arent worth it, other spells... sometimes... (one dragon chant with 30 might is about 4/5 damage ticks with 22 damage each (more against less DR), it would need quite a hit with white worms to make it worth it, without reusing bodys its only good if you need a damage spike... other spells, i just dont see how its worth it (okay, if you know exactly how to cast that your recovery starts right after dragon chant hits the enemy... if could be worth it... but with my low dex and resolve i dont know when it will activate=so not worth it if i dont need a body to block them or have 20+ bodys) why not make it stack with talents etc but not stack with itself? Then you could use the diversity the Chanter offers - put in the speed chant in between dragon chants, or something else... and not loose damage, or cast something without loosing damage... would make the chanter fun, atm its fun with a lot of salt.
  5. chess... damn, why are my club termins always when i have no time? I used to play 9 times for the team per year and once a week just for fun... and about 2 tournaments per year now i play 3 games for the team a year, thats it -.- I once tried a "ranger with 3 in all stats and bear as MC"... that was when the animal companion was ridiculous UP... now it would be kinda fun^^
  6. the dragon chant is... affected by race and attributes - and 1h weapon no shield bonus - thats about it, maybe the anti beast chant since its a chanter ability but i dont think so... no acc buff etc spell i used helped (might/perception buff spells did) thats why you have to pump might if you want to deal damage with chanter, its about the only way (please, if you know another way... TELL ME!!!!) to get your damage up (okay, white worms can deal more damage and should scale better with talents/buffs...)
  7. ok^^ bad weapon but lvling... looks much easier then a noober run O_o doesnt look appealing to me, but who knows^^ jeah - it would have a higher clearspeed - much higher in fact^^
  8. if you play without figurines you limit the first strike abilities, if you play without acc and damage you limit the clearspeed, as long as you can hit yout enemys you just take a few more hours per enemy - how much fun
  9. The enemys have one pattern, all game long... thats why i dont use groups, you overpower the enemys because you can adapt, the enemys dont -.- Please... is it that hard to give enemys more than "run to enemy and attack" (maybe with prio targetting)... better spell usage (enemy) better positioning (or dodging of spells etc) and better pathing (sometimes you can block 10 enemys with 2 enemys despite the fact that they have a clear path to you, they just have to move one step to the left... the ones that cant attack you) I'd love to play with a party, however i dont enjoy it if the game is so easy i can simply run at the enemy and use one character and let everyone else just attack (no AI active) - and win easily (maybe use withdraw if a squishy is in problems)... I love the party banter, but i am fighting too much to just enjoy my party... with one character the game is enjoyable (quite hard in fact, if you dont concentrate you can die - just what i want)
  10. Yes, I would have like also a "simple" Ultimate achievement (like the Solo achievement), without the expert and the trial of iron options. You dont understand it? If you did it without ToI you can do it with ToI - at least if you know how to ToI - sure, if you are very unlucky you have to start again - but if you do this, you have too much time. You dont use strategys where one roll decides if you win or loose. You try strategies without ToI until you found one that works about every try, after that you do it with your ToI safe - takes time but is quite reliable.
