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Road to the White House 2016


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Yeah, one more term for the Democrats and it's almost a certainty they'll replace one of the old Conservatives on the Supreme Court. Then good bye to the Second Amendment. It's almost enough to make me vote for the lying Republican scum.


Yeah, I doubt that.  They can't even get a background check through.  You really give the democrats way too much credit.


If Heller V DC had been decided the other way they might have been able to get it without a messy legislative process. One justice would have turned that decision. The left has used the judiciary to shove through the back door what they could never get through the front.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Yes, that's the beauty of the Supreme Court, they don't have to worry about anyone's opinion but their own. Although Hurl is right to an extent, it would take Dems awhile to pass national gun control legislation, but they can do it if they prioritize it like Obamacare.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Yes, that's the beauty of the Supreme Court, they don't have to worry about anyone's opinion but their own. Although Hurl is right to an extent, it would take Dems awhile to pass national gun control legislation, but they can do it if they prioritize it like Obamacare.

Which assumes they'd be allowed to without the Republican party constantly finding random stuff to fight over rather than allowing the gun control to get through.


And that the states don't take things into their own hands.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The way Obamacare was passed is a prime example of one party having full control over the government. That is NEVER a good thing no matter which side you count yourself on. But mandatory crappy health insurance does not incite passion. But kicking down doors and seizing firearms will be a whole horse of another color. I truly believe mandatory gun control will shatter the country.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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 But kicking down doors and seizing firearms will be a whole horse of another color. I truly believe mandatory gun control will shatter the country.

It won't because it isn't going to happen. So don't worry about it. Some politicians are dumb enough to suggest it in brief moments of stupidity, but none of them are insane enough to try something like that. The absolute harshest gun control there could ever be in the US would be a ban on purchasing new guns, but they wouldn't try to take the petty arms people already have.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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It won't because it isn't going to happen. So don't worry about it. Some politicians are dumb enough to suggest it in brief moments of stupidity, but none of them are insane enough to try something like that.

Never underestimate the arrogance and malfeasance of professional politicians and bureaucrats. Prezbident Obongo himself has openly declared his contempt for our founding documents and considers them roadblocks and obstacles to be overcome. Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg and others on the Supreme Court have expressed similar sentiments. They're nothing but Ruling Class vermin and are not to be trusted.

Edited by Tsuga C



Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear



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It won't because it isn't going to happen. So don't worry about it. Some politicians are dumb enough to suggest it in brief moments of stupidity, but none of them are insane enough to try something like that.

Never underestimate the arrogance and malfeasance of professional politicians and bureaucrats. Prezbident Obongo himself has openly declared his contempt for our founding documents and considers them roadblocks and obstacles to be overcome. Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg and others on the Supreme Court have expressed similar sentiments. They're nothing but Ruling Class vermin and are not to be trusted.


It's not a matter of trust but practicality. I'm 100% sure that no one will be busting down your doors to seize your guns. At least not within 100 years. I can't be sure of anything after that.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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It's not a matter of trust but practicality. I'm 100% sure that no one will be busting down your doors to seize your guns.

Taxes on firearms & ammunition, magazine limitations, model bans, storage requirements, licensing requirements, action limitations, and a rogue BATFE: all these and more have been utilized or attempted by the Ruling Class hoplophobes at one time or another and will undoubtedly be tried again in coming years. We'll keep our rights to the extent that we remain vigilant.

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Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear



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We'll keep our rights to the extent that we remain vigilant.


True enough.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level?  Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it.  If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be.  Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They can't even get a universal background check in place.  

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


That's correct. It's a capitalism/socialism hybrid, and yes, it sucks. It's actually worse than socialism.

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"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


That's correct. It's a capitalism/socialism hybrid, and yes, it sucks. It's actually worse than socialism.



I think the word that you are looking for is corporatism. It's a thing fascists used to fancy.


Socalists would've simply, or at least tried to, implement an american NHS or single payer system. 

Edited by Meshugger
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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


That's correct. It's a capitalism/socialism hybrid, and yes, it sucks. It's actually worse than socialism.



I think the word that you are looking for is corporatism. It's a thing fascists used to fancy.



That's the one. 

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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It won't because it isn't going to happen. So don't worry about it. Some politicians are dumb enough to suggest it in brief moments of stupidity, but none of them are insane enough to try something like that.

Never underestimate the arrogance and malfeasance of professional politicians and bureaucrats. Prezbident Obongo himself has openly declared his contempt for our founding documents and considers them roadblocks and obstacles to be overcome. Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg and others on the Supreme Court have expressed similar sentiments. They're nothing but Ruling Class vermin and are not to be trusted.




Where has Obama "openly declared" this?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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It won't because it isn't going to happen. So don't worry about it. Some politicians are dumb enough to suggest it in brief moments of stupidity, but none of them are insane enough to try something like that.

Never underestimate the arrogance and malfeasance of professional politicians and bureaucrats. Prezbident Obongo himself has openly declared his contempt for our founding documents and considers them roadblocks and obstacles to be overcome. Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg and others on the Supreme Court have expressed similar sentiments. They're nothing but Ruling Class vermin and are not to be trusted.


