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Iron Man 3


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Lets face it, Iron Man was awesome, but too bad Jon: It was released in the same year as the Dark Knight... oh and Iron Man 2? Well that just blows.


So IM3? They have started on what could potentially be the last of Robert Downy Jr.'s Iron Man days. What is the story of this one you may ask? It is as follows (could change potentially as I have pieced it out from various sources):


Tony Stark is forced to combat Aldrich Killian of AIM when he invents the Extremis virus. Defeated with his friend's child lost in China at the clutches of Killian's sponser, Stark dons a new Golden Armour (It seems in the vein of the Mark 3 armour conceptualized in the format of the Golden Avenger) and his friend Rhodey gets the Iron Patriot Armour, fathers Harry Osborn and the Amazing Spider-Man starts. Hunted by Coldblood, Extremis Agent of the Mandarin Orange who is fluent in Punjabi and English and for the first time not TALKING LIKE GANDHI, Tony hunts down Guy Pearce who no longer has horrid makeup applied on to get killed by the monster who popped up for two seconds in Alien. Oh and Paul Bettany is back.




Think Iron man 3 will be better than the abysmal Iron Man 2?


Think it will Jr's last film?


Think that I will finally kidnap Kobe Bryant and make him watch me kill Care Bear in a fashion similar to the Magnotta Murders and send the body parts to Tom Cat's doorstep?


Think that the movie will make money?

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Sorry, but any movie with the Black Widow kicking ass can't suck completely.


Screw Iron Man, there should be a Black Widow movie. Story is easy, she just needs to face off against her evil counterpart, Yelena Belova.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Iron Man 2 wasn't as good as the first, but I wouldn't call it abysmal. It was entertaining, even if it didn't really go anywhere. Off the top of my head I can name a dozen comic book movies that make it look like Shakespeare.


Anyway I'm sure Shane Black has something great planned. He's fantastic.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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As much as I love The Dark Knight series, it sure has made people super critical of superhero movies. These are comicbook characters that are read by 8 year olds. I still love them as much as I did then, and I'm still going to see Ironman 2 to see Ironman kick the crap out of some bad guys with some awesome weapons. As long as the acting is good (and Downey is aweome) and they don't completely destroy the storyline, I'll pay 10 bucks to see Ironman 1-8.

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As much as I love The Dark Knight series, it sure has made people super critical of superhero movies. These are comicbook characters that are read by 8 year olds. I still love them as much as I did then, and I'm still going to see Ironman 2 to see Ironman kick the crap out of some bad guys with some awesome weapons. As long as the acting is good (and Downey is aweome) and they don't completely destroy the storyline, I'll pay 10 bucks to see Ironman 1-8.


They were read by 8 year olds. The comic book market as a whole is getting aimed more at the late teens, and twenty-somethings in general.. At least Marvel and DC tend to push that slightly more emphasis rather then the pure kiddies.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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As much as I love The Dark Knight series, it sure has made people super critical of superhero movies. These are comicbook characters that are read by 8 year olds. I still love them as much as I did then, and I'm still going to see Ironman 2 to see Ironman kick the crap out of some bad guys with some awesome weapons. As long as the acting is good (and Downey is aweome) and they don't completely destroy the storyline, I'll pay 10 bucks to see Ironman 1-8.


They were read by 8 year olds. The comic book market as a whole is getting aimed more at the late teens, and twenty-somethings in general.. At least Marvel and DC tend to push that slightly more emphasis rather then the pure kiddies.


Fair enough, I was just trying to make the point that the age group of these kind of things is so huge that not every superhero movie is going to be as mature and dark as The Dark Knight.

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Dark Knight returns with Jeff Bridges, maybe Kris Kristofferson fingers crossed. Getting tired of Bale by now. He did a good job though. Miles better than the previous bunch.


Don't care enough about Iron man to get involved. Robert Downey is awesome as Stark though.



Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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"Dark Knight returns with Jeff Bridges, maybe Kris Kristofferson fingers crossed. Getting tired of Bale by now. He did a good job though. Miles better than the previous bunch."


Only Batman worse than Bale is Clooney. The new movies ar egood in spite of Bale not because of him. And, i say that, depsite thinking he's a solid actor otherwise.


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They should bring in more members of the Batman family but without turning it into a lame kid's movie like Batman Forever/Batman & Robin was.


Make a Hush or No man's land movie.

Edited by Drudanae

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Iron Man2 was watchable, but yeah, had none of the depth (for a superhero flick) that Iron Man1 did.


My thoughts on Iron Man3? .... don't care, really. Like many movie series these days, if the first one was awesome, the rest will be....not so awesome. There are exceptions (SpiderMan2 comes to mind) but typically, I expect nothing from sequels. However, I'll probably still see IM3 when it comes to my cable TV. I figure it'll at least be mindlessly watchable like the 2nd one.


As to will it make money.....yes, yes it will, since you have to include worldwide profit these days. Unless of course they spend 500million making it or something, maybe. But if 3 is terrible/only breaks even, a 4th movie becomes unlikely, imo.


And I like Bale as Batman. I do not like him as Bruce Wayne, however. There's a difference there. Oddly, I think Michael Keaton made the best Bruce Wayne (in film) even if he doesn't look the part to my mind, but his Batman was a bit weak.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The weird thing is Christian Bale is an amazing actor. But yeah, he doesn't have the charm of Keaton. I think he's actually too serious of an actor to really pull off a super hero movie, even one as dark as the current Batman flicks.

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And I like Bale as Batman. I do not like him as Bruce Wayne, however. There's a difference there. Oddly, I think Michael Keaton made the best Bruce Wayne (in film) even if he doesn't look the part to my mind, but his Batman was a bit weak.

That's a clever observation that feels true to me, but I give Bale some benefit of the doubt, here. That is, to Bale, the core of the character is a ruthless, violent vigilante, who just happens to put up the appearance of being a billionaire businessman/philanthropist/whatever during the daylight hours. His Wayne is unconvincing because he's still playing Batman, and Batman's Wayne is unconvincing. With Keaton, the shoe was on the other foot-- he was comfortable playing Wayne, but you never really got the sense that that particular Bruce Wayne would actually want to do all that Batman stuff.

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And I like Bale as Batman. I do not like him as Bruce Wayne, however. There's a difference there. Oddly, I think Michael Keaton made the best Bruce Wayne (in film) even if he doesn't look the part to my mind, but his Batman was a bit weak.

That's a clever observation that feels true to me, but I give Bale some benefit of the doubt, here. That is, to Bale, the core of the character is a ruthless, violent vigilante, who just happens to put up the appearance of being a billionaire businessman/philanthropist/whatever during the daylight hours. His Wayne is unconvincing because he's still playing Batman, and Batman's Wayne is unconvincing. With Keaton, the shoe was on the other foot-- he was comfortable playing Wayne, but you never really got the sense that that particular Bruce Wayne would actually want to do all that Batman stuff.


You don't watch the news much do you, Mr. Wayne?

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Iron Man 2 wasn't nearly as bad as people say it was. Yes it wasn't as good as Iron Man 1, but it wasn't a bad movie at all. If Iron Man was an 8, IM2 was a 7.


Average age of comic book readers last I checked was 31. People can stop using the "they're for kids" now. Much as some of us get offended by the whole "video games are for kids" nonsense. The age of readers is actually a problem for comic publishers because they can't get kids to start reading. They have their audience that has grown up with comics and thats about it, the only new readers are the children of comic book fans who get their kids into it. They can't write the comics for younger readers because it will alienate the largest portion of their current audience, but they can't attract kiddies with the mature themes of their current fare.


Anyway, I'm hoping they make Mandarin a magic based villain instead of tech based. That was the best part of the Iron Man animated movie. Making a tech based hero's archenemy magic based just makes sense to me for the whole magic vs science thing.

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