I have a weird relationship with GoG. After buying all the old 90's/2000-2008 titles re: O/S compatibility (loved GoG for that purpose), I barely use them. I still like them in theory etc but it's so rare for them to carry a post-2010 game where I'd REALLY want a not-tied to a launcher/drm .exe, for, that I often forget to even look at GoG first anymore. Like, they never got/added even Stray, alas.
If GoG ever got a drm/launcher-free of FFXV, or Diablo 2, or even 7 Days to Die (req. secure MP server authentication, so extremely unlikely unless they chose to release a SP-only capable version), I'd buy them all again. But they won't. At least not before I'm retirement-home-infirm/dead.