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45th Anniversary of Che Guevara’s Assassination . Hasta Siempre Comandante

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Posted (edited)

Didn't he opened concentration camps for homosexuals and political enemies? Still not sure if that's just a rumor or fact. Guess I should read up on it. /Edit: Yeah, that seems interesting.

Edited by Lexx
  • Like 1

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."


Didn't he opened concentration camps for homosexuals and political enemies? Still not sure if that's just a rumor or fact. Guess I should read up on it. /Edit: Yeah, that seems interesting.


The only people I ever hear this coming from are right-wingers and Cuban exiles. I've yet to see a shred of concrete proof. According all neutral sources, Che has not done anything to actively against homosexuals.


I recommend getting a copy of "rainbow solidarity in defense of cuba" by Leslie Feinberg, it goes into details about the progression of Gay rights in Cuba.



From amazon review:

This book smashes the lie that Socialist Cuba is repressive of LGBT people. The book goes into detail about the history of LGBT people in Cuban Society before, during, and after the revolution. The book takes us from the days before colonization by the Spanish empire to the modern days of Cuba's CENESEX program which leads the world in tolerant and inclusive sexual education.


The book is full of beautiful portraits and touching aspects of the struggle for LGBT liberation. The book shows the many strides Cuba has made toward LGBT Liberation, and the process of changing capitalist mindsets after Socialist Revolution


Spends the last half of his life fighting the forces of corrupt and evil capitalism...


Ends up as the face on tshirts sold at The Gap...



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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."


Guevara was right that imperialism, neocolonialism and monopoly capitalism (=corporatism) is a bad idea for a healthy society. Too bad did he think that a substituted proletarian dictatorship through a bloody revolution with guerrilla tactics was a good idea for a healthy society.


What's the saying again? "The path to Hell is pawed on good intentions"?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

Posted (edited)

Guevara was right that imperialism, neocolonialism and monopoly capitalism (=corporatism) is a bad idea for a healthy society. Too bad did he think that a substituted proletarian dictatorship through a bloody revolution with guerrilla tactics was a good idea for a healthy society.


What's the saying again? "The path to Hell is pawed on good intentions"?


Communism, as Marx defined it, was a small-government economic system in which every person owns an equal share in every aspect of production. The ultimate goal was (contrary to right-wing beliefs,) to liberate people as individuals from the wage slavery of capital so that they could individually pursue intellectual, philosophical and ethical empowerment and improvement (what he dubbed "essence.") His fatal flaw was naivety, a failure to recognize human nature, in believing that the Socialist revolutionaries would be incorruptible and disinterested as he was (the man could have been a successful businessman or academic, but he chose to live the life of a secular ascetic, a choice which cost the lives of four of his seven children.) The old saying that power corrupts has yet to be disproven.

Edited by AGX-17

Guevara was right that imperialism, neocolonialism and monopoly capitalism (=corporatism) is a bad idea for a healthy society. Too bad did he think that a substituted proletarian dictatorship through a bloody revolution with guerrilla tactics was a good idea for a healthy society.


What's the saying again? "The path to Hell is pawed on good intentions"?


Oh, you have lack of information.


Imagine society consist from two parts.


One part is vampires. They must kill human and suck they blood, because they can't exist without this. They are exploitators.

Other part is humans. They are just food and prey for vampires. Thousands of they must paying their lives for the prosperity of the Vampires. They are exploited classes.


Part of humans bribed by vampires. Vampires use them as human hunters, protectors and just for pleasure. They servants of the exploiters, the parasitic part of society.

Part of humans like sheep being led to the slaughterhouse. They are passive majority of the exploited classes.

Part of humans fights against vampires and their servants. These Vampire Hunters are communists.


can not be a peaceful resolution of this. Vampire hunters will destroy all vampires and save humanity, or vampires exterminate all mankind.



Do you understand my allegory?


