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Is Obsidian trying to rush this game?


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I don't see how the OP is trolling. He's expressing concerns about the need to have this game out before the end of this year. He would like to see it pushed back for the dev's to polish the game even more. He's also concerned about the reputation of Obsidian with having buggy games. A LOT of people have said, 'take your time, I can wait' on these forums over the last year. And the OP ends his post with wishing Obsidian the best of luck.


These sort of questions have come up before. Early access to continue funding the development of PoE? When the question came up, Obsidian were worried about their reputation. And yet he gets called a troll, moron, etc with this thread. After browsing a few threads and seeing the OP's comments in other threads, I don't see any trolling. There seems to be a few people on this forum who don't like the negativity, perceived or otherwise, and jump into threads throwing insults. Well here's a tip. If you don't like these threads, then ignore them. Easy isn't it. Apparently not for some.


Ok, here is what I saw reading the OP:


First:  It has become apparent that Obsidian seems to really want to rush this game out the door.


There is no basis for this. The impersonal use of the pronoun was employed in order to give his opinion an air of objective assessment instead of it being the result of his own impression. He could have easily said "I think Obsidian is trying to rush this game out the door," then the discussion could have been about those things that made him feel that way, and others could have offered their own reactions to these evens. 


Second: little known fact, this game was  going to be released even earlier than December.


How is this a little know fact? This statement is couched in terms as if he has busted some conspiracy and used to imply that Obsidian was even more unrealistic in their previous expectations. In addition, the only thing resembling an official release has always been Winter 2014. During the KS event, I believe they had hinted at a spring 2014 release, but later said that the scope of the project made them delay to winter. Of course this contradicts that poster's claim that Obsidian is trying rush the game out since they have in fact developed a schedule based on the scope of the project and not on initial expectations. 



But they wanted to keep it from releasing close to Dragon age 3.


This statement implies that the OP has some sort of intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the decision project for release, when in fact it is entirely conjecture on the part of the OP.



And the So called ""Beta"" IS acouly a alpha they just relised to make time for the December relise. 


And how can this NOT be trolling? Others have pointed out the problems with this statement in the thread. It is obviously in a beta state, the developers have called it a beta. It is a small slice of the game.


So, in my opinion, much of what the OP wrote he just made up, and made up specifically to incite other people. It masqueraded as a constructive post (complete with the implication of evidence to back up his opinion). He could have very well expressed his concern as his own impressions and invited a discussion (or, if this wasn't just for attention, join another thread I am sure discusses this very topic somewhere else on the boards). 



Thanks Lephys.. Unfortunately your assertions are just as much your opinions as the OP's opinions are his..


Trolling or not.. Obsidian has obviously set a deadline that meets their budget requirements... Wether there is some wiggle room or not.. Who knows.. I do know they aren't gonna work for free and with Josh redesigning the game every morning when he comes into work.. well..


I just don't see this game being a bugless polished game at release.. I want an amazing game.. I really do.. but when Backers are worried about quality.. especially with upwards of 500 bucks of their own cash at stake.. It's a legitmate thread.


You can disagree with the OP.. of course, but the fanboys coming in here and trashing the place and ****ting on the walls is just pathetic..

Edited by Immortalis
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From George Ziets @ http://new.spring.me/#!/user/GZiets/timeline/responses

Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat. While this does put more emphasis on solving quests, the lack of rewards for killing creatures makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game) as much as I can.

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The game was originaly (kickstarter-y) supposed to be realesed in May 2014. It is already four months past that, so I think there is no rush in their actions. We still don't know squat about the release date except a hazy Winter 2014 premise. I guess it still might be delayed.

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Funny, but false as you are the first one to use the word troll on this thread.


Seriously though, even if your opinion/concerns are valid, but when you start throwing the word fanboy around left and right it just weakens your argument/point.



Funny but false as you obviously haven't read the first page of this thread. I wasn't the one to accuse the OP for complaining for complaining sake, calling the OP are moron and saying this is another troll thread. Also, when have I accused others of being a fanboy? You keep making that stuff up and believing what you want.




Where did I accuse you of using the word fanboy? Yes, I quoted your message but I did not mean you were using the word fanboy...

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Funny, but false as you are the first one to use the word troll on this thread.


Seriously though, even if your opinion/concerns are valid, but when you start throwing the word fanboy around left and right it just weakens your argument/point.



Funny but false as you obviously haven't read the first page of this thread. I wasn't the one to accuse the OP for complaining for complaining sake, calling the OP are moron and saying this is another troll thread. Also, when have I accused others of being a fanboy? You keep making that stuff up and believing what you want.



Where did I accuse you of using the word fanboy? Yes, I quoted your message but I did not mean you were using the word fanboy...



Why not say that in your original message? Or better yet, if you're going to make a general statement to people on the forums, then it's best to not quote me at all. When you're saying 'you' and 'your' after accusing me of being the first person in this thread for using the word troll (which I wasn't), then your post can be interpreted as you accusing me of using the word fanboy which is how it came across.

