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Type of Romances you liked


86 members have voted

  1. 1. What features of romances you whoud like to see in PE ?

    • Tragic (Not enging with happy ends)
    • Sexist (More Slutty ones)
    • Happy romances (with happy endings)
    • Emotional ( With deep emotional experience )
    • Hard romances ( for exampe with someone that in most of the game hate you )
    • Grey (Not tragic not happy something between)
    • Ego (i whant to be iportant and worshiped)
  2. 2. Shoud romances affect main history/ storyline of the game ?

    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, but only some things
    • Yes, but only in minimum way
    • No, but it shoud have affect other things
    • No, put it as a simple addon that don't change anything (NWN 2 for example)
  3. 3. What part of the "Romances" shoud devs putt more work to ?

    • Motivation and reasons (some characters can be romanced becouse of their history other don't)
    • Sex interactions (sex scens ohhs and ahhhs )
    • Emotional impact ( sad or happy moments)
    • Talking and writhing part ( good storyline for romances )
    • Making as more romances as possible
    • Making as good romances as possible but only one or two
    • Influence system ( ways to push romance forward )

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I liked the relationship with Triss in The Witcher 2, and the one with Shani in The Witcher 1 wasn't horrible either. Both of those pretty much required a protagonist with a clearly-defined personality and history though. I remain doubtful about whether such a thing could be done well enough in an "open protagonist" game like this one, and downright skeptical about whether it would be a worthy use of scarce writing resources.


Even so, I am gonna vote on this one...

I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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Seeing that lead designer Mr. Sawyer doesn't like romances, there won't be any noteworthy romancing in the game. Unless you can romance cats that is.

Pillars of Eternity Josh Sawyer's Quest: The Quest for Quests - an isometric fantasy stealth RPG with optional combat and no pesky XP rewards for combat, skill usage or exploration.

PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Baldur's GateJosh Sawyer doesn't like the Baldur's Gate series (more) - PoE is supposed to reward us for our achievements


"Josh Sawyer created an RPG where always avoiding combat and never picking locks makes you a powerful warrior and a master lockpicker." -Helm, very critcal and super awesome RPG fan

"I like XP for things other than just objectives. When there is no rewards for combat or other activities, I think it lessens the reward for being successful at them." -Feargus Urquhart, OE CEO

"Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat [...] the lack of rewards for killing creatures [in PoE] makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game)" -George Ziets, Game Dev.

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Seeing that lead designer Mr. Sawyer doesn't like romances, there won't be any noteworthy romancing in the game. Unless you can romance cats that is.


Did you don't understand that this is not discusion "WILL THEY PUT ROMANCES" in games .. But what king yof romances you liked in romances or whanna be inspiration IF THEY ADD THEM ?


I know wath Avellone and Sawyer thinks about romances ... but last time if i remember Sawyer sad if they will have time etc they will consider putting them .. so basiacly they are not saying yes or no ...


Sawyer somewhere sad that romnances are for "Egostocking" the player ... but as you see only 4 member want to be worshiped in romnace and 5 for sex scenes from 42 that had voted .. so basiacly he is wrong or at least he is pretending and don't really want to know..


Of coure not every player voted in this poll but i also think that Sewyer don't asked every fan about that subject .. so at this moment poll is only true evidence..


And thred is also to show "ROMANCE/ LOVE haters" that pro-romances are not nerds, that want only to se boobs "Ohh and ahhs) and hear every 3 seconds "You are the best on the planet !"


We alrady have thred that "ARE YOU YES OR NO FOR ROMANCES" this is "WHAT KIND OF ROMANCES ?". Even that Romance Thread VI show that most players are for ..in this that most players don't want them for boobs or ego ... so conclusion is simple ..  end it harder to lie or ignore when you see statictic ...