  11. Kana may be a bad Chanter, i am playing with MC Chanter, he has 20 int and can just run towards the enemys, most get hit because the chant has a slight delay before it hits - so no low level chant needed. And maybe i am playing too low encounters, however damagewise my chanter will kill anything - i played him solo ironman and the damage against the alpine dragon was high enough to get him to injured quite quick, could have defeated it if i didnt miss the timing to summon shades or something when the adds (enemys) died and made way for the dragon to engage me - killing me rather fast (no, couldnt have summoned ogers - not enough charges - killed the adds too fast) My Chanter doesnt summon stuff because the enemys die too fast in everything but boss fights. Now i am running MC Chanter, Durance as helper - the game tells me that durance dealt about 6k damage while my chanter dealt about 19k damage (shortly before lvl 11) the dragon chant isnt included, the endurance- chant isnt included - most damage comes from the time before lvl 9 - since then i didnt really use either one to deal active damage - dragon chant was enough, however then i spammed all the damage abilities durance has... The Whire Worm (lvl 1) spell is simply too amazing, if you play around the spell you dont need something like dragon chant or endurance- chant, just use something (maybe rogue) to generate bodys, reuse former bodys in later fights - and you will simply kill everything that leaves bodys with your chanter dealing so much damage its not even funny :D However Kana isnt the best for this strategy - not enough int/might, both should be maxed out - thats what makes the Chanter amazing, no one needs a tank chanter with low might - what encounter takes so long that the ogres are that relevant? (ok, some bossfights may be easier that way... lvl 16 you only need 50% time, so 2s)
  12. Ok, i didnt know about the Thaos stopping to cast "bug"... the more i play the more bugs i learn about - gotta love the game :D Damn, the bug wouldnt have helped my Cipher (that didnt manage to kill thaos despite lvl 12 because deep pockets was bugged - could either go in the fight without potions or with just 3 figurines...) because he didnt have the movementspeed to kite them - no resting bonus Big Congrats, i wouldnt have the Stamina for such i fight, i would rather ragequit then do something like this xD
  13. I am at a loss for words... sometimes i just want to alt+f4 and play something else - thats how bad obsidian butchers it... now that i am playing with 1 chanter+1 priest... i learn about so many bad interactions... its not even funny... i am lvl 10 now, almost lvl 11 - cleared act 2, no wm etc... am on my way to the adra dragon (od nua lvl 8 atm)... and it simply suxx, its too easy but too hard all at once... chanter gets dominated? cant stop it, the dragon chant does too much damage, thats why i withdraw my priest - priest still gets damaged quite a bit, if i dont have about 50% endurance left before - i could die. WOW; i thought only raw damage could go through withdraw... Chanter gets surrounded and damaged - healing would be too slow? I withdraw him - getting the worst of it all - the (i call it:) "immortal damage totem" - chanter doesnt stop using dragon chant just because he is in stasis - so i have 21 secs of undisturbed dragon chant - i intend to play durance as tanky as possible (okay - its not needed so i take bonus spells all the way) so if i would change a bit (give him good equipement, and defensive talents) he would be quite the tank - making the damage totem a free win (against everything but boss encounters and chanters rip bosses apart, with the summons - after the adds are gone) So not funny... i want withdraw to be my "oh damn" button, not my free win button... White Worms could oneshot dragons - done right (if the adds leave bodys, dont think the alpine dragon adds do) - about 60 damage per non crit body should be possible against dragons (before DR) with crits... its simply one hell of a spell... dont see where its really needed after lvl 9, but will see^^
  14. Nice hint, was wondering why i didnt get bodys all the time - its quite a bad thing early on^^ The Spell shouldnt be that good later on (okay, maybe if i get to 36 might...) since you cant pierce the DR of stronger enemys, the damage isnt worth it then... however early, if you plan it right - its similiar to diablo 3 EP monks - kill one enemy, fight is over (here: get one pile of bodys, everything else gets oneshot on top of it) Chanters are seriously the most fun class for me :D
  15. The weapon is almost irrelevant - fine? excellent? doesnt matter, bonus spells are nice... but thats about it, your AA doesnt matter. I am in a run with durance and a chanter - wtf i thought the priest would have to carry the chanter to lvl 9 - its the other way around, the chanter is carrying the hell out of durance (lvl 7 atm, just cleared the spiders and the ogre) - i simply take a weak encounter or use everything in a hard one - after that i simply kite all enemys to the place i killed the former enemys... managed to see a 226 damage number with one spell (was lvl 5)... thats simply ridiculous... (sure, you cant clear the big maps with just one location, however that spell is simply broken if you reuse locations... first time i do that, before i only used it in mass fights as a closer; first half down? ok, everyone else is dead too - cya)
  16. full damage chanter +support durance- chanter has no problems killing stuff but is bad vs CC, priest is good vs CC - thats what i am running atm after dying with the solo chanter 3 times (ironman runs) to wm1 content (didnt play wm1/2 before) - should be able to clear everything the game throws at me, but i will see. "Saw you in the Flames" - "I will be the Flame that destroys everything in my Path" - what better team could there be? :D
  17. the build looks fun and is really good for group play - i'd rather not use a shield and not use charm, but that makes him very fragile (however i feel that it pushes his acc over the edge and his dps is much much higher - if i look at my solo chanter... the damage is not the problem, not by a long shot... i dont know how long a group takes for fights, but the fights where i can stand in range so i hit all enemys and not get CC... i can use maybe one ogre summon - big maybe - lvl 13 thats 24 secs... not using damage from any source but dragon chant - ok, wm1 area up to the foundry... thats where i died last, maybe other enemys...)