Recommend a read

"State and Revolution" by Lenin


especially this



"From Protest to Resistance" by Ulrike Meinhof



"Guerrilla war, a method" by Ernesto Che Guevara



"World Revolution 2: the Return to a Global Revolutionary Strategy Based on the Experience of the 20th Century" by Alexander Tarasov



Oh, you have lack of information.


Imagine society consist from two parts.


One part is vampires. They must kill human and suck they blood, because they can't exist without this. They are exploitators.

Other part is humans. They are just food and prey for vampires. Thousands of they must paying their lives for the prosperity of the Vampires. They are exploited classes.


Part of humans bribed by vampires. Vampires use them as human hunters, protectors and just for pleasure. They servants of the exploiters, the parasitic part of society.

Part of humans like sheep being led to the slaughterhouse. They are passive majority of the exploited classes.

Part of humans fights against vampires and their servants. These Vampire Hunters are communists.


can not be a peaceful resolution of this. Vampire hunters will destroy all vampires and save humanity, or vampires exterminate all mankind.


The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.




Don't try to out stupidcrossbow Van Hellsing!





In other news, nobody knows are cares about Che anymore than to be a cultural icon that "rebel" students can post on their walls.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


Didn't he opened concentration camps for homosexuals and political enemies? Still not sure if that's just a rumor or fact. Guess I should read up on it. /Edit: Yeah, that seems interesting.

I can personally attest to the fact that Alberto Korda has seen no royalties from his picture (his is a case common to a lot of artist on the island), having met the man in person and seeing his situation is probably one the things I remember the most. Because the man who made one of the most famous symbols of the revolution is struggling just to get by, and that's putting it mildly.


The only people I ever hear this coming from are right-wingers and Cuban exiles. I've yet to see a shred of concrete proof. According all neutral sources, Che has not done anything to actively against homosexuals.


I recommend getting a copy of "rainbow solidarity in defense of cuba" by Leslie Feinberg, it goes into details about the progression of Gay rights in Cuba.



I wouldn't trust any of the info coming from the government they are quick to " tirar la piedra y esconder la mano" (cast the stone and hide their hand). Although I will agree that the right wingers harbor intense feelings that make them a biased source.

Che was indeed in charge of concentration camps, although the term is far too strong. They were facilities where "undesirables" were gathered; that denomination was everyone suspected of espionage, behavior that was deemed "counter revolutionary" or "ideologically diversifying", which ran the gamut from homosexuality to listening to the Beatles or having long hair. The people were confined to said facilities, there were cases of torture by the staff, people that were suspected of espionage or rebellious activities were "transferred" (never to be heard from again). A lot of these stories come from the mouths of people who were resident in said facilities who later were set free.


I mean the regime has certainly softened since the fall of Communism, but I doubt that its crimes will soon be forgotten.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)



[in other news, nobody knows are cares about Che anymore than to be a cultural icon that "rebel" students can post on their walls.


Actually, Military historians and military science - Che was very good at the low-cost guerilla warfare aspects and how they could be applied, and deserves study on that alone.

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."


Well he couldn't do it more than once, even though he was desperate to prove it was possible. He never had the kind of local knowledge and support he could count on in Cuba.


In the end he was just big a name with a big price on his head. It didn't take them long to carve his remains up for trophies.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.



He may have had some good ideals, but he was also extremely violent and oppressive to anyone who sneezed at him wrong, and he advocated for a nuclear Holocaust during the Cuban Missile crisis. In some sense, he could be called a freedom fighter, but never am an of peace. The romantization of Che is almost as annoying as that of Guy Fawkes.

Twitter: @Chrono2012


That's entirely on Alan More.

Neil Gaiman did some lip service to him as well.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


Isn't that the guy from Rage Against The Machine?


- Some kid back in high school when seeing some other kid in a Che T-Shirt. Che used to symbolize something (the jury will forever be out on what exactly), but ironically capitalism made sure he now stands for commercialism and ignorance.

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