Edited by Ulquiorra
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Since MCA is writing and there's no publisher involved, I'll go with Chris' insightful take on relationships in P.E.:



So if I were to implement a romance subplot in Eternity - I wouldn’t. I’d examine interpersonal relationships from another angle and I wouldn’t confine it to love and romance. Maybe I’d explore it after a “loving” relationship crashed and burned, and one or both was killed in the aftermath enough for them to see if it had really been worth it spending the last few years of their physical existence chained to each other in a dance of human misery and/or a plateau of soul-killing compromise. Or maybe I’d explore a veteran’s love affair with his craft of murder and allowing souls to be freed to travel beyond their bleeding shell, or a Cipher’s obsession with plucking the emotions of deep-rooted souls to try and see what makes people attracted to each other beyond their baser instincts and discovers love... specifically, his love of manipulating others. You could build an entire dungeon and quest where he devotes himself to replicating facsimiles of love, reducer a Higher Love to a baser thing and using NPCs he encounters as puppets for his experimentations, turning something supposedly beautiful into something filthy, mechanical, but surrounded by blank-eyed soul-twisted drones echoing all the hollow Disney-like platitudes and fairy tale existence where everyone lives happily ever after.




I would really love to see something like this implemented in P.E. :biggrin:


As far as:



Of coure not every player voted in this poll but i also think that Sewyer don't asked every fan about that subject .. so at this moment poll is only true evidence..


This thread/poll is not unique and you are not a special snowflake for starting yet another one.  They have never commented in any of the dozens of threads (with similar but better worded polls) that have sprung up since September and are highly unlikely to break their silence for this one.   You flatter yourself to think this poll is 'true evidence' of anything to the developers as it's just one more in an ongoing stream of polls/threads on the subject constituting several hundred pages of comments dating back to the first day of the Kickstarter.


Have you stopped to think there's a reason why 'Sewyer don't asked every fan about that'. 


As far as:



And thred is also to show "ROMANCE/ LOVE haters" that pro-romances are not nerds, that want only to se boobs "Ohh and ahhs) and hear every 3 seconds "You are the best on the planet !"


Sorry, it's too late -- the ship has already sailed on that one . There was already an open thread on the subject, but you still felt compelled to start yet another one because you think your poll is somehow special even though Lady Crimson pointed out that it had already been discussed in all the other threads.   It's that kind of behavior that serves to reinforce some people's views regarding promancers.


(Where's Bos_Hybrid when you need him?)

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Strange that somehow the elves, dragons, and other said it a million times and somehow you guys din not approached them with such malice as romance threads.
I don't understand ... In this forum starting a poll and saying own opinion is provoking ?
Sory may by we have multi thread for romance ..  but :
1.  Im not sure that Lady Crimson read all of them and is willing to copy and paste best ones "What type of romance" here ...
2.  Im sure that you don't read them all so i don't understand your confidnence about that that this subject is epmty dry ..
3.  My poll is not mayby the "TRUE" evidnens but "ONLY" evindences mayby i use not good word. Better then some form of weird religion going on this forum.
4. There are many thread about other part of gaming and for hated "ROMANCES".. and if i remeber corretly nobody is "MAKING" someone to responde to it. So many threads about them is not evidence that people are stupid or "Romances" are generally bad .. it only a prof that people on this forum is consern about this subject and like it or not .... most of the peaople voted they want to see them (in any form)
5. I don't remember this kinda poll in "General" romance thred .. in also no mine worker to digging up all of post there
6. Romance and relationship thread and some kind of agression for other simmilar thread are something waird on this forum ... mayby we have tons of simmilar threds but i don't remember exacly the same thread that is open. So way are you still want to fix something that is not broken ?
7.  "General" Romance thread is something like "PISS off romance lovers" to me .. only after 67 or more pages of topic actual poll was formed ... with 1 question ... If you think that only question about romance is YES or NO ask your lovely devs even they will say that there are mork to work beside that ..
8. Threds or polls like "What kind of YYYYY You like/ liked ?" can be applied to everything weapons, misses, cannons, magic and biggest  delicate subject "Romances" sory ... but thats how poll work ... 
9. The first big mistake about romance thred was "Create ONE general Romanc" becouse it the same as crating "ONE General for Weapons" .. and i don't see any moderator saying in any new weapon thred "Shut up or i will close topic" .. dubbled standard ?
10. Beside of devs opinion .. i don't know wy .. but if anyone say something like "I Don't agree with devs on something" there are allways some Fanatic to protect them ... sorry you can't simply atarck someone becose his forming his own opinion ...
11. "Romances" is realy bad word... i liked Alpha Protocol romances and nobudy calls them romances .. and i whoud be glad if i even see something like this ..
12. I don't care if devs are gonna lisen to anybudy (you, or me)  thats is their game and their opinion and thats okay .. but your myst understad that i don't meked this thred or sad my opinion to somehow distroy the game .. im thinking simply that romances are good forl role playes .. so im doind this becouse i care about this project the same way as you
Now to the general discussion.



