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hearing about 600 people working on resident evil 6 makes me very very worried. final fantasy 13 had huge numbers like that and was a complete mess, the whole project looked without direction, hopefully capcom avoids that pitfall here


Yeah, although the core team is "only" 150. Still, that's lots of organizational overheat there, this can't be good. Expect the game to be even have more filmic values and less gameplay value.


edit: and holy crap that article about the XCOM combat gets me excited. I don't care how close it mirrors the original, i want to play that game! it looks like frozen synapse with moar graphicz!


Indeed. Kinda funny that kind of game doesn't require such a monster army a'la RE6 to get done, yet will yield more fun and value for the gamer.

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final fantasy 13 had huge numbers like that and was a complete mess,


Can't really follow that thought. If anything XIII was TOO directed.


I don't really remember anything about the game that I would consider a "mess". Bad, restrictive design decisions and pacing problems of course, but nothing that wasn't polished to all hell.

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Number of people working on a game doesn't really mean anything either way.


If that means it'll have fancy graphics I say: who cares, graphics are not the problem of most games nowadays anyway.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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I read that Xcom is already in its alpha stage, meaning it is playable from start to finish. Amazing how quiet they kept this, I remember rumors of Firaxis doing it years ago, but they were never confirmed. I can't wait for this release in the Fall.

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If anything XIII was TOO directed.


I don't really remember anything about the game that I would consider a "mess". Bad, restrictive design decisions and pacing problems of course, but nothing that wasn't polished to all hell.


design and pacing to me are indications of how well directed a project is, polish is the opposite, and says to me how much time and money was spent on the smaller details of a product.


when i say mess, i mean a meandering plot, meaningless characters, muddled themes, and confusing interplay between the gameplay and the story. basically the opposite of a game like final fantasy 6 or 7, where the gameplay mechanics were intricately tied to the themes of the game.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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when i say mess, i mean a meandering plot, meaningless characters, muddled themes, and confusing interplay between the gameplay and the story. basically the opposite of a game like final fantasy 6 or 7, where the gameplay mechanics were intricately tied to the themes of the game.




I began to write something but I don't get remotly what you are saying or what your point is. We are probably thinking of completly different thing when we think about the "direction" of a Final Fantasy Game. No sense in continuing that discussion.




Also that whole thing with meandering plot and so on has at least as much to do with the ability of the people involved as it has to do with "direction".

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i meant direction, as in directed by a director. as in leadership. as in the person in charge of the game had a vision, and then directed his minions in the bringing of his vision to life.


not direction as in "go west" "take a left" "walk straight down this corridor for 30 hours"


notable game "directors": shigeru miyamoto, hironobu sakaguchi etc

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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i meant direction, as in directed by a director. as in leadership. as in the person in charge of the game had a vision, and then directed his minions in the bringing of his vision to life.


Ok, then its the same. I still don't understand what that has to do with any of your points and how in FFXII the directing was a "mess".


Bad Direction? I'd personally agree (not fully since I like several parts of XIII still) but even that would be arguable since its really opinion related (A colleague of mine for example has 13 as his favorite FF. He's not really THAT deep into gaming though but plays popular games.)


A "mess" though? No way in hell. A "mess" in the direction department implies to me that the project wasn't lead tightly enough. If the "direction" was a "mess" every designer/artist/programmer/whatever on the project would have done what they wanted or for example not enough time would have been spent on feature X. (Of course there would be probably a few other people like producers involved in that too)


In XIII's case. It was. Too much so, actually as I've seen several sources indicating that Toryiama (The Director) took too much creative control of the project interfering in the writing and design departements and rewriting a LOT of stuff to fit his own "vision". (Thats based on rumors though so....) Of course you can also call that a "mess" in the end. But that has less to do with "directional" ablities than it has to do with the Director beeing able to "write" a coherent story. He wanted to have a linear experience. He wanted a cutscene simulator (And he made related comments before release too)


So when it comes down to it I'm just arguing your use of the word "mess". Its a complete mess in the narrative sense I agree with you. I just don't see how its in a "directional" (in the Leadership sense) a mess.

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Well, from what I remember people on the team didn't have an idea of how the game would play for a long time, and Square pushed a plan for a lot of tie-ins, in-the-same-universe game without.. actually planning the universe and what the game will entail first.


? The Fabula Nova Crystallis isn't in-the-same-universe. They are based on some of the same lore though IIRC.

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I'm not too big on the specifics, so you probably shouldn't ask me. Judging by all the delays and the FFXIII post-mortem, there was a remarkable lack of planning. The kind of thing that would lead to the cancellation of the project for developers that are smaller and can't afford to throw resources after resources like Square Enix can and does, and that don't have a flagship franchise as big as Final Fantasy.

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i agree with worstusernameever.


stories abound of the entire production of FF13 being "a hot mess"


so i was not surprised when the game itself was actually a hot mess. steaming hot. which is too bad, cause i was really excited by the marketing speech about lightning being their goal at creating a character with the appeal of cloud, but a girl. and she got shoved into a game that was so much of a mess, that i couldn't tell if i liked her or not because the game was getting in my way.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I'm not too big on the specifics, so you probably shouldn't ask me. Judging by all the delays and the FFXIII post-mortem, there was a remarkable lack of planning. The kind of thing that would lead to the cancellation of the project for developers that are smaller and can't afford to throw resources after resources like Square Enix can and does, and that don't have a flagship franchise as big as Final Fantasy.




Not exactly arguing that. Also I agree that everything surrounding 13 and the Crystallis is a mess from several standpoints.


I still don't agree that FF13 was a "mess". It's nowhere near what I would call a "mess". I've seen "messes". We're currently on the forum of a company (no offense guys :) ) that makes messes. (Nearly) every WRPG I've played was more of a "mess" than FF13 (And way more enjoyable despite beeing "messes")


It's a specific, tightly directed, polished game. That doesn't mean it's good, it doesn't have problems with its narrative or it isn't INSANLY restricted.

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we obviously have polar opposite opinions of what constitutes a mess.


i would say alpha protocol was a bit of a mess, but new vegas was the thing that is farthest from a mess, whatever that mythical thing might be.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The direction of a FF game?


It's straight ahead.




More straight ahead.


More battle.




Japanese devs always put presentation over substance.



just noticed this. you've never actually played final fantasy 6 or 7 have you?

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The direction of a FF game?


It's straight ahead.




More straight ahead.


More battle.




Japanese devs always put presentation over substance.



just noticed this. you've never actually played final fantasy 6 or 7 have you?

7, I tried at least. But I had to put this nonsense off since the characters were comprised of boxes and cones and spheres only and stuff.


6 I presume had quader big pixels?


Seriously, who can endure such a ****? Why do people torture themselves so much?

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