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SW: The Old Republic Part 2


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For much of my surprise, I'm somewhat interested in this game. The companions seem to be once again the Bioware special 1.0 (I love you and I'm virgin, lets get married) crap, but how the story and quest parts? Can you finish any quests without violence? Are they more complicated than "go there and kill 10 squirrels"?


And the most important question: Can you be truly manipulative and evil bastard as a sith, or maybe even as a jedi? And by this I mean are you able to corrupt and destroy peoples lives and cause long term suffering or is it once again the "give me your lollipop or I kill you" -way?

Edited by Slinky
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And the most important question: Can you be truly manipulative and evil bastard as a sith, or maybe even as a jedi? And by this I mean are you able to corrupt and destroy peoples lives and cause long term suffering or is it once again the "give me your lollipop or I kill you" -way?


I think some of its hard to say just yet, the character stories are split into three chapters (not including the prologue) and they have said that you'll see different results depending on your choices you made in previous chapters... As of yet, I'm still in chapter 1 of my Sith Inquisitor, but there have been a mixture of corrupting choices, slightly sociopathic choices, and outright "hm, you have a holocron that could lead to a sith weapon so I'll kill you rather then free you from this republic jail" type of choices. Of course, the latter led to you having one of your key contacts on the world turn on you because the sith was his son... You did get some of the undercurrents of Sith backbiting and machiavellian behaviours on korriban, so it'll be interesting to see if any of those have long term effects.


Since I'd actually hit level 20 with my SI, I thought I'd have a short break and look at the other side, so just started up a Jedi Knight and I have to say that Typhon is a completely fresh atmosphere compared to Korriban. Don't get me wrong, Korriban was fun in that Sith, arid , ruined landscape.. but the difference in feel is quite interesting.


Also, realised they don't seem to let you put people on your friends list if you're Republic and they're Sith.. So looks like no cross-faction chatting.. Or there just happens to be something wrong with how I made the attempt. :lol:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I'm on Rogue Moon, like in the Beta. Going the painfully foreseeable Jedi Knight route (and so far enjoying it a ton more than I ever did the consular). If anyone of you happens to be on the same server and for whatever masochistic reason wants to team up with me, pm me here and I'll give you the necessary info.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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And the most important question: Can you be truly manipulative and evil bastard as a sith, or maybe even as a jedi? And by this I mean are you able to corrupt and destroy peoples lives and cause long term suffering or is it once again the "give me your lollipop or I kill you" -way?

I often thought my light side Consular was a sociopath. Her willingness to take a wrecking ball to people's lives for some vague greater good combined with her complete emotional detachment made me think of her as an evil bastard.


Of course, I don't think that was BioWare's intent.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Well, after an evening "pre-christmas meal" with friends this night, I'm going to jump back in for a short amount of playing with a couple of cobra's in me (the beer, not the snake).


I've been bouncing a little between characters today to explore what's going on. All on Corellian Run, Sith Inquisitor - Drayke, and the Bounty Hunter - Khayul, along with the Jedi Knight - Ehtiar.


The pure atmosphere difference between Korriban and Typhon is quite interesting, and certainly adds to the shift in world view between Sith and Jedi. I'm not sure just yet if the Bounty Hunter is grabbing me or not.


Edit: Note to self, attempting to log in around midnight gmt (especially on a weekend) means waiting in a queue for at least 10 minutes..

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Yeah, these queu's have been a killer, but I'm not going to change servers just yet. I think it will balance out a bit with all the new servers Bioware is opening up.


It only seems to kick in like that for me in that time frame.. so it's not like it's too much of a hassle normally. Well, at least not yet it isn't. :(

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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As the game releases on the 20th, it will probably be rough for the next week.

Curiously, a lot of the Euro English servers that were really hammered during the beta have been on a really low load. + if you're gonna play an MMO, why not do it on a server that sound vaguely like a gay porn movie? :(

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I did an Esselles run tonight, my first attempt at a Flashpoint. It was fantastic. Bioware really figured out how to make a fantastic co-op roleplaying experience. The conversations are handled so well, it's just perfect.

I did the heroic on Tython, and that was already quite a bit of fun.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I did an Esselles run tonight, my first attempt at a Flashpoint. It was fantastic. Bioware really figured out how to make a fantastic co-op roleplaying experience. The conversations are handled so well, it's just perfect.

I did the heroic on Tython, and that was already quite a bit of fun.


My jedi knight has done everything on Tython but the heroic... I really need to get that done before I leave planet.


I seem to have picked up the habit of focusing on all the class-story and world-quests.. I pick up the Heroics..but I don't actually focus on doing them. I'll join a group if I notice people asking for extras, and I'm not engaged elsewhere, but I keep forgetting about them and suddenly realising I'm about to leave the world with this mass of heroic missions left on my log...


Found my fourth datacron on Balmorra, and then took a side trip to build my first "matrix shard cube". :(


Think I'll start todays gameplay with some space missions though, just for that arcadey feel...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Esseles is definately my favorite so far. Hammer station and athiss were more of just killing things and less of the co-op roleplay stuff. And dear lord stop with the jedi loot drops already. ><

Edited by tripleRRR

Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Did the Talon (the Essles Sith version) and thought that the conversation system seemed.... off. Sometimes it'd be the one person who bucked the trend who won the "conversation" so our party would seem schizophrenic.



At home now so no more play until the 30th/31st

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Did the Talon (the Essles Sith version) and thought that the conversation system seemed.... off. Sometimes it'd be the one person who bucked the trend who won the "conversation" so our party would seem schizophrenic.



At home now so no more play until the 30th/31st


Ah, they did say they have it so the roll is potentially modified if the majority of a group all choose the same option, but I guess it's still possible for even the standout to win the roll.


I have to admit, my SI did Talon twice. Once where they went with the "kill the captain, kill the prisoner, be dark side jerks" and once where it was more.. "we're dark side, but we're kind of sensible in what we do".


And on a total side note, it is amazing how satisfying it can feel to punch a Hutt.

Nar Shadda is so much smoother when you have access to a speeder...


I'm trying to take the view that you need to be loyal to your troops and such - ie, you have to maintain and clean your tools, equipment and guns if you expect them to work in battle , you should treat the troops in the same manner. Twisting them up and breaking them leaves them useless... but it's kind of funny how that can hit you with light side points.


Or when you have to undermine a Sith Lord's cult.. you can take the bloody and violent route, wiping out some gangs in the area to build strictly short term popularity with the people who make up the cult. Or you can take the more methodical, long term results one, by infiltrating a company, stealing some chemicals and using those to cure a disease amongst the population. Which provides you with a much more secure base of power - but yes, again that turns out to be light side.


Still, I'm mostly walking the grey path, have about 1,450 light side points..and 1,450 dark side points.. It would be nice if they actually introduced rewards for neatral folks as well as if you go full light or dark....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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So, now a lvl 16 Sith Inquisitor and having a great time. Im a low down rotten bastard that will lightning you in the back the minute the opportunity presents itself. I very much enjoy the way you interact with the quest giver NPC's but sometimes catch myself trying to game the system to win approval with my meat shield companion. Hes one serious sonuvabiatch. If I even say "nice to meet you" I get the dreaded [Val -1]. :ermm:


Ive done every quest and instance possible for my level and IMO the individual instances are a huge step forward for MMO's. Not having 25 other people trying to gank the same quest objective is really nice. Ah, server que, I had forgotton your harsh lesson. Friday at 9:30 Central Time I was number 606 in que. That took about an hour to get through.

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Aw, but that was fun on PVP servers in WoW, quest zones become battlefields.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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