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Why not say that in your original message? Or better yet, if you're going to make a general statement to people on the forums, then it's best to not quote me at all. When you're saying 'you' and 'your' after accusing me of being the first person in this thread for using the word troll (which I wasn't), then your post can be interpreted as you accusing me of using the word fanboy which is how it came across.



I kinda thought it was pretty damn obvious I was commenting on the troll thing straight at you and then making a general statement about the fanboy -comments, since you had not said anything about fanboys on this thread at all.  I even pressed "enter" couple of times to get the two thoughts seperated from each other instead of posting few seperate posts since I was in a hurry to get my *** to work.

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I stand by the the OP is trolling is because he didn't source any of his 'facts'.  Until they are sourced, they are random speculations to rile people up, and therefore trolling.


I stand by those who are throwing insults at the OP that they are in fact trolls themselves. And Caladian has proven himself again they are not random speculations when Feargus mentions in a Matt chat that he doesn't want to release PoE at the same time as DA:I which the OP has stated in his original post with Obsidian not wanting to release at the same time. At the very least, the DA:I part is FACT which leads credence that the OP has genuine concerns. If you look at the OP's post from the viewpoint that the OP has genuine concerns, citing things like worrying when DA:I comes out when this is TRUE, then the whole piece comes across as legitimate. But some people just want to jump into threads and throw insults at the OP.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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I kinda thought it was pretty damn obvious I was commenting on the troll thing straight at you and then making a general statement about the fanboy -comments, since you had not said anything about fanboys on this thread at all.  I even pressed "enter" couple of times to get the two thoughts seperated from each other instead of posting few seperate posts since I was in a hurry to get my *** to work.


So pressing enter now separates the two from myself and the rest of the forum? Well perhaps in future if you're going to address the fanboy thing and it's not directed at me, put a disclaimer saying this does not apply to Hiro since he never said it?  Also, it seemed to me you were separating two issues, troll and fanboy but still throwing both at me with the accusatory 'you' and 'your' words.

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So is this the thread where we call everyone trolls?

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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I stand by the the OP is trolling is because he didn't source any of his 'facts'.  Until they are sourced, they are random speculations to rile people up, and therefore trolling.

ctn2003 is always worried about the state of the beta and making worried posts.

Just look at his posting history.

Hes not a troll, hes simply an over-worried dude that doesnt look super deep into the search function before making threads and makes statements.

Calling him names doesnt solve anything.



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little known fact...

(In the voice of Inigo Montoya)

You keep saying that word... I do not think it means what you think it means. :)



Also... on trolling accusations:


"Your honor... unless the prosecution can produce a bridge under which my client resides, this case should be dismissed." :)


If knowingly posting sheer speculation as "fact" isn't trolling, then what is?


Hey guys, it's obvious that this game is actually vaporware, and Obsidian just took all our money. Little known fact.


There. Guess that wasn't trolling, since I'm just sharing my opinions, which happen to be extremely controversial, uncalled for, and arbitrarily labeled as facts.


That being said, no, it's really not cool to insult the OP, because that accomplishes nothing. But, the fact that insulting a poster is wrong doesn't make what the OP's doing, right.

Edited by Lephys
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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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little known fact...

(In the voice of Inigo Montoya)

You keep saying that word... I do not think it means what you think it means. :)



It was a little known fact. There are interviews that said this game was going to have a summer release. So the OP is correct.


While the OP hasn't backed up his arguments with links, there's truth to the 'little known fact' and the DA:I release. That's now two I've pointed out.

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I'm just asking for proof.  Still none has been given.  Just people randomly saying stuff.  I'm fully willing to back off of my comment if you or the OP actually provides facts instead of you both saying "These are facts." You keep using the word truth but I don't care about your truth, I'm more interested in facts.

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I'm just asking for proof.  Still none has been given.  Just people randomly saying stuff.  I'm fully willing to back off of my comment if you or the OP actually provides facts instead of you both saying "These are facts." You keep using the word truth but I don't care about your truth, I'm more interested in facts.


So you're still denying the fact that Feargus said in a Mat chat that he was concerned about DA:I's release date with PoE and trying to avoid releasing the game at the same time? Which is why we don't have a release date as yet?


You're also denying the fact that a project director on PoE said it was going to be a Summer 2014 release and he said this last year?

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It was a little known fact. There are interviews that said this game was going to have a summer release. So the OP is correct.


While the OP hasn't backed up his arguments with links, there's truth to the 'little known fact' and the DA:I release. That's now two I've pointed out.

Except he's compressing them all into one "little known fact":


this game was  going to be released even earlier than December. But they wanted to keep it from releasing close to Dragon age 3. And the So called ""Beta"" IS acouly a alpha they just relised to make time for the December relise.

The "fact" that the game was going to be released earlier, but they wanted to not release it near Dragon Age: Inquisition's release (implied as the SOLE reason the release date was at all affected), AND that the beta is really just an alpha in disguise so that they can make their early release... is suspect to say the least. Now, if he has proof of this, I'm all ears.