What is MCA ? :p


LadyCrimson If you think that this thred  is worthles at least putt second question in romance thred (i propose 3 question from my poll).. (but i also expext the same standards for other 1 weapon thred, 1 armor thred, 1 magic thred, and the best 1 "GENERAL" Fighing thread" .. im sure if you combain all thread about combat it will be way longer then romnace threds ...)

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MCA is Chris Avellone, who will be doing all the important writing.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Seeing that lead designer Mr. Sawyer doesn't like romances, there won't be any noteworthy romancing in the game. Unless you can romance cats that is.


Did you don't understand that this is not discusion "WILL THEY PUT ROMANCES" in games .. But what king yof romances you liked in romances or whanna be inspiration IF THEY ADD THEM ?


I know wath Avellone and Sawyer thinks about romances ... but last time if i remember Sawyer sad if they will have time etc they will consider putting them .. so basiacly they are not saying yes or no ...


Sawyer somewhere sad that romnances are for "Egostocking" the player ... but as you see only 4 member want to be worshiped in romnace and 5 for sex scenes from 42 that had voted .. so basiacly he is wrong or at least he is pretending and don't really want to know..


Of coure not every player voted in this poll but i also think that Sewyer don't asked every fan about that subject .. so at this moment poll is only true evidence..


And thred is also to show "ROMANCE/ LOVE haters" that pro-romances are not nerds, that want only to se boobs "Ohh and ahhs) and hear every 3 seconds "You are the best on the planet !"


We alrady have thred that "ARE YOU YES OR NO FOR ROMANCES" this is "WHAT KIND OF ROMANCES ?". Even that Romance Thread VI show that most players are for ..in this that most players don't want them for boobs or ego ... so conclusion is simple ..  end it harder to lie or ignore when you see statictic ...

Oh, i em surry. Teh topik say "What features of romances you whoud like to see in PE ?" I tought I myte say a small komment and sumting about dis, becuz thare be no romance. Josh Sawyer no implement dem game mechanics no he like. He is lead designer yu no. No chance fo romancing the gender of your prefeerencing.


Pleaze du not yall at mi. I just want to say dat. Nuthing moar.

Pillars of Eternity Josh Sawyer's Quest: The Quest for Quests - an isometric fantasy stealth RPG with optional combat and no pesky XP rewards for combat, skill usage or exploration.

PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Baldur's GateJosh Sawyer doesn't like the Baldur's Gate series (more) - PoE is supposed to reward us for our achievements


"Josh Sawyer created an RPG where always avoiding combat and never picking locks makes you a powerful warrior and a master lockpicker." -Helm, very critcal and super awesome RPG fan

"I like XP for things other than just objectives. When there is no rewards for combat or other activities, I think it lessens the reward for being successful at them." -Feargus Urquhart, OE CEO

"Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat [...] the lack of rewards for killing creatures [in PoE] makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game)" -George Ziets, Game Dev.

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If this was any other company, I would say I'd rather not see any type of "romance" at all, if only because I have not really yet seen one that is even somewhat respectable in any game outside of Neverwinter Nights 2 - not even really in Baldur's Gate. I am a much bigger fan of friendships. The problem, I often find, is that games either go one way or the other - either you (a) hardly ever talk to the character (b) can only become friends with them, or © if you're even remotely nice to them, they instantly fall in love with you. It's quite ridiculous. However, as I just said, Neverwinter Nights 2 was able to maintain a line between friendships and romances relatively well, so I can't say I really care about what happens in regards to it very much. So...basically, if there's romances, please let me still be friends with them, even if I am of their "preferred" gender. Beyond that, everyone enjoy themselves, as I couldn't really care less.