It's not a matter of trust but practicality. I'm 100% sure that no one will be busting down your doors to seize your guns. At least not within 100 years. I can't be sure of anything after that.


It's pretty simple. What they did in UK was give you a 10 year prison sentence for gun possession. So you can hide your gun, but if they ever find out it's 10 years in prison. Not too many law abiding citizens will take that chance. Sure right now there's no public support to ban guns, but if the Left makes it a priority, and use all their media and entertainment industry assets, they can change that. Senate filibuster is on its way out too, once the same party controls both houses and the presidency. And of course the liberal states would ban guns immediately as soon as the SC lets them, but I'm not too worried about that.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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It won't because it isn't going to happen. So don't worry about it. Some politicians are dumb enough to suggest it in brief moments of stupidity, but none of them are insane enough to try something like that.

Never underestimate the arrogance and malfeasance of professional politicians and bureaucrats. Prezbident Obongo himself has openly declared his contempt for our founding documents and considers them roadblocks and obstacles to be overcome. Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg and others on the Supreme Court have expressed similar sentiments. They're nothing but Ruling Class vermin and are not to be trusted.




Where has Obama "openly declared" this?



Calax...don't ask relevant questions. Hyperbole is the order of the day when it comes to dismissing political parties and politicians in the USA 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level?  Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it.  If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be.  Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They can't even get a universal background check in place.  

No, the only thing "socialist" about Obamacare is the mandate. Namutree nailed it when he called it a socialist/capitalist hybrid in that is uses the force of law to compel everyone to participate in a capitalist venture.


And that is really the most heinous thing about it. It compels every citizen, as a requirement of citizenship, to enter into a private contract with a third party. It forces you to buy something. I'm not saying it's not something important but that should not matter. It has never been a crime to do nothing until that passed. 


It really sets a terrible precedent. Especially considering at the time the Federal Government had an ownership interest in GM and a few other companies. It's only another small step to force everyone buying a car to buy a GM car.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level?  Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it.  If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be.  Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They can't even get a universal background check in place.  

No, the only thing "socialist" about Obamacare is the mandate. Namutree nailed it when he called it a socialist/capitalist hybrid in that is uses the force of law to compel everyone to participate in a capitalist venture.


And that is really the most heinous thing about it. It compels every citizen, as a requirement of citizenship, to enter into a private contract with a third party. It forces you to buy something. I'm not saying it's not something important but that should not matter. It has never been a crime to do nothing until that passed. 


It really sets a terrible precedent. Especially considering at the time the Federal Government had an ownership interest in GM and a few other companies. It's only another small step to force everyone buying a car to buy a GM car.


GD haven't we often lamented the real intelligence or understanding that the average voter has of political issues...don't you think its better we just take away the ability of people like that to vote at all? We leave the voting to the more informed people like you and me ?



"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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GD haven't we often lamented the real intelligence or understanding that the average voter has of political issues...don't you think its better we just take away the ability of people like that to vote at all? We leave the voting to the more informed people like you and me ?




:lol:  No I certainly wouldn't say that! Like the old saying goes, Republican Democracy is the worst political system of all, except for all the others. But one would hope that citizens would be responsible enough to educate themselves on what is really going on before casting a vote!

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level?  Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it.  If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be.  Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They can't even get a universal background check in place.  

No, the only thing "socialist" about Obamacare is the mandate. Namutree nailed it when he called it a socialist/capitalist hybrid in that is uses the force of law to compel everyone to participate in a capitalist venture.


And that is really the most heinous thing about it. It compels every citizen, as a requirement of citizenship, to enter into a private contract with a third party. It forces you to buy something. I'm not saying it's not something important but that should not matter. It has never been a crime to do nothing until that passed. 


It really sets a terrible precedent. Especially considering at the time the Federal Government had an ownership interest in GM and a few other companies. It's only another small step to force everyone buying a car to buy a GM car.


It is horrible. The 20th century word for it was Fascism. National Socialism also functioned identically to this. Nobody seems to want to use these words.

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level?  Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it.  If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be.  Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They can't even get a universal background check in place.  

No, the only thing "socialist" about Obamacare is the mandate. Namutree nailed it when he called it a socialist/capitalist hybrid in that is uses the force of law to compel everyone to participate in a capitalist venture.


And that is really the most heinous thing about it. It compels every citizen, as a requirement of citizenship, to enter into a private contract with a third party. It forces you to buy something. I'm not saying it's not something important but that should not matter. It has never been a crime to do nothing until that passed. 


It really sets a terrible precedent. Especially considering at the time the Federal Government had an ownership interest in GM and a few other companies. It's only another small step to force everyone buying a car to buy a GM car.


It is horrible. The 20th century word for it was Fascism. National Socialism also functioned identically to this. Nobody seems to want to use these words.


The reason is that fascism is also associated with extreme nationalism. We're just talking about economics so it's easier to not use the term "fascism" to help avoid an argument of semantics around what the word refers to.

