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Hey, Squeenix at lkeast gets credit for not saying that if Beethoven were alive today he'd be Britney Spears which puts them a bit ahead of 2k on the irrelevant IP resurrection stakes.



SE is a Japanese company, they only know making sequels, it's this archaic thinking in their minds that will cause their demise one day.


2K at least invests into lots of new IPs.

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Anyone who seriously thinks a game like DSIII would actually sell well needs to check a doctor.


Whoever came up with the dumb idea to revive an irrelevant IP needs to get fired. *looks at Square-Enix* All this money and time could have been used for a new and interesting IP instead.

So far it has fared well, besides its a good game.


Methinks that they had planed to try and break into the western market from the beginning of the fiscal year with irrelevant IPs like Dungeon Siege or Deus Ex. :brows:

Better that they develop new IPs like Bulletstorm or Hunted. :x

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Here's a totally unrelated picture of Amber Heard.

she's a lesbian (not that I have a problem with that, just clarifying) :brows:


Bi-sexual, get your facts right :x

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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"Anyone who seriously thinks a game like DSIII would actually sell well needs to check a doctor.


Whoever came up with the dumb idea to revive an irrelevant IP needs to get fired. *looks at Square-Enix* All this money and time could have been used for a new and interesting IP instead."


Nonsense. DS series has sold millions of copies. if DS3 hasn't, it's not the Ip's fault.



"So far it has fared well, besides its a good game."


Nah, not really. Whetehr you (or I) personally think it's a good game is completely and utterly irrelevant.


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According to leaked NPD June numbers, DSIII sold around 100k. Not a great number. From what I have been able to gather from EU and NA sales, the game did unfortunately not sell in great numbers. The question is how much the game was expected to sell to begin with?

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According to leaked NPD June numbers, DSIII sold around 100k. Not a great number. From what I have been able to gather from EU and NA sales, the game did unfortunately not sell in great numbers. The question is how much the game was expected to sell to begin with?


They were expecting 1 mill...damn that's really poor sales...

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I can't tell, but is there actually a difference between Battlefield and the MW games?

Battlefield games generally have longer SP levels and are less dependent on creating a "cinematic experience" by herding you along a single path from one scripted encounter to the other.*


*(Based on my experience of Bad Company 1 and 2).

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Told you so.


Hopefully lessons are learned and Obsidian will be a bit more picky in the future on what projects they're working on. If it turns out RPGs don't sell that well anymore, they better start making shooters. Fallout 3 and Mass Effect show that that is the future.

More phone calls from the twilight zone.


(I'm not seeing a lot of signs that say Obsidian has a lot of room in picking the projects they work on, unfortunately).

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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"(I'm not seeing a lot of signs that say Obsidian has a lot of room in picking the projects they work on, unfortunately)."


That's 100% their fault.


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According to leaked NPD June numbers, DSIII sold around 100k. Not a great number. From what I have been able to gather from EU and NA sales, the game did unfortunately not sell in great numbers. The question is how much the game was expected to sell to begin with?


So I was right, after all. :brows:

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We can't really judge if 100k sold is a bad number, because we don't know how expensive that game was. :>

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I can't tell, but is there actually a difference between Battlefield and the MW games?

Battlefield games generally have longer SP levels and are less dependent on creating a "cinematic experience" by herding you along a single path from one scripted encounter to the other.*


*(Based on my experience of Bad Company 1 and 2).


They are extremely different in multiplayer. Do they even have vehicles in MW3? You can load a full crew into a chopper in the Battlefield games and make it rain lead. You can roll into the enemies base with tanks. I only played the original MW, but the pacing of the action in the two games is quite different.

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There were many corners cut in DSIII to save costs. Like turning the PC faces away from the camera during conversations in order to save animation rigs for faces...


Still 100k is not good. Doesn't even break even.


But Ferg "would love to make DS4". For Christs sake Ferg...


100K isn't good if 1mil was the projected sales over the first few weeks.


100K isn't great, but it isn't THAT bad, also you don't know what the budget was.


Realistically, you cannot say it was a failure, you don't have enough information, neither do I.


One does expect that in terms of sales its been a failure, based upon the assumed 1mil sales figure and the 100k knowledge.


I get the feeling Obsidian haven't lost money - Square, well they may have.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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"We can't really judge if 100k sold is a bad number, because we don't know how expensive that game was."


Yes, we can. 100k sold in the first month of a new main stream release in the eyar 2011 is a bad number. It's not even debateable. IF the number is accurate it's a mega fail. A genuine bomb.



"I get the feeling Obsidian haven't lost money - Square, well they may have."