So you're still denying the fact that Feargus said in a Mat chat that he was concerned about DA:I's release date with PoE and trying to avoid releasing the game at the same time? Which is why we don't have a release date as yet?


You're also denying the fact that a project director on PoE said it was going to be a Summer 2014 release and he said this last year?

Accuracy... If the fact is that Feargus expressed concern over having PoE release at the same time as DA:I, then that doesn't make that the reason we don't have a release date. It's just a factor. Suggesting otherwise is suggesting that that's the ONLY thing affecting the decision upon a release date. Besides, DA:I has a release date, if a pushed-back one. So, what exactly would prevent anyone at Obsidian from scheduling one at not-the-same-time-as-DA:I's? o_o

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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Except he's compressing them all into one "little known fact":



No he's not.




The "fact" that the game was going to be released earlier, but they wanted to not release it near Dragon Age: Inquisition's release (implied as the SOLE reason the release date was at all affected), AND that the beta is really just an alpha in disguise so that they can make their early release... is suspect to say the least. Now, if he has proof of this, I'm all ears.




Changing the goal posts. So you are denying that a Project Director on PoE said last year that PoE had a Summer 2014  release?




Accuracy... If the fact is that Feargus expressed concern over having PoE release at the same time as DA:I, then that doesn't make that the reason we don't have a release date. It's just a factor. Suggesting otherwise is suggesting that that's the ONLY thing affecting the decision upon a release date. Besides, DA:I has a release date, if a pushed-back one. So, what exactly would prevent anyone at Obsidian from scheduling one at not-the-same-time-as-DA:I's? o_o





Round and round Lephys goes, where he stops in Lephysland, nobody knows. And this is why even when you have the FACTS, you have people like Lephys still not wanting to acknowledge it and then go on wild tangents.


I'm not suggesting it's the ONLY thing. The FACT is that Feargus did mention on Matt Chat that they didn't want to release at the same time when DA:I came out and he was looking at the DA:I release date. Are you denying the fact that Feargus did mention this in the Matt Chat?

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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Lephysland, where people jumping onto forums and saying "OMG, the devs are super deceptive and have horrible decision-making priorities!" is ridiculous.


Buckle up, folks.... it's a scary place. :)


You always make my day, Hiro. ^_^


You win. The author of this thread was just trying to sensibly inform the public of purely factual things, and had no interest in suggesting anything that wasn't definitively true, while claiming it was definitively true. And as long as the devs ever said the words "summer release" and talked about Dragon Age: Inquisition, then everything the OP said was 100% true and accurate.


My mistake. I emerge, enlightened. Bless you, Hiro. *chuckle*

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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LOL. Lephys isn't man enough to accept the facts. That's okay Lephys, ignore the facts. And the OP was right with things like 'little known fact' with releasing the game earlier and also not wanting to release it at the same time as DA:I. But you're still in denial with Feargus on Matt Chat and a Project Director saying last year with PoE having a Summer release.

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<a whole lot of rubbish>


So, in my opinion,


Yes, in all your opinion. Thank you.


The only people I see trolling in this thread are the ones who attacked the OP straight off the bat. And Caladian and yourself are still trying to justify your trolling.



You actually just proved my point. I straight up admitted that I was posting was my opinion. I went the extra step of explaining how I arrived at my interruption, in order to explain why I thought the OP did not actually want any discussion and was in fact just posting to stir up trouble. I was just responding in kind, and perhaps I should have just held my tongue.


I could also have just dropped my pants, shat on my keyboard, and press post, which seems to be a great hobby on the boards nowadays. Or I could post a delusional self congratulatory statement on how I have debunked the secret codes of everyone else's posts and refuse to engage in any actually discussion in order to act like I have "won" some sort of contest. 


This entire process is a waste of time. The OP. My response. Your meandering claims of victory. There are some good discussions going on in this section of the board. This is not one of them. 

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You actually just proved my point. I straight up admitted that I was posting was my opinion. I went the extra step of explaining how I arrived at my interruption, in order to explain why I thought the OP did not actually want any discussion and was in fact just posting to stir up trouble. I was just responding in kind, and perhaps I should have just held my tongue.


I could also have just dropped my pants, shat on my keyboard, and press post, which seems to be a great hobby on the boards nowadays. Or I could post a delusional self congratulatory statement on how I have debunked the secret codes of everyone else's posts and refuse to engage in any actually discussion in order to act like I have "won" some sort of contest. 


This entire process is a waste of time. The OP. My response. Your meandering claims of victory. There are some good discussions going on in this section of the board. This is not one of them.


I proved you posted rubbish. So you like Lephys are now in denial as well. Good to see you never change DCParry. Keep blaming the OP and keep trolling.


Are you denying the fact that Feargus did mention about the DA:I release date and also PoE release date in Matt Chat? Are you also denying that a Project Director on PoE saying last year with PoE having a Summer 2014 release date? I've already given you one example of Truth and Fact with Feargus' Matt Chat interview.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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