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And for the disturbing and quirky laws..


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For the slightly eye-blink at some world news..




Women in Egypt are fighting proposed laws that would permit men to have sex with their wives up to six hours after death.

On Monday, Egypt's National Council for Women sent a letter to Egyptian People's Assembly Speaker Dr. Saad al-Katatni, asking parliament not to approve the controversial laws, the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram reported.


The council argued the new marriage rules, lowering the legal age to 14, and the "farewell sex" legislation are similar to traditions that have prevented women from working or being educated.


The idea that marriage remains valid, even after death, came from Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari, who spoke about it in May 2011. He also said women have the same right to have sex with their dead husbands.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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The idea that marriage remains valid, even after death, came from Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari, who spoke about it in May 2011. He also said women have the same right to have sex with their dead husbands.


Three cheers for equal rights!

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To be fair those corpses are probably more lively in the sack than me ex wife.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Er... what the unholy **** is going on?


"Give us democracy! Then give us death!"

"Surely you mean 'or give us death'?"

"I know what I mean."




The CSM reckons it's total proverbial.

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Cheers. It's a shame the media companies people actually pay attention to aren't as professional as CSM. I mean, a lot of the most **** things about Murdoch's dirty News Corp empire would be resolved if they actually bothered to check their facts instead of printing lies. And most of the remaining problems could then be solved by them being ethical (like the CSM so consistently is) instead of deliberately and wilfully biasing their stories to push a political agenda.


Oh, and in case people don't click Wals's link: the story appears to have been utterly fabricated by a member of Mubarak's dictatorship, then picked up by lots of news outlets world-wide that are happy to believe everything bad they read about Muslims.

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Tsk , it's one of those ones where you first see it and think it must be something screwy, then you find mention of it in a bunch of seperate news areas and you guess it must have some value of journalism.. Ah well. I guess that's becoming part of the joys of modern journalism and media in the internet age...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Coworker theorized this was to reduce the illegality of 'accidents'. Upon further discussion, that was a very bad idea to talk about at work :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Can we also marry posthumously?

I know it's happened in France, at least.

When death does not part

This was recently used in the case of one of the paratroopers or cops who was murdered by the islamist psycho.


I wouldn't classify it as "dumb", per se.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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So they have to fill the preliminary form? Guess that's a no on me marrying some famous dead actress.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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