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Everything posted by SteveThaiBinh

  1. I don't suppose they can display it if they haven't developed it. How far along the development process does a game need to be before it can be shown at something like E3? I know some work was already done on Kotor 3, but it was postponed/cancelled.
  2. It would be nice if the patch fixed this, and 'mastery' was achieved say between 95 and 100 LS points (or 0 and 5 DS), rather than only at the absolute maximum. Probably too late to request that, though. Or maybe not...
  3. I suppose we'll find out very shortly what the new project is. For Obsidian to be advertising so many jobs, that must mean the deal with the publisher is signed, not just 'in discussion'. The future of the company post-NWN2 looks good, and the debacle over bugs/cut-endings in Kotor 2 hasn't done any real damage to their reputation with publishers at least. I'm glad. I just hope they produce a good PC version of whatever it is they're making.
  4. That answers the question. Yay! Headline in tomorrow's newspapers: On-line poll leads to conclusive answer shock! Also, this really should be moved to the Way Off Topic forum.
  5. Release an April Fool's patch on April Fool's Day? Highly unlikely; more likely they'll release it three months from now, or 'soon' as it's commonly called.
  6. I guess so, that or a mod which reveals the same variable. I've used the save game editor, but even setting the influence to 100 in the save game editor doesn't guarantee lightside mastery for companions. It seems to be random, or might depend on your charisma as well.
  7. You're just pure dag nasty evil. And I am the most gullible person on the net.
  8. Force lightning. You may look upon his face, but bring me his mask. Then I shall be... Darth Pollius. All life exists to feed my polls.
  9. Not from memory, no. But I don't think you have to do the whole conversation in one go. You can exit the conversation after every thread, see what the effect was on your alignment, and then talk to her again. As far as I know, you don't lose any conversation possibilities that way.
  10. If you are required to have a certain character because something important is going to happen relevant to their backstory (Visas on the Ravager) it's OK, although having the freedom not to explore that story would be good too. And I really liked the short interludes where you played one character, such as T3 getting the codes to Goto's ship. If there were only 2 NPCs in the whole game, but they were really well developed and had a lot to say, that would be OK, too. I guess I'd always choose depth over non-linearity.
  11. After a few influence gains with Disciple, any further get the message 'Influence gained: Handmaiden'. I imagine it comes as a surprise to her, as she's still on Telos.
  12. McGann (I don't remember which either) would be no. 8
  13. If McCoy was number 7, Chris Eccleston would be no. 9, leaving three more, and I think no.12 was the baddie in Trial of a Time Lord, or at least claimed he was. Still, they'll probably just scrap the maximum limit of 12. Canon has its uses, but when it gets to the point where observing canon means ending the show, that's just going too far.
  14. Yes, the Dane-law, and of course the Dane-geld. http://whitewolf.newcastle.edu.au/words/au...y/danegeld.html English is a tricky language to learn for many non-native speakers, and the vowel 'system' (if such a thing truly exists) and the crazy spelling, are part of the difficulty. Spanish is at least spelled phonetically and would be a more suitable international language.
  15. Hmph. BBC news is reporting that a second series of Doctor Who has been commissioned, but Christopher Eccleston won't be returning. And they've only just shown the first episode (which I still haven't seen). I thought he was supposed to have volunteered for the part because he was a fan. Still, good to know it will be back.
  16. Yes, but in the Star Wars trilogy you knew that there would be a third part, and that it would continue the stories of all the main characters. We don't know for sure that there will be a Kotor 3, although I agree it's highly likely. But since Kotor 2 didn't reuse the same main characters as Kotor 1, it's likely that Kotor 3 will also be a whole host of new characters. So Kotor 2 should have rounded off its own characters' stories, as the cut endings sort of did. If LucasArts announced tomorrow that Kotor 3 was in development and would have all the same characters, I'd be pretty happy with that.