Edited by Namutree

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program.  It's not even close.  It's really a joke.  Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken.  So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies.  Way to solve the problem!   :facepalm:   


Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level?  Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it.  If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be.  Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They can't even get a universal background check in place.  

No, the only thing "socialist" about Obamacare is the mandate. Namutree nailed it when he called it a socialist/capitalist hybrid in that is uses the force of law to compel everyone to participate in a capitalist venture.


And that is really the most heinous thing about it. It compels every citizen, as a requirement of citizenship, to enter into a private contract with a third party. It forces you to buy something. I'm not saying it's not something important but that should not matter. It has never been a crime to do nothing until that passed. 


It really sets a terrible precedent. Especially considering at the time the Federal Government had an ownership interest in GM and a few other companies. It's only another small step to force everyone buying a car to buy a GM car.


It is horrible. The 20th century word for it was Fascism. National Socialism also functioned identically to this. Nobody seems to want to use these words.


The reason is that fascism is also associated with extreme nationalism. We're just talking about economics so it's easier to not use the term "fascism" to help avoid an argument of semantics around what the word refers to.


Yeah this is pretty right. The unholy marriage of government and corporations we have seen during the Obama admin does smell a little bit like a German 1930's model. But although from a economic standpoint it is a valid comparison (on a minimal level) it's not one that really should be made because of all the other things that come to mind with Nazism & Fascism that are not happening. The notion that Obama is a socialist makes for good forum chatter but it does not pass within shouting distance of the truth.


If Obama were able to get everything he wanted he would build a Oligarchic government that has a very close relationship with the large corporations it will happily bash to the voters before the elections and get right back in bed with after. 

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I'm gonna try to make Kaineparker happy by posting this little exchange between Sanders and Rand Paul. Even though I support Rand Paul; I feel Sanders came out ahead on this issue. I'm not saying either side was right or wrong, but I do think Sanders made a much better case for his side of the argument.



I can see why this guy is popular on the left.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Just to take a brief sidestep from the incredible seriousness that is US politics..



Obama Unleashes Tornadoes in Texas To Terrorize Christians, President Bush, Jesus and Chuck Norris
Just like his mentor Joseph Stalin, Barack Obama believes in making war with his political enemies upfront and personal  Only days ago we saw how Obama will even fight and hit a woman, betraying a fellow liberal democrat if she dare defy his edict.
So it should come as no surprise that Obama seeks war with President George W. Bush, Jesus, Governor Greg Abbott, Chuck Norris and the good Christian people of Texas.  A normal president would realize that everyone in that list above is a true American and was raised in the same value system, but Obama is not a normal president.  He was born in Kenya.  He attended madrassas instead of kindergarten.   His middle name is Hussein and he wants to be allies with Iran terrorists.
Obama is using sophisticated technology, the very technology that Democrats use to create false climate change, and creating pockets of ‘global warming’ in Texas.

By creating pockets of warm air and mixing it with cold air still blowing down from the Colorados, Obama is able to create tornadoes that appear at his command.  It is no coincidence that the Midwest, especially states with high levels of Christian-density like Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, are being hit with so many tornadoes.
Obama is especially vexed with Texas as Governor Abbott and Chuck Norris have warned the populate of Obama’s invasion plans.  Obama would love to do nothing more than kidnap President Bush and make him recant his faith in God on national television, all while forcing him to admit he is guilty of ‘war crimes’ against Iraq and then ship him off to the Hague where the twisted European liberals can have their way with him with all their kooky laws and traditions.

But Obama knows Texas will not fall without a fight.  The people of Texas are strong, independent and Christian.  With Chuck Norris heading up minuteman training schools and Governor Abbott not afraid to pray and listen to Jesus’ guidance on the field of battle, Obama’s plans to conspire with ISIS, Russia and Mexicans will never win.
Do not forget, mercenaries from Mexico already plotted with European liberals to invade Texas, so Obama is just rehashing old Trotsky-era plans to create a beachhead in Texas and then start a US invasion, so that Democrats may destroy Jesus and usher in a new age of Liberal Darkness.
How Are Christians Fairing Against Obama’s Tornadoes in Texas?
One of the greatest Christian visionaries in Texas, President George W. Bush, was forced to flee the Bush ranch earlier this weekend.  Governor Abbott ordered the National Guard to bring a chopper to the Bush ranch and save President Bush from Obama.
As seen in the photograph to the right, President Bush was almost sucked into a tornado.  He struggled to hold onto his umbrella as guardsmen rushed him to evacuate.  
Sources close to the White House confirm Obama was greatly angered that only an F1 tornado was generated near the Bush ranch, not one powerful enough to disable the helicopter as it fled to an unknown location in deep Texas.
With President Bush on the run and the state on high alert, Texas’ future is in peril.  Obama plans to do a full out invasion on July 15th.  Times will be tense and the Bible did warn that such things would happen during the end of days.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Oh no! Obama wants to invade Texas and kill Jesus! And I know it's true because I read it on the internet! 


Hey... wait a minute. Jesus lives in Texas?

Edited by Guard Dog
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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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