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How does resonant touch actually work? It displays quite a big AoE (two circles for friend and foe AoE), but it seems to work only on single targets. the description seems to be wrong too...

when does the raw damage get applied? combat log did not really help me there, but maybe I did not check thoroughly. The recovery seems to be quite long.


Would be grateful for some advice!

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The problem with resonance touch is that for such an high lvl ability dmg is way too low. I mean, if you manage to reach the max of 10 counters and activate it you actually do the same or max double dmg of a normal torment reach attack ( wich hits everyone in the aoe). Moreover if you play a monk with dps orientation is also very hard to actually rech the 10 counter, because the enemy will be dead long before.

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I haven't played with enough yet to give a good opinion on how useful it is. In theory, it doesn't cost wounds, it's a large circle AoE will hit more targets than cone from torment. MIG applies to the 10 base damage so 20 MIG = 13 damage per charge that can't be resisted. I don't know offhand if you can score crits or other damage modifiers apply. I don't see it as some ultimate damage dealer comparable to a caster or ranger, but a decent way to finish off multiple enemies and splash survivors.

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I like the mechanics of it. But in practice, it is difficult to use it effectively. Speaking from personal experience in a party setting, one has to use it in a very deliberate manner.


10 charges for the max dmg potential which is once per encounter. And to do that you would need deal more than 100dmg specifically by the monk. Have to consider other party members contributing dmg on the same resonance target(s) in the meantime which does not add charges.


It would be better if there were additional effects like resonance touch is an aura in which other party member affected by the aura can contribute to resonance charges, or the resonance charges themselves have some sort of small debuff that is stackable with additional charges. But it is just theorycrafting at this point.

Edited by mosspit
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