Edited by Bartimaeus

How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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Never say never,


a few years earlier i was saying "NWN2 never gonna be bad game" (of what they promised) but they complatly ruin it. BUGS, shallow characters etc etc ..


By the way do you think that only Awellone and Sawyer (besides they never sad 100 % no but only "propably no") are making this game ? And i don't think that they have full freedom becouse ever Sawyer sad that he don't like BG ... so what PE will not riseble BG ?

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Never say never,

True. :)

Pillars of Eternity Josh Sawyer's Quest: The Quest for Quests - an isometric fantasy stealth RPG with optional combat and no pesky XP rewards for combat, skill usage or exploration.

PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Baldur's GateJosh Sawyer doesn't like the Baldur's Gate series (more) - PoE is supposed to reward us for our achievements


"Josh Sawyer created an RPG where always avoiding combat and never picking locks makes you a powerful warrior and a master lockpicker." -Helm, very critcal and super awesome RPG fan

"I like XP for things other than just objectives. When there is no rewards for combat or other activities, I think it lessens the reward for being successful at them." -Feargus Urquhart, OE CEO

"Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat [...] the lack of rewards for killing creatures [in PoE] makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game)" -George Ziets, Game Dev.

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 Strange that somehow the elves, dragons, and other said it a million times


The sad thing is, this just isn't true. Romance threads that are continually started.



In this forum starting a poll and saying own opinion is provoking ?
Sory may by we have multi thread for romance ..  but :


Please don't start martyring yourself. There has been no hostility in this thread.


There is no but, everything in this poll/thread has been posted before. Their is nothing new or unique here, just a rehash of everything posted before.



1.  Im not sure that Lady Crimson read all of them and is willing to copy and paste best ones "What type of romance" here ...


It would be redundant. Better to lock this thread and point to the older locked threads, and the other open one.



2.  Im sure that you don't read them all so i don't understand your confidnence about that that this subject is epmty dry ..

3.  My poll is not mayby the "TRUE" evidnens but "ONLY" evindences mayby i use not good word.

2. It's dry, it's in a continual cycle of repetitiveness. Groundhog Day, without Bill Murray.


3.Nope it's the exact same thing posted before, no new information, no new 'evidence', just a rehash.



So many threads about them is not evidence that people are stupid or"Romances" are generally bad ..


No the content in those romances are proof that they are generally bad.




6. Romance and relationship thread and some kind of agression for other simmilar thread are something waird on this forum ... mayby we have tons of simmilar threds but i don't remember exacly the same thread that is open. So way are you still want to fix something that is not broken ?



Yeah, it's an exact replica of a thread started several months ago. Is it broken? No. Is it a repetition of topic? Oh yes.



7.  "General" Romance thread is something like "PISS off romance lovers"to me .. only after 67 or more pages of topic actual poll was formed... with 1 question ... If you think that only question about romance is YES or NO ask your lovely devs even they will say that there are mork to work beside that ..

Nope other threads have had this idea. Stop thinking this thread is some great piece of forum discussion, with an entirely new point. It's not.




9. The first big mistake about romance thred was "Create ONE general Romanc" becouse it the same as crating "ONE General for Weapons" .. and i don't see any moderator saying in any new weapon thred "Shut up or i will close topic" .. dubbled standard ?



This aspect has actually been discussed a lot already, in all the other threads. At any rate, it's more about what direction almost all previous romance threads get turned toward, rather than any original intention. That is what Lady Crimson posted.


That's why this thread will get locked. Not because you being persecuted.  :facepalm:



10. Beside of devs opinion .. i don't know wy .. but if anyone say something like "I Don't agree with devs on something" there are allways some Fanatic to protect them ... sorry you can't simply atarck someone becose his forming his own opinion ...


You haven't been attacked, not one person here has insulted you. All they've done is commented that this is a rehash of everything said before. This is not attacking someone.



12. I don't care if devs are gonna lisen to anybudy (you, or me)  thats is their game and their opinion and thats okay .. but your myst understad that i don't meked this thred or sad my opinion to somehow distroy the game .. im thinking simply that romances are good forl role playes .. so im doind this becouse i care about this project the same way as you

And we are back to this....


