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  On 4/17/2016 at 5:59 AM, dunehunter said:

Hi, this list only show random list from day 1 to day 20, what about day after 20?

I wondered that too before looking closer at the game time. It lists the day twice. One is how many game days in total you have played, the other is which day of the month it is. Check http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Anni_Iroccio for the names of the months if you can't identify them.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/19/2016 at 8:10 PM, theBalthazar said:

Oh yeah guys ^^ Let's getting started !


Ultimate List Loots By Day




Don't forget, there are 3 sheets :


- Pillars of Eternity

- Endless Path

- The White March (Part I and II)


@theBalthazar, thanks for all the work!


I have created Random loot article on official Pillar's of Eternity wiki and put most of your spreadsheet in here.

I've done it with attribution to you and link to your original post here, so I hope it's OK for you (if not, please let me know).


As the distribution of items seems to be changing a bit between different game versions, I think wiki could be the easier way to maintain the differences than spreadsheet. I have created different sections for each game version, so everybody, feel free to edit the page.

  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

I found the Gloves of Manipulation in OD Nua level 1 on Day 9 Fonprima, in case anyone is interested. (playing the 3.03 BETA patch)

Edited by AlexDeLarge

Cool, I'll definitely make use of this on my first playthrough. I know it's a bit spoilerish but I've played through part of the game already and I don't like the idea of missing out on something great for a build due to rng... or timing in this case. Thanks to all that contributed to this!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Okay, so I'm playing 3.03 and WM 1+2, I've saved/loaded my game before opening a chest, and none of the random chests are matching up with anything on the list on the wiki. I've tried multiple days, double checked that I'm opening the right chests, I'm going by the day of the month rather than the game day. I've checked to see if the loot items are just offset some number of days, but that doesn't seem to be the case. In an earlier playthrough it worked fine, but now I've got two games in a row where the random loot chests don't even remotely match up with what the tables say they should be giving me. Like... ever.

Anyone else having problems with this, or suggestions on how to fix it?

Edited by Pax_Empyrean
Posted (edited)

I'm on 3.03 and have opened at least 6 and gotten what I wanted from the base game. But I'm just finishing up act I so take that with a grain of salt. Perhaps WM is the issue. The only suggestion I saw in this thread is that sometimes you have to reload at least once within your session. Odds are you've already done that though. The only thing I can add is that I've been using "AdvanceTimeByHours x" to get the correct date. Which means I wouldn't get achievements if I was in fact playing it on a platform that tracked them. /shrug Never been into that personally. Anyways the point being that you might use that console command to do some testing if you haven't already. If you care about achievements just reload before you iroll20'd.


*edit* You could also try reinstalling the game. If that worked it would suggest there is some configuration that defines/influences the lists that has gotten corrupted one way or another. Backup your saves to be safe of course. I think most unistallers ignore or ask if you want them these days but if you click yes thinking it wanted confirmation on the unistall... For a 100% clean test you might also want to do a fresh (easy difficulty) game to rush to the first spot on the list to see if the list is in sync (in case the state of the savegame also effects loot). If it still doesn't work in your old saves but it works in the new run then unfortunately it's some corruption in the saves themselves.

Edited by Kazuma

Well I do happen to be playing PotD, but afaik nobody ever made that distinction here. They would have discovered that early on and started two lists. It's not like the gear itself is different between difficulties, so I'm not sure why'd they have different lists. Unless it was to cut down on the occurrences on "good" loot to make it harder. I kinda doubt it. More likely in a game with leveled loot, but more typically the gear would be better not worse in the harder mode. Games can't be all sticks and no carrots if you will. Not all of us are masochists. :p


I'm pretty sure people only mentioned their difficulty in case a difference could be determined. Afaik nobody found any outside of game version. You're welcome to test it if you want to be absolutely sure. I don't have the time to. I was just trying to offer suggestions, not start a debate.


On the bright side that means it's less likely to be your savegames (though not completely ruled out). Troubleshooting can be time consuming but I think you'll get it.


Good thing these lists were dependent on RL time as people having their time sync'd to different sources could lead to small variations. Though this is more likely a problem on a business network where the time source would likely be a local server rather than the internet.


After full reinstall, it's still not working. Might have something to do with playing on Hard; the 'random' items I'm getting are consistent before and after the reinstall, and with new saved games.

I have installed IE Mod as a workaround; save scumming to get the items I want is less of a hassle than banging my head on the wall trying to get around this.


That's really odd. I've confirmed that WM random loot is working for me too.


I'll have to test on hard mode later to see if I have them same problem. Unfortunately I don't have any convenient saves on hard mode.


I haven't checked IE Mod in a while have they updated it to work with 3.03? There was a particular feature that was crashing in the game but I don't recall what it was. At least from what I saw on Nexus. Haven't tried it myself. Hopefully it works for you.


The loot should be the same on all difficulties. However I remember it already happened when some people, for some strange reason, had different results.


Maybe there's just an excess of cosmic radiation where he lives and it's flipping bits on him. But *only* bits reserved for PoE loot tables. That's some oddly specific radiation but..




Maybe it's simply a different version of some API/dll/etc that PoE uses. Same game version. Different underlying system/drivers. Equals different RNG?

Posted (edited)

It's also not working for me. Never has. I'm playing on Linux. Maybe that's a reason...?


Not an issue for me though, because I just take it as it comes.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


The only item i try to serch every playtrough is the gauntlets of manipulation, since +2 mech at the beginning is huge and is the only item to boost mechanic. All the rest is random loot for a reason...


@Boeroer - Ah, that may be it. Platform difference. Maybe linux system calls know what random means and windows... well it's windows. Random numbers are hard work and MS is busy patching 20-30 year old security issues these days.


Sarcastic jibes aside, it could just be implementation differences within unity itself. Cross platform will always require a little voodoo no mater how much secret sauce an engine claims to have. Ironically in this case the windows version seems to be the one misbehaving. Not that I mind (OBS pls don't fix). I would actually prefer static loot rather than random. So it's a happy accident we can even use a list like this one.


I probably should be running PoE on my linux box. Why am I not running it on my Linux box? I'd say my video card is low end but I doubt PoE takes much.

  • Like 1

For clarity, the same lists work fine on mac. It could be that it's different on Linux, and I'm not disputing that Boeroer is getting different results, but is seems a little weird doesn't it? At the same time, I never think any weird bug is impossible when it comes to Pillars.

  • Like 1

Who knows at this point. From another perspective it could be Linux with the problem because of date/time/precision differences that weren't accounted for. Suffice it to say we can all but confirm that Linux is the oddball of the group. Which side is working as intended? /shrug


For the record is Pax Empyrean running the Linux version?


I am having sort of the same problem. I have tried reinstalling but the items seem messed up. Some items turn up as listed on the correct days but some don't. Here is an example of some weirdness going on. If I go straight after picking up Aloth and Eder to Valewood, the item picked up in Valewood is as listed but if I enter Temple of Eothas, kill something there and then go on to Valewood, although it's actually in the same day, the item is now different. It would seem that the list as sped up but difference is just a few hours, in game.


I know this is probably not the case, but to be sure are you looking at the number of days played? Also, as we were just discussing what platform are you running on?

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