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Armor Slots and Clothing

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With all the stuff people are suggesting pretty soon it's going to look like this:


























Navel Piercing

Nose Piercing

Eyebrow Piercing 1

Eyebrow Piercing 2

Subdermal Implant 1

Subdermal Implant 2


I want to spend the majority of my time playing the game, not managing inventory.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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With all the stuff people are suggesting pretty soon it's going to look like this:


























Navel Piercing

Nose Piercing

Eyebrow Piercing 1

Eyebrow Piercing 2

Subdermal Implant 1

Subdermal Implant 2


I want to spend the majority of my time playing the game, not managing inventory.

That's a huge shopping list. And I can make it without all the jewellery. One ring is enough I think.



The fingers comment was a joke!

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With all the stuff people are suggesting pretty soon it's going to look like this:


























Navel Piercing

Nose Piercing

Eyebrow Piercing 1

Eyebrow Piercing 2

Subdermal Implant 1

Subdermal Implant 2


I want to spend the majority of my time playing the game, not managing inventory.


Well, with something like that in my mind did I make a combined +1 slot suggestion for "Other"


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[...] belts wouldn't be too bad to have either, otherwise my Pants of Awesome Speed and Stamina +3 would fall down too often

I've thought about it, and I'm tired of same ol' "belt slot" ... especially when my character is wearing a dress. But since we can't have everyone's pants falling down, how about changing it up to suspenders? I bet my Rogue would look really awesome in some tight black leather pants with Rainbow Suspenders of Fire and Ice Protection +2! :disguise:


btw, I would add an extra one for Earring(s), but I guess a single slot for "Other" would work better, you could place a lot of stuff in it, like you know, Earrings, Peg-leg, Bottle o'Rum, Family Heirloom, or the occasional Miniaturized Giant Space Hamster

Actually, I like this idea. But I want a "Pied Piper's Flute of Feline Attraction" in the game, where when I equip it in a town, a jaunty little tune will play and I will have a plethora of housecats following me everywhere I go. :cat:


No, seriously tho, I do like that idea. Gives people one slot for some unique items, whether useful or just humorous, that could be put in the game.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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With all the stuff people are suggesting pretty soon it's going to look like this:




I want to spend the majority of my time playing the game, not managing inventory.

Another reducio ad absurdum argument. I very much doubt that adding a somewhat more detailed inventory system is going to add significant overhead to your inventory management activity.

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"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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[...] belts wouldn't be too bad to have either, otherwise my Pants of Awesome Speed and Stamina +3 would fall down too often

I've thought about it, and I'm tired of same ol' "belt slot" ... especially when my character is wearing a dress. But since we can't have everyone's pants falling down, how about changing it up to suspenders? I bet my Rogue would look really awesome in some tight black leather pants with Rainbow Suspenders of Fire and Ice Protection +2! :disguise:


btw, I would add an extra one for Earring(s), but I guess a single slot for "Other" would work better, you could place a lot of stuff in it, like you know, Earrings, Peg-leg, Bottle o'Rum, Family Heirloom, or the occasional Miniaturized Giant Space Hamster

Actually, I like this idea. But I want a "Pied Piper's Flute of Feline Attraction" in the game, where when I equip it in a town, a jaunty little tune will play and I will have a plethora of housecats following me everywhere I go. :cat:


No, seriously tho, I do like that idea. Gives people one slot for some unique items, whether useful or just humorous, that could be put in the game.


yes it does have a lot of uses, it could also be a slot for some self-made trinket in game, like something made of crystals and metals from all major locations your character visited, and basically all the NPC companions could get fleshed a bit out with some unique item in this slot, without it taking away room from other actually useful items (if I remember correctly Boo was using up a "ring" slot in BG?)


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I am for reducing the actual armor system to two slots: armor and underarmor.


Seriously, who ever wears plate greaves and vambraces and a leather coat? Who wears leather armor with plate boots? Well, apart from Morrowind enthusiasts.


Wearing an arming doublet under a suit of plate or a padded gambeson under mail armour makes a great deal of sense.


How about no rings? I realise it's a persistent cliché, but they don't make much sense. Or any at all.

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I am for reducing the actual armor system to two slots: armor and underarmor.


Seriously, who ever wears plate greaves and vambraces and a leather coat? Who wears leather armor with plate boots? Well, apart from Morrowind enthusiasts.


RL people from various eras and regions on Earth? as example soldiers in the Kingdom of Hungary in the 11th-13th century? Tuscan sellswords? not sure about the leather coat but while you don't find many "professional armies" (as much you can call the medieval and earlier armies that) mixing a lot up you can find a few historical cases, and in some cultures more evidence of weapon/armament style mixtures than in other (another example for this would be the temurid-mughal "royal guards")


also, using a leather main armor with metal arm and leg protection is very very common actually

I imagine your issue is mainly that in games you barely find aethestically fitting pieces of various armor sets, which would be true

Edited by Jorian Drake


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I am for reducing the actual armor system to two slots: armor and underarmor.


Seriously, who ever wears plate greaves and vambraces and a leather coat? Who wears leather armor with plate boots? Well, apart from Morrowind enthusiasts.


