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I did a normal monk/ devoted nature godlike, and i think that is superior to pure monk ( as far as beta lvl goes).


Mostly for veteran recovery and even more imporantly for cleaving stance. Cleaving is broken atm, a full attack every time you kill someone turns most battles in free wins after 1 enemy is dead.

You just walk in battle, use blade turning for tanking/force of anguish for interrupt casters, and than focus to kill the weakest mob.


Finally someone tested it and agree with me :) Cleaving is a free win button in most of fights in beta.



With Berserker Frenzy, Cleaving Stance works on your own summons too---just tested it on skeletons, when one dies and splits in two the two new skeletons get hit by the cleave triggered by its death (Carnage with each strike is a nice bonus)... expect AoE Swift Strikes works the same way. So you can use them in every encounter. Could even keep recruiting a low level Beckoner just so they die faster / get crit more easily....

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I did a normal monk/ devoted nature godlike, and i think that is superior to pure monk ( as far as beta lvl goes).


Mostly for veteran recovery and even more imporantly for cleaving stance. Cleaving is broken atm, a full attack every time you kill someone turns most battles in free wins after 1 enemy is dead.

You just walk in battle, use blade turning for tanking/force of anguish for interrupt casters, and than focus to kill the weakest mob.

Finally someone tested it and agree with me :) Cleaving is a free win button in most of fights in beta.

With Berserker Frenzy, Cleaving Stance works on your own summons too---just tested it on skeletons, when one dies and splits in two the two new skeletons get hit by the cleave triggered by its death (Carnage with each strike is a nice bonus)... expect AoE Swift Strikes works the same way. So you can use them in every encounter. Could even keep recruiting a low level Beckoner just so they die faster / get crit more easily....

Haha so cheesy :)

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If Monks get Dichotomous Soul at PL 7 (i.e. the progression hasn’t changed vs. what they found at RPG Codex), that bodes really well for martial multiclasses. The PL 8-9 abilities for Monk had better be amazing.


Paladin gets two upgrades to Sacred Immolation to choose from at PL9, which is interesting. Priest and Druid high-level spells also sound promising.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Also Blood Thirst (yay it's still in!) comes pretty late for multiclasses. Berserker may indeed be better off as a single class for the second half of the game.

But who can really know since we have no idea how those abilites got implemented...

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Yes, Twinned shot have already a high risk to be extremely powerful, according to how it will be proposed


Few classes have more decisive ability PL 6 or 7, when others have not this luck.


 PL 6 Unlock - Turning Wheel



Monk in multiclass should be solid mid game. Imagine Drug monk + Enduring dance.

That's why Shattered pillars is already the worst monk. 25 % against 50 % with turning wheel. Awful.


PL 8 Unlock - Spark the Souls of the Righteous



Priest, no multiclass with this spell that I like ! too bad : p


It can be useful to create a priest single to obtain best buff as we can. Why not. But visibly all the classes are not in the same case with the split of PL 8 an 9.

Edited by theBalthazar
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Monk in multiclass should be solid mid game. Imagine Drug monk + Enduring dance.

That's why Shattered pillars is already the worst monk. 25 % against 50 % with turning wheel. Awful.

That's only if the monk doesn't use any wounds at all. A Shattered Pillar will most likely generate the same amount of wounds that he spends when he has Lightning Strikes + Turning Wheel running (especially if he also has Rooting Pain). So he will most likely be near 5 wounds all the time even if he's spamming abilites.


Other monks' wound count will raise/drop more if they want to spam their stuff. So maybe all in all they are not so far away from 25% in average.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Monk in multiclass should be solid mid game. Imagine Drug monk + Enduring dance.

That's why Shattered pillars is already the worst monk. 25 % against 50 % with turning wheel. Awful.

That's only if the monk doesn't use any wounds at all. A Shattered Pillar will most likely generate the same amount of wounds that he spends when he has Lightning Strikes + Turning Wheel running (especially if he also has Rooting Pain). So he will most likely be near 5 wounds all the time even if he's spamming abilites.


Other monks' wound count will raise/drop more if they want to spam their stuff. So maybe all in all they are not so far away from 25% in average.


If I understand correctly, a shattered pillars will always spend wounds first then cast his abilities, so every ability will be landed landed near 0 wounds?

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Yes, and then back up due to caused damage. If you use FoA it's only -1/+1 all the time.


Other monks will have the same issue - they just can't get back the wounds instantly. If they spam FoA they will hit 0 eventually.


Rooting Pain doesn't cost wounds at all. And I'm pretty sure we will again see some items with retaliation.


Since the wound threshold is bigger with Shattered Pillars (and that already is kind of a drawback) I would say max 7 is more fair than max 5.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I've tried numerous things. Here's just a few of my favorites and not so favorites so far.



1 Assassin/Bleak Walker - (pre-crit nerf)

2 Devoted/Berserk - Can wipe out everything on the map including your party.

3 Devoted/Hell-walker - The reasons are fairly obvious

4 Pure Shattered Pillar - ^

5 Troubadour/Fury Moon Godlike - Respectable Aoe and can tank.

6 Shattered pillar/Shifter Nature Godlike - Tap lightning strikes for the power level buff > release an aoe > shift cat > cats claws and watch everything just melt from the speed.