  17. If you didn't like this ending, let's take a look at what you could have won... http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...pic=29764&st=15
  18. Obsidian has said that it has finished the patch for its part, and the ball is now in LucasArts' court. It's up to them to finish whatever tweaking they're doing and release it. You could go and post the question over on the LucasArts forum, but it's quite intensely purple. Stick to neutral colours for a while, I say.
  19. Small problem with the poll: it's Ultima VII that had two parts, The Black Gate and Serpent Isle. I vote for Ultima 7: The Black Gate. So many reasons why, many of which contain spoilers: 1. The Fellowship Theme, which I can still whistle from memory, simultaneously churchy, perky, and sinister. 2. The whole Fellowship concept, the new modern religion replacing the rather outdated Virtues, and the cult as a cover for a sinister darker purpose. Batlin was a great villain, too. 3. The shock of returning from Skara Brae and finding the guy who sent you there had been butchered, and the Guardian's laughter as you walk in and the scene is revealed. 4. Serious issues in a computer game! Drug addiction, cults, discrimination against travellers (a big issue at the moment here in the UK), racism against wingless gargoyles etc. I think it was pretty groundbreaking at the time. 5. The mockery of EA's logo. 6. The way people responded to your wearing the Fellowship medallion so realistically. 7. Spark: Torture? Cool! (looks at noble Avatar) Oops. 8. Interesting party members, well developed by the standards of the time. Hundreds of NPCs, all with some problem or sidequest to solve. 9. The ability to kill Lord British, who isn't even British and has no right to use the name. 10. The Guardian's voice. Very scary. I enjoyed Serpent's Isle, too, although I didn't replay it much because the whole world gets killed, so there's not much motivation to run around doing quests for everyone. But the scene with Batlin at the wall of mirrors was a fantastic point of high drama, and very memorable. Gosh, that was a fun trip down memory lane. Thanks for a great poll!
  20. The benefit of doing Nar Shaddaa first is that you can get your lightsaber finished without much combat. If you really don't enjoy fighting with conventional weapons, this is the way to go, as it leaves all the monsters intact to be dealt with by your saber.
  21. I never understood the appeal of consoles, but reading on the BBC website today about 'vibrating joysticks' and it all becomes clear... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4387045.stm That said, is Sony really in trouble over this patent? How likely is it that sales of the PS2 will really be stopped?
  22. No way. Red is the colour of evil, of the dark side, of unimaginable nastiness. You realise that when children tell their primary school teachers their favourite colour is red, it now goes onto a government database. I preferred the green of Kotor 2. I suppose Kotor 3 could let you choose your own colour. Would that be difficult to implement? Either that or one that changes colour with your alignment like the Kotor 2 website.
  23. It's your character, yes, turned to the dark side, whatever your alignment. The first two visions in the tomb, Malak's recruiting and the charge across the mined bridge, were both episodes from your past. The third vision, the battle between your allies and Kreia, was either an interpretation of the present or a possible near future. The final vision may be a more distant future, DS Revan and DS Exile together as the villains in Kotor 3. I don't think it's inevitable; of course, the developers will go in the direction they like, but it's one possibility.
  24. 'Silicon Dreams', a trilogy of three text adventures, is definitely one of my early favourites on the C64. The copy protection was to enter certain words from a certain page in the novella that came with the game. More often than not, it was the same phrase, 'flame-throwing weedibots', a mental image that still makes me laugh. Hitch-hiker's Guide was also great; by the way, there's two new illustrated versions just released that you can play on the BBC website. Playing 'The Longest Journey' last year was a shock - how could I have missed such a great game? After Kotor 2, Dreamfall will be only the second game in years that I buy on the day of release.
  25. Force sight hasn't revealed much yet that I didn't already know. Every now and then I remember and give it a try, but pretty much every NPC is the same boring neutral grey. Except... In the Iziz cantina, everyone is neutral, including the dodgy trader with the darkside crystal. However, the waitress, whose 'Did something just happen?' always gets a laugh from me, is the only NPC with good alignment. Why? Is she deeply attuned to the mysteries of the universe? Is that what makes her such a crappy waitress? Has force sight revealed anything else that was unexpected?
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