The 'romance hater' are of the exact same mind. That's why their is no middle ground and why this thread will turn ugly.



(Where's Bos_Hybrid when you need him?)

Working or drunk..

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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You have you opinion i have mine, i don't whanna agru becouse i think that "real" truth is always beetwen.


But one thing "No the content in those romances are proof that they are generally bad."


But there are a lot people that want romances, and even romances that was not "Shallow". The problem is not that romances are "Generally" bad. Becouse it the same logic as "Painting" or "books" are generally bad. If you don't like most of romances or simply hate them i general thats OK and i understand that.


But thing is that that creation is bad ony if it has bad creator. Same romances, romances are not the problem .. bad writhers are.


And by "Bad" writhers i dont meat that they don't have any skills but also don't have motivation for making it. Id Columb whoud have more skills but no motvation he will land in India not America. There whoud be no USA .. but General Tribes Federation. :biggrin:


I'am for romances becouse im simply for every type for interaction with world and npc. I don't what simple hack'n'slash or maindless fighting simulator. Im also for putting general need like hunger, wather stc (just like in Falllout NV) sitting on chairs (not only standing) and multiple ways of quest endings. horse riding/ fighing, technology, crafting, and any other forms of interaction, becouse i don't whanna controll dolls that slash everything .. i want to se good Role Plaing Game as complex as possible but not with ultra-grapics.


Pe can be complex game or notcomplex game ... and i am 100% for complex becouse we alrady know that devs are not so much for ultra hyper grafics. And that the best opportunity for making vary deep and compex game not shinie one.


But argumentation like "one or two devs don't like this so it wont be"  don't convince me ... becouse if creator have no motivation to even consider something at the begining of creating .. it does not sound well for their creation .. Of course they can have allredy some "General idea of the game" and don't want to change some part of it .. but problem is we are not talking about alhemy or strongholds (that was stechgoal) we are talking about human interactions .. if ssome one has not motivation for consider some part of it this just sound bad.



To other part of your post .. I don't think that 2 activ threds will destroy this forum or do something evil. Mayby there was many of those thread ..  but in thred like "I don't want something in game or i will take my money back" no moderator says "I will clouse this childish thred .. WHY ?


is it me or it's just an automatic-reaction .... Worn -->and or close thred ..


We have many more stupid threds and no body complains ...


That all what i have to say about "Putting" romances in game i understand and respect your opinion but please also recpect mine.

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Yes. Avellone, write us about love. Without help of your comrades developers with hats and a chalkboard this time.


You know he hates writing romance, right? Why have them at all if you want one of the best writers in video game history to be forced to write things he can't stand? How does that improve the game in any way? Or do you just want MCA to suffer?

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Yes. Avellone, write us about love. Without help of your comrades developers with hats and a chalkboard this time.

You know he hates writing romance, right? Why have them at all if you want one of the best writers in video game history to be forced to write things he can't stand? How does that improve the game in any way? Or do you just want MCA to suffer?

Well, those Ruskis are big on watching Westerners suffer. Edited by KaineParker

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Quotes have decided to work like crap on this post, so I'll be doing it this way.


"I know wath Avellone and Sawyer thinks about romances ... but last time if i remember Sawyer sad if they will have time etc they will consider putting them .. so basiacly they are not saying yes or no ..."


Actually, Sawyer's latest statement on romances in Project Eternity is that he would only want them if they were a natural fit.

So, if romances are only to be included if they fit the rest of the game, the story and the characters, this means that parameters like the tone, the storyline involvement and the implementation of romances are not up to us. They're up to the rest of the game, the story and the characters. After all, they have to fit in them, not the other way around.

Which means that this poll is pretty pointless. After all, the story and the characters depend on factors decided by the devs, not us. And that's the way it should be.

I still voted though, since this is about collecting opinions.


"Sawyer somewhere sad that romnances are for "Egostocking" the player... but as you see only 4 member want to be worshiped in romnace and 5 for sex scenes from 42 that had voted .. so basiacly he is wrong or at least he is pretending and don't really want to know.."