As the contracted developer, it's hard for Obsidian to 'lose' money on their games since the costs tend to be eaten by the publisher. But, it just means they're gonna have a harder time to convince other publishers to give them more jobs or any kind of decent deal. This can lead to even more cuts making things even ahrder for Obsidian to do and morec orners being cut which can lead to Obsidian's death. It's the same thing that happened to Troika.


But, anyone trying to spin 100k sales as a positive are just plain delusional.


Then again, the Obsidian fnaboys who claim 100k is a success for DS3 are likely the same peeps who claimed 2mil for DA2 meant it was a failure. L0LZ


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"We can't really judge if 100k sold is a bad number, because we don't know how expensive that game was."


Yes, we can. 100k sold in the first month of a new main stream release in the eyar 2011 is a bad number. It's not even debateable. IF the number is accurate it's a mega fail. A genuine bomb.



"I get the feeling Obsidian haven't lost money - Square, well they may have."


As the contracted developer, it's hard for Obsidian to 'lose' money on their games since the costs tend to be eaten by the publisher. But, it just means they're gonna have a harder time to convince other publishers to give them more jobs or any kind of decent deal. This can lead to even more cuts making things even ahrder for Obsidian to do and morec orners being cut which can lead to Obsidian's death. It's the same thing that happened to Troika.


But, anyone trying to spin 100k sales as a positive are just plain delusional.


Then again, the Obsidian fnaboys who claim 100k is a success for DS3 are likely the same peeps who claimed 2mil for DA2 meant it was a failure. L0LZ


Volo Lexx has a valid point, we don't know how big the budget was. It certainly wouldn't be consider a commercial success, I don't think anyone is saying that.


DA2 was a commercial success, it was a massive failure in quality, it was a massive failure for fan expectation etc... etc... DS3 looks like its been a failed project, but I don't think Obsidian are idiots for paying the bills with a project like DS3.


The only time I've seen Obsidian let people go was when a project has been pulled from underneath them, also, letting staff go can be the most sensible thing you could wish to do depending upon the situation.


Obsidian have been alot more successful than Troika, that's not even worth discussing, and I'm sorry but the only people who really know if this is a good/bad/awful thing ain't gunna come here and let us know.


If Obsidian start letting people go, assume that its bad news, if obsidian don't announce a new project in the next 6 months or so, assume things are looking bleak as f***. I don't think that's going to happen.

Edited by Nightshape

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Battlefield games generally have longer SP levels and are less dependent on creating a "cinematic experience" by herding you along a single path from one scripted encounter to the other.*


*(Based on my experience of Bad Company 1 and 2).

Bad Company 1 and 2 are the only Battlefield games that even have single player levels.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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DA2 was a commercial success, it was a massive failure in quality, it was a massive failure for fan expectation etc... etc...

No. Failure in quality versus failure in fan expectations are two different things. Fans ususally change their minds and expectations more frequently than their socks.


Bioware experimented a bit more with DA2 and I think they pulled it off. It sure as hell beats the drab DA:O. It also shows in the sale numbers.

Edited by Morgoth
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"Volo Lexx has a valid point, we don't know how big the budget was."


We do know that in 2011, main stream games like DS3 need to sell more than 100k units in the first month to succeed. The Obsidian staff budget - let alone SS's - over the 2-3 years of development is likely heavy. Throw in actualm development, marketing, and everything else and no way cna this game be considered a hit at 100k. Plus, suppsoedly accoridng to these forums, SS was looking for sales of 1mil. 100k is not 1mil.



"DA2 was a commercial success, it was a massive failure in quality, it was a massive failure for fan expectation etc... etc... DS3 looks like its been a failed project, but I don't think Obsidian are idiots for paying the bills with a project like DS3."


DA2 was not a failure in quality. It's just as good as DA1. that said, that's just opinion either way therefore menaingless. Let's not change the subject here. We're talking about finanical stuff and facts.



"Obsidian have been alot more successful than Troika, that's not even worth discussing"


It is worth discussing. Yes, Obsidian is more successful - afterall, Troika fail victim to the 3 strikes law. Obsidian is on their 2nd strike. Sega flat out said that AP was a bomb, and it seems that DS3 - a sequel to a multi million selling - series has semeingly done as poorly or even worse.


I perosnally don't think obsidian is gonna fold anytime soon. They have some good will saved up due to their success with NWN2, KOTOR2 (kinda since LA wasn't exactly pleased with KOTOR2's performance), and espicially the mega hit FO3.5:LV. But, if you think DS3 doesn't hurt them don't be silly. Of course, that's assuming the 100k quote is accuirate.


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