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Everything posted by Didier2

  1. Westen plus aliens setting would be awesome.
  2. I think what they were trying to do is make it so u can't max out all skills in a 7 member squad, which is silly cause you'll need a stupid amount of skills and very little skill points to distribute among individual characters to achieve that. The result is these silly skills like "Brute Force" and "Perception" , and being limited to only investing in one weapon skill, which would be fine if weapons were balanced, but they aren't. They really should have had a better idea of what their character system was going to look like from the start, including perks and traits.
  3. If you look up Brute Force in the dictionary though, u get "purely physical force". So they didn't name the skill correctly at the very least.
  4. I have no proof of this but i really think they just deciced to turn "strength" checks into this "brute force" skill checks in order to increase the number of skills somewhere along the line of development, hence the misleading name that doesn't really make any sense. I suspect they did the same with awareness and the "perception" skill in order to appease their backer's demand for more skills. Kind of half-assed and cheesy if u ask me.
  5. U called me a 14percenter, twice . But forget about it , I don't want to derail the discussion. That is not namecalling, that is a fact. 14 percent of Steam users gave WL2 negative score. So you can be a 14 percenter or 86 percenter. Why is this number important? Because by Steam forums you would thing it is the other way around including people that scream that "everyone" things WL2 is bad. So 14 percenters need to be put into their place with facts. Well, I personally didn't bother to give Wasteland 2 a score so the fact actually is that I am in neither of the percentages. If I did score it I also would not give it a negative score but certainly not as high as 86 out of a 100 because it just has too many faults to score that high.
  6. U called me a 14percenter, twice . But forget about it , I don't want to derail the discussion.
  7. My feelings exactly! Can you elaborate on that mates ? FO1&2 are among my most favourite rpgs of all time, and if you re saying W2 is so worthy I may as well try it out. I can try.Although there are no targeted body shots like in F1 and F2, due to game being party based the combat as a whole is more fun and more complex than in Fallout. It has similar feeling of freedom of movement and letting you chose the outcome of events. Since you are part of a organization and not a lone figure, the freedom is a bit less than in Fallout. Overland map travel is like in Fallout although there is no really special random encounters. This is one of the parts that are worse. There is no low intelligence dialogue and there are no traits and perks(although they said they would like to have some and implemented a trinket system instead). Everything else is similar to Fallout or better. Besides there being no low intelligence dialogue it also has no real dialogue options in general, it's more like the npcs you can talk to in game are information vendors.And the combat isn't better because you can't shoot a guy in the **** and you can't shoot a guy in the eye. I really love the concept of wasteland 2 but the execution is pretty horrible really, I'm surprised it has gotten such high ratings in reviews. That's good news for PoE though I bet it will also get good reviews just for it's concept, but I'm hoping of course the execution will be better in PoE's case. We got a 14percenter here.Or course it is a real dialogue. You cannot blame the game that Ranger NPCs like to tell their Ranger recruit their history. The raiders you talk to don't have huge conversations. And it is not like you are forced to read it all or ask all the questions. If you are not interested in reading or don't care about the backstory you can not ask about it. Just because the game does not have dialogue trees like you are used to, it does not mean dialogue is bad. Combat is better because you got a full squad to control and fight with vs one guy you control in Fallout. Same like IE games had better combat than NWN1 for same reason. The team based combat is way more complex then choosing which part of body to shoot. It got high ratings because not everyone is a 14percenter. I love how u immedieately resort to name calling in defense of what I am guessing is a game you personally invested in. First of all, I can cerainly dislike the dialogue because of the UI because it's horrible. But the fact is that I think the ui actually hides how lacking the dialogue is by gving you the illusion of having options, you could convert Wasteland 2's dialogue into the UI most of us are used to from Fallout 1 and 2 and then it would more be obvious there are almost no options, but simply a lot of subjects u can ask about. Seeing how there's 2 times in the beginning of the game where you do get options in the form of choosing one of the 3 speeech skills, it seem obivous to me that inXile decided to scratch normal dialogue options because the game was just too big to add that much dialogue and instead converted the options they did have to 3 different speech skills in order to increase skill diversity. All in all the game's development was way too focussed on it's size and the number of skills, resulting in shallow dialogue, shallow character progression and shallow combat. I still enjoyed playing the game for a while though simply because of it's setting, untill I also found out that the game was poorly balanced as well. I've now decided to wait for it to get some updates before I try to finish it. On the subject of D:OS btw, I did finish that and enjoyed it simply because of the combat and character system, despite not caring for it's setting and story at all.