You might be looking for this post.

A post from 2006 where he states his displeasure with a very common and popular implementation of videogame romances, as well as the expectations that surround it, does not mean that he believes that all romances are inherent shallow pandering, or that all romance fans are shallow people. He knows that not everyone is like that. We know that, too. There's no need for a poll to prove it.

By the way, Sawyer's post, as well as its message, was already discussed in previous threads. You would have known this if you had bothered to read them. Just saying.


"Of coure not every player voted in this poll but i also think that Sewyer don't asked every fan about that subject .. so at this moment poll is only true evidence.."

There's plenty of polls about this subject already, most of them with more votes than this poll is likely to potenitally collect (since they were created when these forums were more active). There's no need for more evidence of the same fact. Which is that...


"And thred is also to show "ROMANCE/LOVE haters" that pro-romances are not nerds, that want only to se boobs "Ohh and ahhs) and hear every 3 seconds "You are the best on the planet!"

...We already know that.

Plenty of "pro-romancers" have spoken up in the previous threads, and they were after pretty varied implementations of romances: some after the BG2 variant, some after the PS:T variant, some after the Dragon Age: Origins variant, and some even admitted to liking the Dragon Age 2 variant. Even though we all want the same thing, they're a very heterogeneous group, just like the antiromancers. In any case, nobody said that they wanted shameless and unmasked ego stroking.

Some of them were after masked ego stroking, though: they denied wanting self-centered pandering, but when describing what they did want, the mechanics certainly sounded like they promoted it. Those are the kind of people many antiromancers like to pick on. It doesn't mean that everyone is like that, and I suspect that the antiromancers this thread is trying to address already know this fact, but that won't stop them from having fun picking on the extremes that don't realize they will not get what they want. If you're not like that, you don't have to feel like you might have been alluded to.

By the way, I think that hanging out on the discussion forums of a game that doesn't exist yet already qualifies you as a nerd, no matter what feature you're discussing :p. Saying that pro-romancers are not nerds is kind of an oxymoron. We're all nerds here, and there's no shame in that.



"We alrady have thred that "ARE YOU YES OR NO FOR ROMANCES" this is "WHAT KIND OF ROMANCES ?". Even that Romance Thread VI show that most players are for ..in this that most players don't want them for boobs or ego... so conclusion is simple ..  end it harder to lie or ignore when you see statictic ..."

That thread is not for "yes or no for romances", it's for romance discussion in general, which includes your question. It tends to devolve into a yes or no debate because that's the biggest bone of contention about them. It's hard to discuss the nitty gritty of their implementation when their inclusion is by no means guaranteed or even likely, and has in fact been harshly critizised by one of the writers, and put into doubt by the project director.


"1.  Im not sure that Lady Crimson read all of them and is willing to copy and paste best ones "What type of romance" here ...
2.  Im sure that you don't read them all so i don't understand your confidnence about that that this subject is epmty dry ..

As someone who has read pretty much all the threads on this topic, I can confirm that I have seen Lady Crimson, SqueakyCat and Bos_hybrid in most of them. They are right when they say what has already been discussed. That makes for 4 of us who say that this discussion is not addressing anything new. Considering the number of replies of this thread, it's not insignificant.


"Strange that somehow the elves, dragons, and other said it a million times and somehow you guys din not approached them with such malice as romance threads.


4. There are many thread about other part of gaming and for hated "ROMANCES".. and if i remeber corretly nobody is "MAKING" someone to responde to it. So many threads about them is not evidence that people are stupid or "Romances" are generally bad.. it only a prof that people on this forum is consern about this subject and like it or not .... most of the peaople voted they want to see them (in any form)


6. Romance and relationship thread and some kind of agression for other simmilar thread are something waird on this forum ... mayby we have tons of simmilar threds but i don't remember exacly the same thread that is open. So way are you still want to fix something that is not broken ?


Threds or polls like "What kind of YYYYY You like/ liked ?" can be applied to everything weapons, misses, cannons, magic and biggest delicate subject "Romances" sory ... but thats how poll work ...

