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I thought the only effect of Bloodthirst was the no recovery thing after kills, if it also ups attack speed after a couple then yeah I could see that.


I guess the thing to consider is whether the prone/stun-locking is better with one weapon when you compare it to the increased speed (and hence, ability to run better armour without recovery) and also damage of two weapons. You're obviously hitting many targets with Carnage in the first place, so the chance of getting a crit or a couple of crits on a mob is certainly higher than most classes lacking that AoE. I guess one-handed might be in a purely disabling sense, with the status-locking outweighing the additional damage of an offhand weapon - particular with Apprentice Sneak Attack.


If someone could put harder numbers and testing to it, I'd be interested. I keep trying to figure out where the extra hit to crit on one-handed is useful, and you'd think with the changes it's got to be on Rogues and Barbarians - Riposte Rogues if you could buff their deflection and with Dirty/Vicious Fighting will be getting a lot of crits and sneak attacks and quite possibly Deathblows. No other class really gets much of a way to melee AoE, apart from Monks with Torment's Reach which seems very sporadic in what effects it chains.

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Well you better be sorry, you coming here with your incisive character builds and detailed knowledge and yet you dare make one mistake? How dare you!


I'm joking of course, still you are adding in slots to the build (neither Lust nor Thirst were in the original). I'll muse over it while I try to think of more solo builds before the GoG patch comes out.

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I know people have mentioned Godansthunyr, but unless I'm missing something isn't it much better for the build? I've not tested out We Toki in game to know how the prone duration would compare to the stun duration of Godansthunyr, but even so stun seems to be a way better debuff and once it's inflicted on a foe subsequent stuns should be easier (-30 deflection allowing for more crits compared to the -10 for prone). Also, as far as I'm aware, Godansthunyr has an interrupt of 0.75 - making it a juicy peach for an interrupt barbarian by rivalling that of two-handers - and it also had the crush/pierce thing going for it, which I'd imagine is useful in Carnage situations with mixed enemy groups.


It's late game and dragon protected, but still all these weapons tend to be a little late game.



Godansthunyr is certainly a strong option, as is Starcaller(faster), for more focus on disables. But this build is partly about the romantic(ish?) theme of an axe wielding barbarian, and as Boeroer noted Axes do have Annihilation with works well with the new One Handed Style's hit to crit conversion.


I've also considered using Purgatory and Vent Pick(and going dual wield) for sheer damage, but I'm not sure how Vent Pick's Flames of Devotion works.

Edited by Odd Hermit
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I tryed a solo dual wield version of thos, with Godansthunyr + spelltongue or bittercut or purgatory, in every version is great, soloed craghold buff alone without rest. Spelltongue give you less dps but nearly infinite heal and frenzy and +20% dmg for hearth of fury balanced the thing. And in solo you need longer buffs in fights...


Also tryed double Godansthunyr, works great too, permastun for everyone after durganization

Edited by Dr <3
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It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.


But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.


By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Yes, but you could add Bloodthirst (+20% speed after two kills for 20(?)sec), it stacks with the others. Maybe even Blood Thirst would be nice (0 recovery after a killing blow - doesn't matter how you kill the enemy) if you don't want to wear light armor.


Frenzy and DAoM don't stack, that's right.


edit: BloodLUST and BloodTHIRST - sorry for the confusion!

What is 'DAOM'?

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It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.

But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.

By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.

But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.

By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

what the new hatchet? havet head of it ;)

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Yes, but you could add Bloodthirst (+20% speed after two kills for 20(?)sec), it stacks with the others. Maybe even Blood Thirst would be nice (0 recovery after a killing blow - doesn't matter how you kill the enemy) if you don't want to wear light armor.


Frenzy and DAoM don't stack, that's right.


edit: BloodLUST and BloodTHIRST - sorry for the confusion!

What is 'DAOM'?


Deletrious Alacrity of Motion :)

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.

But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.

By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.

But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.

By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

what the new hatchet? havet head of it ;)


It's called "Captain Viccilos Anger" and you can get in in WMII. It causes Minor Fatigue for 6 secs on hit/crit. And if I remember correctly it alreay comes superb.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Yes, but you could add Bloodthirst (+20% speed after two kills for 20(?)sec), it stacks with the others. Maybe even Blood Thirst would be nice (0 recovery after a killing blow - doesn't matter how you kill the enemy) if you don't want to wear light armor.


Frenzy and DAoM don't stack, that's right.


edit: BloodLUST and BloodTHIRST - sorry for the confusion!

What is 'DAOM'?


Deletrious Alacrity of Motion :)


Ohhh duh

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It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.

But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.

By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

It doesn't get touched by the character's FoD related talents. Same as Frenzy from Sanguine Plate and Greater Frenzy and Wild strike Belt of the barb. A talent that does work with it is Scion of Flame.

But stilettos' damage is too low to make this +50% damage from time to time worthwhile. Weapons like Unlabored Blade and Drawn in Spring are better.

By the way: I wonder why there are wounding weapons in the game but no poisoning ones. They would also do +25% DoT but with poison - or cause some minor debuff (like glittering gloves or that new hatchet or all those disorienting weapons).

what the new hatchet? havet head of it ;)


It's called "Captain Viccilos Anger" and you can get in in WMII. It causes Minor Fatigue for 6 secs on hit/crit. And if I remember correctly it alreay comes superb.




What the hell, where is this hatchet? I have beat wm2 twice and have not seen it. Not in the wiki or gamebanshee but I see it in the files.

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I seriously have no idea. I also found it in the files while testing builds. I didn't finish WMII that often so maybe I missed that hatchet. Could be that OBS forgot to place it in the game like the +4 INT ring (they fixed this).

If nobody knows where to get it we should write a bug report before it's too late.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Mmm.... I definitely don't recall seeing the hatchet. And I am always on the lookout for decent hatchets as there is a serious lack of them in the game. Has anyone managed to find it?

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"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


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It'd be handy in that I don't think there's any immunity to fatigue, while it's not the most overpowered debuff it's universal applicability would be great. It's also sweet for dual-wielding barbs (with a second stun/prone weapon to take advantage of the def drop) or really just anyone who wants to use hatchets defensively (-10 accuracy = +10 deflection, giving that particular hatchet +15 deflection against your targeted melee enemy - in addition to -5 to defences essentially meaning +5 to your accuracy).

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A dual hatchet setup with a barb who has this thing as well as the Yell or the Executioner's Hood and also Dragon Leap can stack +10 deflection and -30 to enemies' ACC - even -40 with the Shout. That because Fatigue, Frightened and Dazed stack - as far as I know. Fatigue stacks with everything. I'm not 100% sure about Frightened + Dazed. If they do it nets you +40 or +50 to your deflection and +30/40 to you other defenses. Pretty nice.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Do you assume this or did you test it? Because when I last saw it both on one enemy none of them was grey (=suppressed . But maybe the acc debuff gets suppressed. I'm not sure as I said.


I tested it, rechecked yesterday just to be sure it hadn't changed :). They don't fully suppress each other though, only the overlapping parts. And because of course for enemies we don't see the partial effects like on our own characters, it isn't directly visible. But from the combat log, it is clear Dazed + Frightened only gives them -10 ACC (well, -12 actually, with the -2 Perception penalty).

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