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  Silvermoon said:
As far as I can see, none of you guys have given him one point of critique that really had to do with his opinion, you only start to attack him personally.

Mayhaps because he is known from other fora? I see nothing in his writing that can be critiqued, as it is a completely subjective and biased attack on Obsidian based on his uniquely addle-brained view of their previous work. Should we not respond to him the same way?

Should we not respond to him the same way?


Nope, I'd say ignore him if you hate it so much. As going back in forth with him only gets him to say more things you hate.


But I can only say what I think. I'm not a mod or your dad. Think about if it is actually helping anything tho.

  kumquatq3 said:
Look, we all know doomy (visc). Like him or hate him, its not going to change anything. You can argue with him all day(and, in fact, have), what did anyone accomplish? Lets just chill on this one.

I second that suggestion. Let's pick our things up and move along. Next topic, please?


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

  Visceris said:
For all those of you who thinks Star Wars KOTOR2 will be good think again because all of the past games that black isle have worked on in the past were mostly overrated and were not as fun as people thought they were.

Now this is absolutly hilarious! So what Youre saying is that I really didnt have fun playing all those games, that I just Thought I had fun and that that would go for a majority of the players that have bought bisgames over the years? Thank You for telling me what waste of time my playing has been


My my. Heated Internet Geek Arguments have struck here already. *sigh*



Thread Hijacking with your petty arguments = b7



on topic:

I have no doubt that this game will be awesome. Obsidian has the potential to do great things with the people they have there, and I cant wait to see what new things they are going to implement in this game.




lol jk


This game will rock. Or something. Out of all the past games some dudes have worked on in the past I thought most were good, let's see how they do without shadowpaladin nearby, flossing.


  Annah said:
About Obsidian, I think they left because they wanted more freedom, to create nice good games :D

And if they're making Star Wars KOTOR II I am sure it will be a good game, because from what I've seen they have BIOWARE's support.

"They wanted more freedom" and "They're making KOTOR II". Sounds like a contradiction. Freedom means to realize visions, a sequel can be nice and brings in the money but it surely can't be a vision.

  Megatron said:


lol jk


This game will rock. Or something. Out of all the past games black isle worked on in the past I thought most were good,[REMOVED]

Did you bother to read the FAQ posted by Guild? You violated 2 rules already, and the boards have been open less then 24hours.


No offense intended, but this isn't the Codex, its a business' forums, and they need to maintain some professionalism Insulting someone who is not present with sexually degrading material, is not, in any way, shape, or form, proper.


EDIT: I removed the questionable parts, so it is not drag it down more.

  Shadowstrider said:
  Megatron said:


lol jk


This game will rock. Or something. Out of all the past games black isle worked on in the past I thought most were good, let's see how they do without shadowpaladin nearby, masturbating.

Did you bother to read the FAQ posted by Guild? You violated 2 rules already, and the boards have been open less then 24hours.


No offense intended, but this isn't the Codex, its a business' forums, and they need to maintain some professionalism Insulting someone who is not present with sexually degrading material, is not, in any way, shape, or form, proper.


Ok, I edited it not to hurt his feelings or something.


I'll wait for the men in suits to take me away or something, though it doesn't seem like much will happen for a few days. Cheese.



We don't actually encourage that sort of thing at the Codex and if someone does it for too long he gets the boot. NMA forums are a more likely candidate for that sort of behaviour.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

  Exitium said:
We don't actually encourage that sort of thing at the Codex and if someone does it for too long he gets the boot. NMA forums are a more likely candidate for that sort of behaviour.

Wasn't a shot at the codex, its just fairly well documented that you guys have a very lenient policy.


If it were a shot at the codex, I'de post it... I've done it before :huh:


Regardless, happens a lot at Codex... and I suppose NMA to an extent. Can I say DAC? :huh:


Really, the devs must have expected all this wild speculation, and frankly wouldn't care... there's nothing to expect or guess at when all we know is they're making a PC/Console RPG.


Guys, I hate to break it to you but that ain't the real Visceris. B)


I think that KotOR deserves a sequel and has a great commercial value for the developers and publishers. Storywise its pretty close but so was Icewind Dale 1 and Fallout 1. I don't think KotOR should be Obsidian's first game, if it is being made, for they need a game that will give them an identity but still Obsidian couldn't do any worse than Bioware. I just don't think that taking a Bioware Hand-Me-Down is a good idea.


Don't you dare mention Fallout and KOTOR in the same sentence. These two games are worlds apart. Fallout being in the true rpg world while KOTOR appears in the "****ty" world.


While KOTOR isn't as terrible as I like to think, these two game are not even close in gameplay.


ok.. I'm proud to say I managed to get through reading this little slosh.. and now I can't even remember what the origenal topic was.. I think I drown in the bodies still playing hide-and-go-seek for their heads with a proctologist's scope.. I'll edit this after I go back and read the true topic.. perhaps some weeding would be in order?


Ahh, found it.. will this game suck or not?... flattering... well, I see the many folks from the productions of various games I enjoyed, primarily Fallout, and I hope that we will not get a hodge-podge of those games that I like so much; while they were great all by their lonesomes, a grouping of them into one super-product could not turn out well.. I look hopefully to the likelyhood that I will see the skills of these creators exressed in a new, fresh idea, not a remake of an old one.


Will this game sucks?, well, let us wait and see. Personality i am confident Obsidian can at least make something fun and interesting.

  Exitium said:
We don't actually encourage that sort of thing at the Codex and if someone does it for too long he gets the boot. NMA forums are a more likely candidate for that sort of behaviour.

Exitium you`re an ass.


This place is too strange, a melting pot with people from the Iplay boards, DAC and the Codex that hate eachother, an explosive mix. Anyway hope that things get sorted, if Obsidian is making or preparing for the future a new game, other than KOTOR2, i`ll show up, if not no biggie, best of luck for all the guys, specially MCA and Jeff Husges.


And i`m seeing a lot of people from NMA, Bioware fanboys and even from the Fall community, this is going to be interesting...


@Situationist: It`s a bait i placed to see if it`s true, don`t tell them anything ok :rolleyes:


This thread needs a lockdown, I think. I came here for poilte discussion of Obsiaidn. If I want insults; there's always RPGCodex.


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