The first big mistake about romance thred was "Create ONE general Romanc" becouse it the same as crating "ONE General for Weapons" .. and i don't see any moderator saying in any new weapon thred "Shut up or i will close topic" .. dubbled standard ?



LadyCrimson If you think that this thred  is worthles at least putt second question in romance thred (i propose 3 question from my poll).. (but i also expext the same standards for other 1 weapon thred, 1 armor thred, 1 magic thred, and the best 1 "GENERAL" Fighing thread" .. im sure if you combain all thread about combat it will be way longer then romnace threds ...)"

You're mixing apples with oranges.

Classes, races, weapons, armours, combat, magic, Vancian magic, cooldowns, level scaling, XP per-objective or per-kill... those are gameplay elements. Story, companions, and their interactions with the player (those includes the specific subset of player romances, which for some reason hog the entire spotlight of companion interactions all for themselves) are narrative elements, which are handled differently. The feedback required for narrative is pretty different from gameplay feedback.

Aside from that, the gameplay systems are being designed now, and Sawyer has discussed them at length in updates, so of course people are going to give their opinions about these topics. They are a relevant topic of discussion at this point of development, so of course there's going to be plenty of specialized threads about them. The devs haven't mentioned particular points of discussion about narrative though, so the grounds for discussion are different.


"But there are a lot people that want romances, and even romances that was not "Shallow". "

How many people want a specific feature doesn't matter if it doesn't fit what the developers want. Just tell that to the people who still want PE to be ported to consoles, or to have multiplayer, or to be designed with turn based combat.

Game content is not decided by player consensus, but by the devs, and narrative content especially so.



7. "General" Romance thread is something like "PISS off romance lovers" to me .. only after 67 or more pages of topic actualpoll was formed ... with 1 question ... If you think that only question about romance is YES or NO ask your lovely devs even they will say that there are mork to work beside that ..

A lot of words and time has gone into discussing these topics, and some discussions have been rather thoughtful. A general discussion thread might feel like "PISS OFF" to you, but opening up a new thread and nonchalantly dismissing everything that has already been said in previous threads, basically saying that you can't be bothered to read it all because it's a lot of work, is pretty damn condescending to those of us who have participated in them.

Another thing: as they say, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. As you can see, opinions haven't changed and there's still no consensus on this topic. Replies have been civil so far, but there is no reason to think this thread will turn out differently or be more productive than the others.


"12. I don't care if devs are gonna lisen to anybudy (you, or me) thats is their game and their opinion and thats okay .. but your myst understad that i don't meked this thred or sad my opinion to somehow distroy the game .. im thinking simply that romances are good forl role playes .. so im doind this becouse i care about this project the same way as you"

You are free to have and express your own opinion.

Antiromancers want exactly the same as you: they want complexity and depth, they want interesting companions, roleplaying opportunities, meaningful choices and everything to be as good as possible. In order to achieve this, their conclusion is that the game will be better and achieve these goals with greater success if romances are not included.

And they are free to have and express that opinion, too.

There is no way these two opinions will get along together without constant clashes. That is why romance discussion is contained in one thread. It always gets ugly, so it's best to contain the fighting in one place.



if creator have no motivation to even consider something at the begining of creating .. it does not sound well for their creation.. Of course they can have allredy some "General idea of the game" and don't want to change some part of it .. but problem is we are not talking about alhemy or strongholds (that was stechgoal) we are talking about human interactions .. if ssome one has not motivation for consider some part of it this just sound bad.


So, what is it that you're saying? If the writers have no motivation or desire to write something, and consider that this something is not crucial to the player experience, they should still bend over backwards to the wishes of fans how don't know when enough is enough?


And you're asking for people to respect your wishes, when you don't respect those of the writers?



But argumentation like "one or two devs don't like this so it wont be" don't convince me ...


But this is not "one or two devs don't like this". This is "the people in charge of making decisions and deciding what goes in or out don't like this". There's a world of difference between the two.


Additionally, if the argument of "the people in charge don't consider romances that important, and have shown repeated indifference or outright dislike of them" isn't enough to convince you to maybe lower your expectations, then what exactly is going to convince you?

Edited by Lurky
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