  18. white worms is amazing - you dont list it in the spells you use, would have recommended but i am playing solo, didnt know if its usefull in teamplay. and might sure is good for dragon trashed, however i am not convinced that every point in might makes a difference - dont know if its worth it to push it so hard that you push everything (race and background) for it. Shod in Faith is really amazing, so amazing that i am running a (normally solo, however since i dont know WM i started taking durance with me yesterday) chanter with no shield, 3 resolve and shod in faith (however i am using the girdle of mortal protection - amazing) but in teamplay and with rather high deflection it doesnt look that usefull - combined with charm healing... Charm for hard fights makes sense, i changed my first lvl 2 spell from wurms to charm to paralyse - wurms were a little help charm helped quite a bit and paralyse is the one spell that makes my solo run not too hard... getting to lvl 9 is a pain... first it looked like charm would be OP as ****, then i had to see some enemys healing badly injured->full... just because the charm crit and i wasnt able to focus them myself (fight reset solo ****...)
  19. Chanters have sweet spots for Might (at least in 3.0), i tried using the endurance- chant with 4 might and with 18 might - at lvl 16, looked how long it took to kill a 43 endurance enemy while casting it again and again - no difference. The Dragon Chant is a bit different, however it has sweet spots too - so blindly going for max might isnt that usefull for that part of the build. Survival bonus doesnt count for chants - you dont get the +10/15... or did i see it wrong? I tested it 2 times... Shod in Faith isnt that good combined with mind controll - you heal the enemy - not what you want i think. With 3.0 i dont know if Charm isn't lowering your dps too much - everytime you cast dragon chant again you get another damage tick - i tested it vs 79 endurance enemy, with one dragon chant (10 secs duration, 18 might 10 int) the enemy almost died... when i didnt stop casting dragon chant (lvl 16 test char), the enemy died after 5 secs (wtf... that shouldnt be, however thats what the game told me... so it should be even more than one damage tick extra??) 3.0 the damage of dragon chant is insane... scion of flame doesnt work with the dragon chant or does it? (fireball - so its fine)
  20. hey, thats still better then what happened to me - i fought her exactly once and i died because the trash didnt survive long enough! Okay - it was a bad situation to fight a dragon in ironman solo run - but since i am playing wm blind - i had no choice - lvl 11 Chanter with no deflection, i was quite surprised the trash did about nothing to me - i had the dragon down to injured when - all of a sudden - the trash died and made a way for the dragon... killing me quite fast since i wasnt ready for the pain :D if i had summoned something and kited a bit after the trash was gone... but no, i just looked at the dragon and ignored the trash -.- You can try again any time, i have to play to that point again (and i did, however i ignored the dragon and died to paralyse ghosts a bit further in the next run - my will defense was too low -.- now i will play through the game once with durance as a helper (ironman), when i know wm as i know the rest i will go back to solo) (why my part is worse? everyone expects bugs (at least i do) so i dont mind dying to one but dying because the encounter looked too easy and you didnt use anything, took your hands off and just looked smiling at the screen - until it was too late to react?^^)
  21. It sure didnt feel like it when my first solo run (last non ironman run i ever did) didnt manage to beat thaos because i didnt have to upgrade my gear to kill everything before thaos and my deep pockets bugged - i tried a few days but in the end i had to end the run... didnt have a safe game where deep pockets wasnt bugged and i never knew - only in the end i had to change my items -.-
  22. Noober has only one problem! He doesnt have enough cheese! I bet against him, i dont think he will finish the game :D
  23. the legendary petrify trap - shouldnt work... kiting... shouldnt work against thaos, maybe the 2 statues... maybe a 100 on a charm spell before the statues get buffed xD (did that with a cipher, however that wasnt reliable and i had much higher acc^^) Lucky spell use from thaos maybe? Sometimes he used bad spells for a long time (until i died against the ****ing op DoT anyway - bad acc is killer against thaos -.-)
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