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What missions do you want to see?

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There were some really good ones in KOTOR but i would like to see them all good.


On a city world theres a gang. Big one. The gangs gets peoples money/terroizes steal and cos there in the lower city law doesnt reach there. A mission where you and your team go to the leader and sort things out. A bad choice could be to help the gang terroize a good choic would be to fight agasit them.


Any more ideas?

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More stuff like the first half of the Leviathan. Solo character, separated from your gear, sneaking around and avoiding the guards (Mission was the most fun). It was lots of fun in an entirely different way than most of the rest of the game (skills were actually more important than loot). And, it was certainly more in keeping with the general Star Wars tradition.


So yeah. More sneaky infiltration and less all-out assault. The last I checked, Jedi weren't supposed to kill beings that they didn't have to anyway. :huh:

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More stuff like the first half of the Leviathan. Solo character, separated from your gear, sneaking around and avoiding the guards (Mission was the most fun).

I always use Mission on the Leviathan. The situation cries out for a stealth approach. I've never even tried the other characters. I probably should but I can't bring myself to - Mission feels so right. You get that "Obi Wan sneaking around the Death Star" feel.


So yeah. More sneaky infiltration and less all-out assault. The last I checked, Jedi weren't supposed to kill beings that they didn't have to anyway

Jedi would like that but what if you're a Sith? The assassin prestige class might answer that. That should involve lots of sneaking around with silent kills.

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Solo character, separated from your gear, sneaking around and avoiding the guards (Mission was the most fun). It was lots of fun in an entirely different way than most of the rest of the game (skills were actually more important than loot).

Definitely. :)


I'm not so sure about the majority, but how about more puzzles and quests/missions involving critical-thinking skills, instead of just blasting people in a linear dungeon or somesuch? B)

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I'm not so sure about the majority, but how about more puzzles and quests/missions involving critical-thinking skills, instead of just blasting people in a linear dungeon or somesuch?

I think most people would agree with you, but not if it means those floor/ring puzzles.


You know, Naga Sadow's tomb to get his sword (ring puzzle), and opening the Rakata computer room (floor puzzle). Some people had major problems with the H pattern. They never found that journal - haha!


Critical-thinking skills are fine, but not if they're so frustrating people give up.

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I'd like some pure dialogue and investigative ones, like the murder investigation on dantooine. It is a roleplaying game after all and I'd love more missions where I'd have to roleplay or think my way through them. Less of the omnipresent ENEMY SIGHTED, force wave, flurry bad guy a, force kill bad guy b, force storm every bugger, realise companions have wiped floor with remaining foes, breathe sigh of relief, every few minutes.


After all if I wanted constant fighting I'd play a third person game like Bloodrayne. The missions in an rpg should challenge my brain, not my patience.

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I always use Mission on the Leviathan. The situation cries out for a stealth approach. I've never even tried the other characters. I probably should but I can't bring myself to - Mission feels so right. You get that "Obi Wan sneaking around the Death Star" feel.

Juhani can stealth too, you know. It's a cat thing.


Jolee's also kind of fun, though he ends up running around in his underwear for the rest of the chapter.


I'm pretty sure they've already announced more party-member specific missions.

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I must of been the only person who actually used T3 on the the leviathan. To me that was more Reminiscent of EP.4 where R2 is wandering around the Deathstar. Plus with all the computer and repair skills T3 had he almost saw 0 combat.


So yeah I'd like to see more of the solo missions. I also dug the investigations like the Sunry Murder Trial or the classic whodunit on Dantooine. I didn't agree with getting DS points for choosing to get Sunry off though since you were his attorney you were just doing your job. Besides burden of proof lies with the prosecution after all. muahaha.

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I didn't agree with getting DS points for choosing to get Sunry off though since you were his attorney you were just doing your job. Besides burden of proof lies with the prosecution after all. muahaha.

I'm pretty sure you can get Sunry off without DS points. That's what the Sith get for framing a guilty man.

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More missions that require Diplomacy and thought and persuasion rather than just running in with guns blasting. Korriban and the Sunry Trial are perfect examples; victory through intelligence and deception rather than brute force.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Instead of 5/7 whatever worlds of killing endless waves of baddies/goodies, It could be interesting with themed worlds. Not only simple themed, but in the way you have to operate on each world. Thought experiment: A world like Coruscant where the modus operandi is Diplomacy, Persuasion, Intimidate, Bluff etc. A wild west type world where people respect a fast trigger. People with high blaster skills will have an easier time. People will recognise whatever skill points was put into the "shooty" skills and only few heads need extra holes. A eastern planet which respect martial/blade arts, a high tech world where you need all the tech, repair, computer etc. skills your party can muster.


If a world is too hard for your current party skills, go hunting for more npcs and/or increase the skills necessary in your specialists.


Eventually you'll be able to take on the group of bad guys/girls, whether they be Darth Bastila, Darth Molitor or similar galaxy wide known villains B)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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