RL people from various eras and regions on Earth? as example soldiers in the Kingdom of Hungary in the 11th-13th century? Tuscan sellswords? not sure about the leather coat but while you don't find many "professional armies" (as much you can call the medieval and earlier armies that) mixing a lot up you can find a few historical cases, and in some cultures more evidence of weapon/armament style mixtures than in other (another example for this would be the temurid-mughal "royal guards")


also, using a leather main armor with metal arm and leg protection is very very common actually

I imagine your issue is mainly that in games you barely find aethestically fitting pieces of various armor sets, which would be true


Well, yes, I don't mind if armour is a combination between leather, steel and cloth. But wearing bits of plate armour (like plate gauntlets or greaves) together with bits of light armour (like a padded gambeson) doesn't make any sense. Typically, that sort of thing is what mixing and matching in RPGs boils down to. So I think all plausible combinations should be represented as single armour items and mixing and matching should be left for the things that make actual sense when worn together, including underamour items, cloaks, overcoats, tabards and aesthetics like amulets.

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I will say that even when going into combat today, we wear multiple layers of protection.


Helmet + another hat underneath (though, admittedly, the underhat is more for comfort than anything else)

Shrapnel resistant goggles


Uniform shirt

Flak vest, which generally includes removable shoulder protection, and dangling protection for the nether regions

Elbow pads


Underpants (for cleanliness!!)

Uniform pants

Knee/shin protection depending on the mission

And, obviously, boots (again, various kinds depending on the mission)


So I think there is obvious realism bearing on the multiple armor slots and once you get into the customization/fantasy/+1 mindset, rings, amulets, earrings also become a factor.


Of course, I am also a collector type player... inventory management is one of my favorite things about games besides the story for me.

Edited by malivion
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i'd be for an all out realistic approach

like e.g. 3+ main armour slots

example: byzantine heavy cavalrymen would wear: padding, above that a combination of mail, lamellar and plate, and above that another layer of padding


one thing that always buged me in DnD: of all the armour pieces, a helmet has been by FAR the most important one for any soldier throughout human history, and yet in DnD helmets don't have armour rating at all, WTF?

Edited by lolaldanee
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Eh. What with the top-down view and all, I don't think too many slots are necessary.



- Head = hats, headbands, helmets, circlets etc

- Body (includes torso, shoulders and possibly legs) = Armor and clothing, naturally.

- Back = cloaks, if implemented, mantles, scarfs etc... and SHOULDER FURS, for the barbarians/berserkers!

- Hands = gloves, bracers, gauntlets etc, etc

- Feet = you know.... shoes... and.... stuff...


Depending on resources and such, I wouldn't mind it if pauldrons were in too, as well as legs being separate from Body slot.

Not a major deal. But mixing and matching bits and pieces to create your own look is always fun.


NOTE: I would love a "toggle visible/invisible" for pauldrons and sleeves, if they end up intergrated into the "Body" slot.

I sometimes like to play a bare-armed char. And sometimes not.



For weapon slots, I would like to see a system based on where weapons are sheathed on your person.


Full list of weapon slots would be;


- Right/left hip = in effect, can carry any 1h weapon at each hip.

- Back = another weapon. Any 1h, 2h or ranged.

- Back (support) = ammunition or a shield, for instance.


You could switch between these weapons quickly and on the fly in combat. But going into your inventory to swap out gear would take longer, and not be viable in combat.


Also, putting stuff in every slot should encumber you somehow. Not unlike how it works in ME3, in fact.

And of course, a shield in the utility slot would encumber you more than a quiver of arrows, naturally.

The more encumbered you are, the harder it would be to sneak, maybe decrease movement speed, add penalty to stamina regen, etc.

You get the idea.


Oh yeah, and I've never really been a fan of rings and trinkets.

I'd rather a ring didn't somehow, even magically, give you a bonus to armor class.

Rings and amulets etc should be completely optional. A warrior wouldn't wear loads of trinkets wherever he could fit it.

I would prefer if they had more... subtle and unreliable effects.


A necklace with, say an amulet connected to the War God, could perhaps, if your favor with the God was strong enough, have a small chance of making enemies fumble their attacks, while maybe sometimes enhancing yours. It should be fickle and unreliable, but still be a nice little bonus.

Maybe the more the War God favors you, the stronger the effect, (though, at highest favor, it should still be very minor next to your character's abilities.)


Just, you know.... subtle stuff like that. No "+50 Fire Resistance" or "+5 AC" or any such drivel.



Just my thoughts.

Edited by Vargr
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Regarding undergarments, it would be good if the artists could make those look less like modern attire. There are some historical examples they could use for ideas.

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Didn't read all the posts.


Piecemeal armor, but in a new way. The Torso could actually be linked to the Torso, by "upgrading it" or finding new gear to it you would make the Barbarian skin tougher (Like a real man) or you could add armor straps, wolfskin leather and finally with some plate on top of it. Likewise you could go all out (without armor) and be a Conan the Barbarian with a only a small piece of cloth around your waistline and just have a solid skin (without armor). It adds to the ability to build your character differently. Armor Advancements.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution uses something kind of like this idea of mine. But instead think of it in a way where you get loot and gear that you use to "upgrade" the armor you are already wearing, with an IE-esque interface.

Edited by Osvir
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Regarding undergarments, it would be good if the artists could make those look less like modern attire. There are some historical examples they could use for ideas.


Oh! Make them customizable! Color/type.


A barbarian (yes, I am fond of that topic) would never be seen wearing breeks, but rather a simple loincloth. A noble knight, on the other hand, would

probably prefer breeks over a simple loincloth.



Now this is serious nitpicking.

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