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The NFL 2013 Thread


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Yet another massive collapse for the Cowboys.  Romo threw 2 picks late, and he certainly deserves a lot of the blame, but the playcalling was atrocious.  The Cowboys flat refusal to run the ball was some of the worst offensive playcalling I've seen in a long time.  Up by multiple touchdowns in the second half and averaging OVER 7 YARDS PER CARRY they kept refusing to run the ball, which led to them using up very little clock, which in turn led to the Packers scoring on the Cowboys historically bad defense again and again and again.  Just mind-numbingly bad playcalling.  The saddest part is that this dumpster fire of a team still somehow controls its own destiny.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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S'yeah, semi-watched 'skins Falcons... I still think that for a second year guy and one who's had minimum game time Cousins is ****ing amazing. First half was definite Franchise QB level, and certainly his full game performance was still better than the first half for Brees (only watched the first half...)


Saints are having an interesting season, to say the least. Looks like the good start will come to a fairly abrupt halt.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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S'yeah, semi-watched 'skins Falcons... I still think that for a second year guy and one who's had minimum game time Cousins is ****ing amazing. First half was definite Franchise QB level, and certainly his full game performance was still better than the first half for Brees (only watched the first half...)


Saints are having an interesting season, to say the least. Looks like the good start will come to a fairly abrupt halt.


from the Skins' - Falcons game - Steven Jackson does his best steamroller imitation on Washington cornerback Josh Wilson





7 turnovers by Washington and it still takes a missed 2 point conversion for the Falcons to escape with the victory .....  LOL


As for the Saints, Robert Quinn totally owned Charles Brown (Saints T)  -  not sure why, but the Saints have had trouble matching up with the Rams

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The Saints seem to be this year's most Jeckyll and Hyde team.  I know all team have good weeks and bad weeks, but the Saints ups and downs have been really extreme.  They've had games where they looked like unstoppable juggernauts and they've had games where they looked completely hopeless.  They're a dangerous team because they have the capacity to go off and throw up a score in the 50s at any moment, but I can't imagine them stringing the 3 or 4 (depending on if they win the division or get the wild card) good games together necessary to win it all.

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Damn Pucking Fanthers .....  #(#%^(#^Q#^


and be still my beating heart but Romo plays hero?  Now that's a freaking sign of the apocalypse if ever there was one.  :)

Romo has actually had a lot of 4th quarter comebacks in his career.  He's also had plenty of unbelievable meltdowns, and we remember those more because of how epic they are.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Romo has actually had a lot of 4th quarter comebacks in his career.  He's also had plenty of unbelievable meltdowns, and we remember those more because of how epic they are.




I know but it's too much fun to throw darts at him.  :biggrin:

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Cardinals are actually pretty good,  they're 10-5, which is quite impressive in a stacked NFC West.  


Bears are currently getting SLAUGHTERED by the Eagles in a game that means absolutely nothing to the Eagles and quite a bit to the Bears.  Go figure.  I'm already anticipating the backbreaking loss at home by the Cowboys to the Eagles next week.  It's meant to be.  It's the only way the season can end for the Cowboys; finishing 8-8 and missing the playoffs by losing a must win game in the final week of the season for the 3rd straight year.  Perpetual mediocrity, get the sensation!

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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ESPN says that Romo is out for the game against Philly (and possibly the season) - aggravated a prior back  injury in the game against Washington.

Sucks.  Likely makes no difference, but the Cowboys definitely have a better shot at winning on Sunday with Romo at the helm than with The Neckbeard.  I expect them to lose either way.


I wouldn't mind seeing the Cardinals make it in, but it would take a bunch of unlikely outcomes in the final week.  They would be an interesting team to have in the playoffs simply because their defense is playing so well right now.  Also, with Carson Palmer virtually anything is in play.  5 touchdown passes?  He can do that.  5 interceptions?  He can do that too.  Kind of sucks that we may potentially have a 10-6 team not make it in while a 8-7-1 team does.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Both the Dolphins and Ravens shat the bed with the playoffs on the line, which opens the door for the Chargers who will be playing against the chiefs second unit.  If the Chargers also manage to **** the bed then the Stillers inexplicably would get in.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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"Looks like Mike Shanahan is getting canned. Surprise surprise... "\


Good. Him and his cheerleaders laid all the blame on RG3 yet they have ZERO wins with him on the bench.


Dissapointed that Ravens won't make it but, hey, at least the Steelers were. So funny when the so called Steeler fans wanted  their QB thrown in the trash. LMAO 


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