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Good job, this is one of the best game I've played in years and I'm glad I backed it.


Encountered only 2 obvious bugs on my first playthough (none of them major), which is pretty rare these days... might have been lucky though, judging from the talk on the tech support subforum here.


I would like to thank and congratulate the team at Obsidian Entertainment as well.


Pillars of Eternity is exactly the game that the legions of us were looking for.  The story, characters, systems and gameplay all hearken back to the games that made me fall in love with RPGs to begin with while simultaneously pushing the genre forward in nearly every way.  Your game is the new bar for CRPGs in general and I am beyond excited to see where the team goes with this wonderful new IP.  I continuously find myself pausing during gameplay, warmly comforted by this fantastic new adventure.


Here's to an eternity of Eternity, perhaps?

  On 9/15/2012 at 12:39 AM, J.E. Sawyer said:

To everyone who has contributed, is considering contributing, or is just checking out the site: thank you so much for your interest and support. The site has had some ups and downs due to the high traffic, but we appreciate your questions and comments and will be trying to catch up with them as quickly as we can. To see such a dramatic outpouring of support from the community is truly astonishing. Thanks again.

pls dont thank me -  i have to thank you for every minute you put into the game! Its like a dream come true playing a game which feels like a game from my childhood! Its almost the best game experience for my since a long long time. i would ever support you again! Thank you.


I'd like to echo all the praise and thanks here. I've found a couple of minor issues but after 50+ hours and still more adventuring to be done before completing it is a wonderful piece of work and I'm hugely enjoying the journey.


I only hope that you've all enjoyed developing it and are eager to make more games of this calibre, because I'm certainly eager to kickstart for a sequel if that's what it takes.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the amazing game, Obsidian. Pillars is probably the best CRPG since BG2 imho. For me, it's indeed the spiritual successor of BG, the spiritual BG3 we never got and I've always been waiting for since 2001. You can't even imagine how many people you made happy with this one. :)

Edited by LordCrash


Even though there are bugs, the underlying stuff is great. I am glad this game exists and am having great fun while playing it.


Hopefully the modding community gets going too. Some mod tools would go a long way to helping it grow! You guys promised us IE-like games and one of the core features of IE-games was the modding available to it. I couldn't imagine playing IE-games without mods so I hope you guys follow through on this front too!

Posted (edited)

*Insert major praises about the game and minor complaints about the stronghold and the AI*


I'm lazy.


Cheers for renewing the genre.

Edited by DrBrian

First post, long time lurker and KS backer. Congratulations to Obsidian for delivering what I believe to be one of the most well executed Kickstarter projects. And of course, thank you for a great game (yes, there will be bugs, but that's what patches are for right?). I'm sure I speak for a large number of people when I say we look forward to what else you have in store for us :)

  • Like 2
  On 4/2/2015 at 11:58 AM, nagash99 said:

First post, long time lurker and KS backer. Congratulations to Obsidian for delivering what I believe to be one of the most well executed Kickstarter projects. And of course, thank you for a great game (yes, there will be bugs, but that's what patches are for right?). I'm sure I speak for a large number of people when I say we look forward to what else you have in store for us :)

My thoughts exactly! :)


I don't often write posts on developer forums, but I want to make an exception to thank you for a great game. I'm particularly happy with the native linux version - something that is often promised during a Kickstarter campaign, yet not frequently executed well. You did a great job! :thumbsup:

  • Like 1

I am so excited this game exists. Glad to have been a backer, and then it's done all of a sudden. Say whaaaat? Though I will probably wait for a few more patches to play it any further, don't enjoy the carnival of launch time in modern games industry, where everything is something to patch later if the choice is to do something patch related or do something launch related. And before launch, it's all launch related, so naturally omnibus patches become the norm. Well, keep at it, y'all, do better on that next time please but thanks again for this amazing effort. I'll have your back on any future projects.


I wish to thank Obsidian from my heart too for a genuine and unique game, and for staying true to their beliefs and promises and us fans throughout the years.I am humbled and very pleased, and I will support you in everything that you will pursue.


