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Graphic Bug - Items look like Grains

The Mist Devil


The first item I tried to look at/loot where the sack of grain. Now, all new items I see, or most of look like sack of grains.

Plus, I looted this object last night, sadly I forgot to write down where I took it...



« Celui qui est consumé par la flamme de la justice ne craint ni le ciel, ni l’enfer ; il n’est qu’une arme attendant le jour de sa mort ». (Paul Murphy, l'Enclave, 1971)

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9 answers to this question

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I think the proper assets aren't implemented yet.

I see the dreams so marvelously sad


The creeks of land so solid and encrusted


Where wave and tide against the shore is busted


While chanting by the moonlit twilight's bed


trees (of Twin Elms) could use more of Magran's touch © Durance


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I believe those are temporary icons, so it's not really classifiable as a bug. Certain items have the right icons, many others don't. Also, *missing strings* are what programmers use to identify something that's missing text: that's probably some wearable item that still misses its name and description.


EDIT: derp the forum moves so quickly

Edited by Uomoz


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Got the same thing. That item you have with "Missing String" looks like the same weapon I looted after the battle with Merdreth(?)


Problem with the 'known issues' is they don't identify exactly which of these are known. So it's tough to know for sure if it's an actual bug or known issue. Maybe some word on if the grain bags are placeholder icons would be in order so we don't keep reporting them.

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The *Missing String* item is a separate bug, it might have something to do with Merdreth, or that general area/region/trigger (which seems to have several bugs). If you go into the Church and then leave the Church you'll find the *Missing String* item, and another Boar Companion will also spawn (you can repeat this to spawn probably hundreds of boars).

The "grain bags" are obvious placeholders.

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"Some Missing Assets - There are some pieces of the game that are still being implemented - like VFX, Audio, and Icons. You may notice that some assets are either missing or are temporary."

Edited by Comedian
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Is nomine vacans redit vobis ars magica.

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