  8. My feelings exactly! Can you elaborate on that mates ? FO1&2 are among my most favourite rpgs of all time, and if you re saying W2 is so worthy I may as well try it out. I can try. Although there are no targeted body shots like in F1 and F2, due to game being party based the combat as a whole is more fun and more complex than in Fallout. It has similar feeling of freedom of movement and letting you chose the outcome of events. Since you are part of a organization and not a lone figure, the freedom is a bit less than in Fallout. Overland map travel is like in Fallout although there is no really special random encounters. This is one of the parts that are worse. There is no low intelligence dialogue and there are no traits and perks(although they said they would like to have some and implemented a trinket system instead). Everything else is similar to Fallout or better. Besides there being no low intelligence dialogue it also has no real dialogue options in general, it's more like the npcs you can talk to in game are information vendors. And the combat isn't better because you can't shoot a guy in the **** and you can't shoot a guy in the eye. I really love the concept of wasteland 2 but the execution is pretty horrible really, I'm surprised it has gotten such high ratings in reviews. That's good news for PoE though I bet it will also get good reviews just for it's concept, but I'm hoping of course the execution will be better in PoE's case.
  9. I agree with quality over quantity, but I don't consider the number of classes quantity. I only really consider the length of the campaign. Wasteland 2 for instance should have focussed more on quality of combat and character system than length of the campaign and number of skills. But I am curious to know what u base your assumption on that the quality of PoE will be lacking?
  10. After the novelty wore off I am really starting to have trouble getting through the drag that is combat. A lot of rng and not a lot of tactical options, that headshot skill they added at the last moment really might as well have been left out.
  11. With how attributes affect the game at this point I think I may choose attributes based on what it allows u to do in conversations and scripted interactions.
  12. I'm actually gonna have a closer look at the classes and races and their abilities, before I decide.
  13. I still like to try to build a strong chracter though, these kind of creating a character that feels more powerfull than the average character is part of the fun of an rpg with a complex character system like PoE. At least for me it is.
  14. I think the big plus of this system is that it will be easier to balance the experience gains, leaving more time to spend on other features.
  15. Things allways get lost or ****ed up in translation. I don't understand why ppl who's english is good enough to visit these forums, even want to have PoE translated for them. Just enjoy it in it's original language I say.
  16. I hope that we'll get some extra loot from chosing to kill our enemies at least, didn't see any looting in the gameplay demo though.
  17. After finishing the game I can say with certainty that the game balance is kinda screwed, very difficult at the start but the final boss fight is a cakewalk.
  18. The strong point of the game is definitely the combat and the character system. The character system is not very balanced but it has a buttload of active abilities which most class-less systems lack. And as you get higher the combat does gets a lot easier because of the resistances your characters build up. But despite these flaws they are strong enough to carry the game. I don't think the story or the quest design is very strong and I didn't feel like bothering with the convoluted crafting system, but I'll play it through till the end just for the combat.
  19. Yeh , now that all classes have been covered I'd love to know how the point buy system for attributes will work specifically, if the cost of increasing an attribute will rise as it gets higher etc.
  20. I'd rather have multi-classing for the expansion than additional classes, either that or specialization classes.
  21. I like the way Fallout 2 handled it. Letting you pimp out your freshly shotgun-weddinged wife/husband to a group of gecko hunters. And there were more instances where the game really allowed you to be a total bastard in ways other than killing people.
  22. I think interesting classes and class choices, interesting quests and interesting ways to solve them, plus little hidden secrets u arent likely to discover on your first playthrough, will add way more to replayability than random loot. Random loot really reminds me of games like Diablo and grinding enemies. Adding a lot of unique items (some of them hard to find and/or obtain perhaps) that are usefull to different classes will add more to replayability I think.
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