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List of Prios to Fix until the Early 2015 Release

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Are stronger Lions still called Elder Lions in latest beta? If they are, MMO naming being removed from the game needs to go into things to fix for release version. 

I'm not really arguing against that, per se, but DnD itself has wolves, worgs, and dire wolves.  I do think that sometimes it can come across as a little bit of WoW naming if you have three categories of each monster or the like.  However, as long as it's not glaring, I don't think it's necessarily bad.  Elder Lion kind of sounds like someone running a town hall meeting rural Massachusetts to me, though.

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Are stronger Lions still called Elder Lions in latest beta? If they are, MMO naming being removed from the game needs to go into things to fix for release version.

I'm not really arguing against that, per se, but DnD itself has wolves, worgs, and dire wolves.  I do think that sometimes it can come across as a little bit of WoW naming if you have three categories of each monster or the like.  However, as long as it's not glaring, I don't think it's necessarily bad.  Elder Lion kind of sounds like someone running a town hall meeting rural Massachusetts to me, though.


That is what I complained about after first beta build. Elder is MMO naming, in old RPGs designers tried to make sense. Elder Lions are not pack leaders, lions don't follow old weak lions, but strongest ones.
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They could call the stronger Cave Lion, like the Eurasian Cave Lion which was slightly larger than modern lions, though that way it would be strange when a group consists of both stronger and weaker ones.

Or Alpha Lion. Or Pack Leader. Or Prime Lion.



Those sound to me also very MMO like names. And this is because in MMO it is very typical that you have multiple version of same enemy type that go gradually from easy to hard and they have some sort naming system that goes with that ideology. But MMOs didn't invent such design, but instead copied it from P&P (D&D one of the biggest users) RPGs. Such design is used because it is easy way to produce more enemies to game. Downside using such design is that it can cause lack of real variation in enemies and that naming systems that try to reflect gradual rise in power of enemies with same base type often produce namings that can cause breaks in suspension of disbelief especially when namings seems to go against how things work in real life. Like Elder Dragon is usually acceptable name for more powerful dragons, but Elder lion sounds wrong because in real life Elder lions are often weaker than younger members of their pride.


Reason why this kind of enemy design and naming gives people MMO vibes is that MMOs often use it in point that it's impossible not to notice it.


But map with multiple alphas, primes or pack leaders of any enemy type would break my suspension of disbelief as much if not even more than elder lions (and other animals that have name that corresponds with those from our world) do.


To me it would be best if they used some conlang terms to reflect the gradual rise in power level of the enemies, because gradual rise in power level is something that don't happen in real life, so I think it would better if it isn't described by real world words, but instead of words that are made for this particular fantasy setting.

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I'm glad they've got their heads down, if the developers answered every open challenge to them they'd never be out of this damn forum.


So you don't want the dev's interacting with the backers? Okay. Well I'm glad that's cleared up. I'm glad you don't speak for all the backers.


I suspect they don't respond to every thread because they don't want to taint the debate. Nevertheless, I would like to see more developer feedback.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Are stronger Lions still called Elder Lions in latest beta? If they are, MMO naming being removed from the game needs to go into things to fix for release version. 

I'm not really arguing against that, per se, but DnD itself has wolves, worgs, and dire wolves.  I do think that sometimes it can come across as a little bit of WoW naming if you have three categories of each monster or the like.  However, as long as it's not glaring, I don't think it's necessarily bad.  Elder Lion kind of sounds like someone running a town hall meeting rural Massachusetts to me, though.

Are you saying the Elder Lion's now wear wigs and beat people with little gavels?  If so this needs to stay in game, sorry.

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