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Amentep last won the day on December 27 2024

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About Amentep

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    Global Moderator

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    Fawcett City
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  1. Needs Mole Man glasses to be Mole Man. Franklin Richard's could be interesting but time travel ain't the best idea, I think.
  2. Looking forward to this - I think it looks pretty interesting. Is Malkovich playing the Red Ghost? Might be the only way such a cold-war villain might make sense is in a retro-future alternate universe.
  3. John Erwin, prolific voice actor and the original voice for He-Man
  4. Trademarks have to be defended or lost. Not defending a copyright would weaken your argument down the line if you tried to defend it, as i understand it. But Gromnir would know better than i. Most superhero related characters have trademarks attached to the unique aspects of their design.
  5. RFK Jr.'s former running mate threatens to primary anyone who votes against RFK Jr.'s nomination
  6. Bioware staff moved to other EA departments as "Given this stage of development [on Mass Effect sequel] we don’t require support from the full studio" according to update from general manager. https://blog.bioware.com/2025/01/29/bioware-studio-update/
  7. Because they're legally obligated to defend trademarks and copyrights or else lose exclusivity of use / have the property fall into the public domain.
  8. The problem was not the afterlife (mainly, the producers said repeatedly the characters weren't dead so an ending where the characters were dead was an issue) but that they teased answers to questions but never delivered. Saying the important thing was the character arcs in a show that most people were watching to understand the mysteries they established was goingto split fans who were less invested in Sawyer/Kate etc.
  9. Lynch's directorial/storytelling style will be missed.
  10. Our Species Didn’t Kill The Ancient "Hobbit" Humans – Something Else Probably Did
  11. Watched Eggers' Nosferatu, less a remake as an attempt to craft a story that follows beats from the original film (an unauthorized adaption of the Dracula stage play), from the Dracula novel and from European folklore traditions. I described it afterwords as a story crafted in a way to make sense of the major Vampire elements. The mix is a gloomy horror film that is permeated by a feeling of doom and an almost cosmic horror approach to normal people wrestling with the unnatural evil the nosferatu represents as love, sex and death entwine them all. Not as weird as The Lighthouse (albeit sharing similar ideas of encountering a vast and unknowable something) it feels more of a companion piece to The VVitch.
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