Thank you, I love you. :yes:  :bow:  :bow:  :cat:


I'm having a blast playing the game. It had been so long since the last time I had that kind of feeling like I'm back to my teen years and play extraordinary games, visiting odd worlds and compelling universes and all. And I'm not simply talking about nostalgia, I'm talking about keeping one's faculty to play a game and enjoy it like we would have when we were 15, 20, 25 (or more!) years younger. "Il faut garder son âme d'enfant" as we say in French, keep one's inner child alive.


I hope all the nonesense and unfounded accusations you've been through these last days didn't dampen your good will and motivation to go forth (but don't forget to gather your party beforehand), because you did good.


You Obsidian, we the backers and all the people who purchased the Pillars of Eternity proved that there is still a place for that kind of games these days, that they are not a thing of the past and can still hold their own among more "modern" RPGs. With Wastelands 2, Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall and Divinity Original Sin 2014 has been a great year, 2015 also takes a great start with PoE, and there is still the new Torment, the Hong Kong Shadowrun Returns installementand PoE's expension to come. The good CRPG genre is not dead, in fact it is making a major come back.


Will I purchase the expansion? Of course I will. Would I back a new Obsidian game if you decided to go through a new kicktarter campaign? Damn straight I would. Congrats Obsidian you have done an amazing job. :thumbsup:

  • Like 1

Finally gotten time to play, and can I just say "Bravo"?



Only a few hours in and already loving it - this is exactly what I was hoping for.  Gorgeous environments, great atmosphere, great writing, cool music, fun combat, the list goes on.

<- one very happy backer :dancing:


*Casts Nature's Terror* :aiee: , *Casts Firebug* :fdevil: , *Casts Rot-Skulls* :skull: , *Casts Garden of Life* :luck: *Spirit-shifts to cat form* :cat:


It's one of those rare games when you are sitting doing something else and wondering how you can get out of it in order to go and get some more PoE time!    I am hopeless at the game but learning.   Kudos about the patch too devs - instant more brightness on the map, good job!   Great game!


Thanks guys, so far (54 hours in and far from the end) it's the best game I've played since VtMB.


Huge thanks.


Would definitely back again. 


(Also I hade a huge fear that I would dislike the game.. maybe not because it's bad, but I'd realise that I'm old fart who doesn't enjoy games anymore (had problem with numerous recent rpgs ("rpgs"?))..guess what! Didn't happen, I've been up til 2-3AM everyday, just can't get enough  :aiee: So thanks for saving my soul I guess  :grin: 


Pillars of Eternity exceeded my already high expectations.


Thank you for bringing back classic cRPG - with modern graphics!


I haven't posted anything here since the early days following the kickstarter campaign so I'll just say one thing now and reiterate what many others have already said: thank you Obsidian for creating this game and successfully reviving a style of CRPG once thought dead and buried, ostensibly usurped by the "console generation". Also thank you to all the other backers who helped make it possible and sent the message that there is still a viable market for computer games like this.


I'm fully enjoying playing it and expect to still be trying to complete it over the coming months while exploring every nook and cranny. And I'll treasure the signed Collector's Edition boxset too!

  • Like 1
  On 4/6/2015 at 10:47 AM, Gryzor said:

I'll just say one thing now and reiterate what many others have already said: thank you Obsidian for creating this game and successfully reviving a style of CRPG once thought dead and buried, ostensibly usurped by the "console generation". Also thank you to all the other backers who helped make it possible and sent the message that there is still a viable market for computer games like this.


I'm fully enjoying playing it and expect to still be trying to complete it over the coming months while exploring every nook and cranny.


Signed. Thanks Obsidian and backers. I knew about the game too late to kickstart it, but never will happen again 


Great game guys/gals of Obsidian! I am enjoying playing and finding secret doors and treasure is pretty cool. Would back you again!


Have to say i am extremly impressed by what you have managed to create here, especially considering the relatively short time and small budget it was done with.

Between this, new vegas and southpark (aswell as the writing in alpha protocol) it is in no way hyperbolic to call you the most impressive development studio around today.

Thank you so very much :)

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