7 Bleak Walker/Soul Blade - Alternate between flames of devotion and soul annihilation for some nice single hit damage.

8 Pure Evoker Nature Godlike - grab a couple enchantment buffs and spam power leveled aoe.



1 Anything rogue post crit/assassination nerf

2 Ranger pure or otherwise. I've tried a few. It's supposed to be a striker and all 8 above are much more striking.

3 Priest. You can either be the quarterback or the kinesiologist. Take your pick. Still good to have one in the party, just not for the main.

4 Most combinations of cipher or pure cipher. I love the idea of psionics (bring back Ascension syfy!!!) , but every time I get one that looks good on paper it's like letting a balloon go

before you tie it in game play.


I (of course) haven't tried everything. Some things I've tried from forums that work well for others I can't make work. Play styles vary. And to finish off my disclaimer I also don't claim that any of this will or will not work like they did for me if others try/have tried them.

There were some excellent jokes in this post. I enjoyed it.

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Another thing to consider is with iron wheel reducing incoming damage and other monks needing to take damage to get wounds you might get to where you run out of wounds until they expire. At 10 wounds getting +10 armor it'd be hard to generate many wounds to make up for any you use. If you are just going to sit at 10 wounds and auto attack for the extra fire lash that sounds rather boring.


A Shattered Pillar will always have wounds because they will always be doing damage. Set the AI to use Torments Reach when you have five wounds and you'll bounce between 2 and 5 wounds. If you were spamming upgraded Force of Anguish you'd bounce between 4 and 5 wounds.


Plus it'd be a lot easier to make use of Dance of Death and ability spamming as you can stay unhittable for the +12 accuracy boost and use your damage output to fuel ability spam like FoA or Torments.

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Also note that it's called "Twinned Shot" now instead of "Twinned Arrows". Wonder if the Long Pain or Minor Blights work with it...

My hunch on the name change is that they realized not all rangers use bows :)


Shot works better with bows, guns, and if I’m reaching, scepters and rods. Pew pew pew!

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Boring but strong. If it’s same as PoE 1, 5% lash per wound and 1 armor per wound, you get 50% lash and 10 armor in current system, which is pretty OP. 



It is OP... Except if you are dead : p


Monk is on this concept of taking damages (like helwalker in fact)


And if you use door of priest you monopolize your buff character all 10 seconds. It is legit for me.


I think if you have wright dune, Obsidian would have put this ability level 1-3. Like before. If it is so late, I think this ability is like POE1. Same for Iron wheel.

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I'm running a pure Conjurer Nature Godlike in this run through. I'm adding it to my top tier stuff above. Base stats max Might and Per. No staff. Dual weilding scepter wand only for when I'm out of spells. A crit from an empowered Necrotic lance is a beast.

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- Where do you have the high level talents from? The beta goes only up to power level 5.


- About monk: I will take the shattered pillar if I make a monk. Other monks have to get hit to cause wounds. I dislike getting hit in general.

Shattered Pillars can spam torments reach all the time ( with some buffs you cause always at least 3 wounds). This way you also spam rooting pain, damaging and interrupting all enemies around you. Spamming AoE while interrupting everything around you sounds fine to me (barbariens did this in PoE1).

Maybe another monks that collects wounds for other effects ( like the monksterlasher build for PoE1) is better power gaming wise, but a shattered pillar spamming torments reach and rooting pain should be good enough if you do not play PotD and have a full party.

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EDIT: Wrong thread. Please disregard.

Edited by AndreaColombo

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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- Where do you have the high level talents from? The beta goes only up to power level 5.


- About monk: I will take the shattered pillar if I make a monk. Other monks have to get hit to cause wounds. I dislike getting hit in general.

Shattered Pillars can spam torments reach all the time ( with some buffs you cause always at least 3 wounds). This way you also spam rooting pain, damaging and interrupting all enemies around you. Spamming AoE while interrupting everything around you sounds fine to me (barbariens did this in PoE1).

Maybe another monks that collects wounds for other effects ( like the monksterlasher build for PoE1) is better power gaming wise, but a shattered pillar spamming torments reach and rooting pain should be good enough if you do not play PotD and have a full party.


1) In Update 40 an old version of some full ability trees (rogue & druid) is shown very briefly (~ 2:20)

2) Data-Mining @ RPG Codex

:skull: SHARKNADO :skull:

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Not really good.


Berserker will be better single class.


And there is no connection between +40 % damage and carnage (sadly).

Now there are this ‘xxx% of your weapon damage’ for many abilities, which doesn’t include damage bonus and lashes. Wounding shot and deep wound is also of this category now.

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Such a shame, thanks though, might consider going devoted/cipher instead, my main's a cipher atm, but my playstyle tends to revolve around mental binding and auto attacking (seeing as I didn't get much mileage out of the top tier abilities in the first game) so I've looking at frontline/dps options to round him out.

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