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SED (David Hoffman) tweet teases about two projects Square Enix projects announced soon. The article speculates that one of them could be a DSIII DLC but its really too vague a tweet to say anything



So, Dave Hoffman spearheaded Supreme Commander 2 and DSIII. Both games which horribly failed. Why is that guy still working at SE?

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Euclideon. The guys behind that "Unlimited Detail" thing from last year are back with a presentation video. Either they are just incredibly dedicated to a fake or there is actually something behind it. No idea myself, though I doubt it hard.


Edited by C2B
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Arkham City costume pre-order bonuses.


Beyond seems to be UK only. Pardon me while I go outside and scream obscenities into the night. But the information isn't final (or in that link, it's spread across several sites).

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Sounds like they reinvented "Eidolon" and "Rescue on Fractalus" (obscure references with meanings hidden for anybody but true geeks) :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It doesn't help that it sounds like their understanding of 3D graphics comes from Wikipedia and that the presentation is very very very very very badly done.


They could just be dumbing down their explanations so that people will understand it on some superficial level.


I like how it looks but like others, I'm skeptical/indifferent until we get some actual games on it.

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I already posted that :yucky:


My bad. I seen Euclideon, but it just didn't click.




Anyway Carmacks response



Re Euclideon, no chance of a game on current gen systems, but maybe several years from now. Production issues will be challenging.


So hypertheticly speaking it could be possible on current high end PCs.



nice destruction physics. Edited by Bos_hybrid
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I already posted that :yucky:


My bad. I seen Euclideon, but it just didn't click.




Anyway Carmacks response



Re Euclideon, no chance of a game on current gen systems, but maybe several years from now. Production issues will be challenging.


So hypertheticly speaking it could be possible on current high end PCs.



nice destruction physics.


That's ****e.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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That's ****e.


Graphics wise absolutely, however the physics were pretty good.


I wasn't on about the graphics, I do find it amusing that you'd find that impressive.


Oh well I won't argue with you, I know that what I've seen is basic. In the same way people have lauded BF:BC 2's destruction, I'll just shake my head.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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That's ****e.


Graphics wise absolutely, however the physics were pretty good.


I wasn't on about the graphics, I do find it amusing that you'd find that impressive.

Not sure why.

If your not familiar with the developer then you should know Cryptic Sea made some really interesting bridge building games.

Better psychic could really improve them, assuming they'll ever get released.

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the news on Diablo 3 stinks. I bought almost half a dozen copies of D2. I'll buy a copy of D3, but that's probably all I'll buy. Right now it seems sort of like a kick to the groin for all the Blizzard fans out there in relation to the always on internet in order to simply play SP.


Or, for the first time I'm actually considering perhaps simply NOT buying and waiting for a pirated version...even though in the past I've felt that's morally wrong.


Ironic that their "protection" would even make me consider such an action. I'm pretty furious.


I'll probably just buy the legit version, one time only...but I'm still peeved, and I'm thinking this will do more to encourage piracy than any other game out yet due to this ridiculous move.

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Shadowrun Browsergame in development


Smith & Tinker has optioned the Shadowrun PC license rights to independent developer Cliffhanger Productions. Game creative is currently being developed in collaboration with original creator Jordan Weisman as Cliffhanger actively seeks partners for financing and distribution. Jan Wagner, co-founder of Cliffhanger Productions notes, "we are looking forward to working on one of the world's greatest and longest running RPG's with hundreds of publications and a huge number of fans." The Shadowrun PC game is scheduled for release in 2012.



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the news on Diablo 3 stinks. I bought almost half a dozen copies of D2. I'll buy a copy of D3, but that's probably all I'll buy. Right now it seems sort of like a kick to the groin for all the Blizzard fans out there in relation to the always on internet in order to simply play SP.


Or, for the first time I'm actually considering perhaps simply NOT buying and waiting for a pirated version...even though in the past I've felt that's morally wrong.


Ironic that their "protection" would even make me consider such an action. I'm pretty furious.


I'll probably just buy the legit version, one time only...but I'm still peeved, and I'm thinking this will do more to encourage piracy than any other game out yet due to this ridiculous move.


I think the pirate-crews will possibly be pretty happy - seems like they really dig challenges.


If you're peeved about their system, why buy a copy at all? Better to send a statement not giving them your money at all.

I know I ain't gonna.


I'll take Hard Reset instead

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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SquareEnixDave's tweet. One of two might be DSIII DLC?
Working on two new things. Well, one is 'sort of' new. Announcements should be coming soon! Wish I could say more but can't.


"Sort of" new, he said?


I meant, wat.


Sorry but I don't think London is in North America.


the project is being managed through Square Enix London Studios, which also worked with Rocksteady Studios on Batman: Arkham Asylum and Avalanche Studios on Just Cause 2.
Edited by funcroc
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