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Yeah! Barb and Rogue geht some good stuff in 3.03. Heart of Fury 1/encounter makes it a must-have - and finally the rogue riposte tank might become a great alternative. Riposte now also triggers on 30% of grazes. Adept Evasion's up to 75% graze to miss and 50% hit to graze. Awesome! I will check out how the beta works and then probably post my Badgradr's Barricade rogue - although the spell striking of Thrust of Tattered Veils now doesn't proc twice any more. :(

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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And don't care about any reflex attacks (like Fireballs) either. ;)


Now also my old approach of havin 2 DEX and max move speed while stacking deflection and defense against disengangement like crazy (and then disengage like crazy) makes sense I guess. ;)

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Next build i need to try are a revamped ripose rogue and a solo barb, maybe 1 hand with stun hammer


Actually the devil of caroc with the low dex and all' the immunitys will be a very solid choice for a ripose rogue

Edited by Dr <3
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Heart of Fury 1/encounter makes it a must-have

Indeed it is. Hitting 4 enemies while duel-wielding, can result in 2x4 hits and 2x4x3 carnage hits. Sabres vs stunning Cladhaliath vs Unlabored Blade such a tough choice now.


and finally the rogue riposte tank might become a great alternative. Riposte now also triggers on 30% of grazes. Adept Evasion's up to 75% graze to miss and 50% hit to graze. Awesome!

Just don't forget that Adept Evasion works only with attacks targeting rogue's reflex.

And Riposte can proc only from melee incoming attacks. And... there are close to none melee attacks that target reflex.

Edited by MaxQuest
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Of course not. But you can dogde Fireballs and stuff like never before - especially with Weapon & Shield Style which is also great for Riposte. So your defense against some nasty AoE spells is good and you will strike back after melee attacks with Riposte. Badgradr's Barricade seems to be a good idea. Reflecting ranged attacks, raising reflex for Adept Evasion and doing Riposte Full Attacks with the high chance to proc Thrust of Tattered Veils might be great. Sounds like a good caster killer who does some disengagement-induced riposts on his way to the caster while dodging fireballs. ;)


By the way: does Riposte also work when you get attacked with a reach weapon? I mean technically you should be out of range. Wait... I don't remember any enemy with a reach weapon. Are there any at all?

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Sounds like a good caster killer who does some disengagement-induced riposts

I like where it is going :)

Especially with something like Going Between, Escape bonuses (and Displaced Image potion if they stack).


By the way: does Riposte also work when you get attacked with a reach weapon? I mean technically you should be out of range.

I am 99% sure it would work. As it still is counted as an instance of AttackMelee.


Wait... I don't remember any enemy with a reach weapon. Are there any at all?

I've seen some xaurips... with staves (but iirc those were priests if that counts).


P.S. Interesting can a riposte rogue be built into a decent dragon tank...

Edited by MaxQuest
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Ok tank rogue testing in course. Max res, some const, some int, dump dex. Wild Orlan. Heavy armor, bagdyr barricade+ a good 1h weapon. All def talents that boost deflecion taken + talent for bonus def in disengage. Up to now my impression is : work and viable but not so impressive. in the end the repose trigger not enough time to pair with the nHig attack speed you could have dual wielding. But near immunitys to everything that target reflex is really nice.

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  • 2 months later...

So, been looking at what to take for my barbarian at lvl11.

I saw the 3.02 discussion about One Stand Alone + Eye of the Storm

Not sure if 3.03 changed anything, but with both, I still get the +20% damage from One Stand Alone, even with Eye of the Storm and no engagement, as long as two enemies are attacking me.

The Flanking bonus however, does get redundant, unless you encounter enemies where Eye of the Storm doesn't work.

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As it's not really worth a thread, I thought I'd post this here. Thinking about Barbarians, it seems like Accurate Carnage is a little redundant now when you can just take Gallant's Focus. Gallant's Focus misses on one additional point of accuracy for Carnage, which is next to nothing, but has the added bonus of hitting your many target more accurately. What's more, as soon as you get HoF, all those full attacks will benefit from Gallant's Focus whereas they don't from Accurate Carnage (though obviously the resulting Carnage coming off those attacks does).


Obviously, if you have room for an both Accurate Carnage and Gallant's Focus then great (or if you're running a Zealous Focus Paladin), however Barbarians have a lot of stiff competition for their talent slots (Vulnerable Attack if you want to up bypass more DR of your Carnage targets, Barbaric Blow, Sneak Attack if using an on crit status weapon, Two Weapon Style/Two Handed Style/One Handed Style, a Weapon Focus, Interrupting Blows, etc.). In some ways I think Gallant's Focus is a much nicer option than a Weapon Focus on a Barbarian too at least for a status abuser, because the on crit one-handers are all divided up between different Weapon Focuses - and obviously depending on enemy DR you may need to change to slash (Wē Toki), pierce (Cladhalíath) or crush (Godansthunyr - it also deals pierce but loses out as a pierce option due to the accuracy bonus of spears). Gallant's Focus reinforces flexibility in your approach.

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There's certainly a good argument for it, I agree. The main downside it would have is that it doesn't stack with other Accuracy buffs, so if you're routinely using those the Gallant Focus gets suppressed (in it's entirety, oddly; if your Barbarian would drink a Eldritch Aim potion, nearby allies don't get the Gallant Focus benefit anymore either). 


I must say, personally I don't ever seem to get around to picking Accurate Carnage myself (just an early Weapon Focus, I don't like switching between groups anyway), other choices abound. But if I did have that opening, Gallant Focus might indeed be a good alternative to it. 

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With my solo love I'd rarely be suppressing it in the first place, but it's certainly something to be wary of. I always find Eldritch Aim a little short-lived to be terribly useful.


In terms of wanting to switch weapon groups, my main thinking was that none of the on crit status weapons are covered by Ruffian or Noble slightly discouraging sabre or Drawn in Spring use in your offhand for high damage. Having them all feel equally favoured is certainly nice from that standpoint, even if 4 accuracy won't be making a crazy difference.

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