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Everything posted by Omnicron

  1. Soldier looks pretty good then Tidefall: Draining & Wounding Hours of St. Rumbal : Prone Tall Grass: Prone Strike Hard: Disorientating You can have fun with that all over; Adventurer: The White Spire (Estoc, Disorienting), Half-Mast (Pollaxe, Prone), Gaun's Share (Flail, Draining), and Starcaller (Flail, Stunning, Spell-Striking) Noble: Drawn in Spring (Dagger, Wounding), Mosquito (Rapier, Draining) Ruffian: Azureith's Stiletto (Spell-Striking), Oidhreacht (Stiletto, Draining), Blesca's Labor (Club, Draining), and Purgatory (Sabre, Draining) And a personal favorite, Peasant: The Vile Loner's Lance (Spear, Disorienting) and Cladhaliath (Spear, Stunning) First time playing a Barbarian and doing so in 1.06. I now finally see how this works, pretty sweet (I know it is old news to most, but did not see it when I did a quick search) 1st line reads that Durthal Crits Troll the 3/4 Targets gets hit with Jolting touch. Then not 100% how it works, but carnage gives jolting touch an additional 18 "hits"
  2. Patch did work for me. Not sure if it works retroactively, but playing a new game I was able to get the invite from the Crucible Knights. First got information that I need an invite before doing Winds of Steel, but not sure if that makes a difference.
  3. It seems to happen when i charm an enemy and then they get affected by both my auras, which then persists once the charm effect wears off. In this case however I never charmed the enemy and my paladin was never confused/charmed
  4. I can see some of the arguments for either side, and I understand both, but shortly after posting this I recalled my experience in Skyrim where I got 85% immunity against everything and the game was a boring walkover with a life-drain weapon (since getting those numbers was quite easy). It seems both systems will give you relative immunity, especially in PoE where even though it works with DT it will never cancel out all damage, which means you are in the same situation as a DR system against small mobs with only a small percentage coming though. Which feels quite balanced actually. And as Zwiebelchen noted, we also have deflection which means you probably wont get hit anyway (and which is apparently % based). As noted DT seems easier to balance with power creep and I don't think I've seen an example of how you can cap or work from a situation where you have say 85% DR.
  5. Thanks that fixed it If you have the auras on it seems to persist even if you turn them off and on again in that save. The only way to get them back to their normal size is to save with the effect turned off and load that game.
  6. As far as I understand the Aura sizes are all suppose to be the same in 1.06. But after downloading the patch it seems they got much bigger. Here is a pic which tries to demonstrate the range of auras after downloading the patch (I should have moved someone out range I guess but take my word for now) The Paladin in the middle is giving everyone Zealous Endurance and if anyone moves any more they will lose the benefit (at least my Cipher and my other paladin on opposite ends) Now you will note that my Paladin giving Zealous Focus is still affecting everyone. Indicating that it has twice the range of Zealous Endurance.
  7. I was looking at your skill suggestions and I noticed an omission. Since it is possible to save the prisoner in NoonFrost, you should get a boon from her called Blooded Hunter which will give you +1 stealth (and +1 slash/pierce DT). This should make it so you don't have to choose between the mechanics or the stealth rest bonus unless you want 13 stealth. I did have a question: Does the +2 lore bonus from the Glanfathan Andraswen stack with the +3 lore bonus from a scroll, or does the scroll supersede it? Well NoonFrost quest is in ACT III and the hardest stealth check is in ACT II, so it wont really help you, not while I was writing the guide. I might be possible to cap off at 8 stealth (6 + boots) use a rest bonus and the scroll of +3 stealth to get past Ciliban Rilag and then go get that talent to get you to 9 stealth. You will have to leave a few quests like the giant in the spider cave until ACT III, so you will be lower level, but that might no be a problem. Scrolls Stack with Items and Resting Bonuses
  8. It seems like one of the main things to keep in mind when playing on PotD is overcoming enemy DR. Hence one seems to be able to get higher dps from Slow Two handed weapons than dual wielding light fast weapons, making Vulnerable attack a mandatory skill for many weapons (This is not based on any personal tests but just reading forums and playing the game). Would it have been better for weapon balance and variety if DR reduced damage by a percentage rather than a flat number? So instead of reducing the damage by 12 it is rather 30% or something. This would reduce really strong attacks by a large number, but it would allow small weapons to still get 70% of their damage through. Just a thought and wondered what others had to say
  9. Good news, I just found another stealth item and a scroll of walking shadows !!! (+3 Stealth Bonus) Location is down in the sewers where the Leaden Key are hiding. The boots are in the hidden room to the right before you go past the guards The Scroll of Walking Shadows is in the first room past the guards in the pot Day 15, 13 Fonprima for both items. If you are not playing TOI you should be able to try these containers at least to find the scroll. The scroll will be vital for getting past Ciliban Rilag and save you two skill points
  10. ok, so as far as I understand the 20% speed enchantment is currently broken (does not do anything at all). Coupled with understanding how bad marking is from this thread, means the Blade of the Endless Paths is actually pretty bad. Haha, so the only weapon you need to craft by collecting all the parts in the Endless Paths for maximum anticipation of epic-ness has two abilities on it which just takes up enchantment space. LOL
  11. Soldier looks pretty good then Tidefall: Draining & Wounding Hours of St. Rumbal : Prone Tall Grass: Prone Strike Hard: Disorientating Godansthunyr: Stun
  12. A bit divided on what weapon focus for my Barbarian (party front line). Ruffian will probably be the most damage with dual sabres, but there is something very appealing about Tidefall on her
  13. there is a workaround in the link I posted
  14. I thought I read somewhere that battle forged does not generate focus?
  15. I am going to keep going and see how low I can keep the personal kill count, while completing some quests that would have been impossible (for killing or for non-rogues). I know that, technically, you could party up and have your main never kill anything, but that's not the point. I am thinking that it may be possible to have as few as 7-12 personal kills depending on how many of the Glanfathans and Statues you kill. I'll keep you posted. (grrr... cant edit my name out of that quote ) It is currently not possible to finish with less than 12 even with a rogue (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79761-12-kill-run-class-build-and-guide/) But good job, let me know how it goes So your rules are Solo-Run and looking to keep personal kill count to a minimum? Sounds good And if you keep your party kills under 175 Steam will also recognize it
  16. check you inventory, you have to read the note, your character does not automatically acquire the password when s/he picks up the piece of paper
  17. very common http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78885-crucible-knights-not-valid-for-hearings/
  18. Nope, then you failed. I went back in Act III to check, so unless I missed him somehow. The only Animancer who might still hand around is Nedyn waiting for you to ask him about the book he needs...somehow he feels safe
  19. like so? Gets a bit blurry, but depends how much that bothers you...
  20. Here are a few more I found No Rest for the Pro Party: Paladin (Human), Chanter (Moon), Paladin (Human), Barbarian (Boreal Dwarf), Ranger (Wood Elf), Cipher (Island Aumaua) Story Driven PotD Monk (Human), Barbarian (Human), Hiravias, Kana, Sagani, Priest (Wood Elf) Thinking of using the six Stand Still Stay Silent Character and making Portraits for them if there are any fans around http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=329
  21. After getting the berries. Unless I am mistaken that should be "capital"
  22. Just scrolled though most of the pages and feel like I enjoy the aesthetic of these portraits the most: http://imgur.com/a/1bQAJ#GjVTDDr Found a nice barbarian pic there The hardest to find are good portraits for the unique races, as one would expect, and PoE has plenty
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